Materials that support application of the Regional SDAMs
This page links to materials that support the application of the Regional SDAMs, including the Web Application for Regional SDAMs. For more information, please visit the pages About Regional SDAMs or How the Regional SDAMs were developed, or the Regional SDAMs Frequently asked questions.
On this page:
- User manuals
- Field forms
- Shapefiles to determine which Regional SDAM is needed
- Web Application for Regional SDAMs code
- Training materials
- Field equipment and reference materials
- Background Materials
- SDAM for the Pacific Northwest User Manual
- SDAM for the Arid West and the Western Mountains User Manual
- SDAM for the Great Plains User Manual
- Beta SDAM for the Northeast and Southeast User Manual
- Survey 123 templates
Please visit the Regional SDAM Survey 123 page for instructions on how to create a survey to support data collection for the Regional SDAMs. - PDFs
- Pacific Northwest field form
- Arid West field form
- Western Mountains field form
- Great Plains field form
- Arid West and Western Mountains combined field form
- Beta Northeast and Southeast are available on the Beta SDAMs web page
Shapefiles to determine which Regional SDAM is needed (shp and kmz)
Web Application for Regional SDAMs code
R code used to create the Web Application for Regional SDAMs is available on GitHub.
- Training videos - Videos on the Regional SDAMs YouTube playlist provide training and information on the EPA's Regional Streamflow Duration Assessment Methods (SDAMs).
- The playlist includes videos for:
- All Regional SDAMs: Introduction to SDAMs (pdf), Stream reach placement considerations (pdf), and information on the Web Application for Regional SDAMs and data interpretation (pdf).
- Arid West and Western Mountains SDAMs: Method development for the Arid West and Western Mountains (pdf).
- Great Plains SDAM: Method development for the Great Plains (pdf)
- Pacific Northwest SDAM: Method development for the Pacific Northwest (pdf), Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Indicators (pdf), Wetland Plants and Slope Indicators (pdf), Single Indicators (pdf).
- Please check back often as more videos are being added regularly.
Field equipment and reference materials
- Regional SDAMs suggested field equipment list
- Reference materials for field identification of indicators of plants, aquatic macroinvertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, and bankfull indicators SDAM reference materials for field ID (xlsx)
- Macroinvertebrate Indicators of Streamflow Duration in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho: A Field Guide
- Data analysis reports
- Development of the SDAM for the Pacific Northwest
- Development of the SDAMs for the AW, WM, GP, NE and SE - COMING SOON
- Development of each beta SDAM can be found on the beta SDAMs page.
- Data used to develop the Regional SDAMs
- Data Used to Develop the SDAM for the Pacific Northwest
- Data Used to Develop the beta SDAMs can be found on the beta SDAMs page.
- Data used to develop the final SDAMs for the AW, WM, GP, NE and SE - COMING SOON
- Code for SDAM development - COMING SOON
- Literature reviews
- Literature reviews for each beta SDAM can be accessed on the Beta SDAM page
For more information, please refer to the frequently asked questions about applying Regional SDAMs.