CompTox Chemicals Dashboard: Latest News
CompTox Chemicals Dashboard (Version 2.5.2) has been released
February 4, 2025
The PERCEPTA prediction data are updated using Percepta2023.1.2. These data can be found on the following tabs:
- Physchem Prop.
- Batch Search > Physicochemical Property Values checkbox
For more information, please see the release notes. Thank you for your support and feedback.
CompTox Chemicals Dashboard (Version 2.5.1) has been released
January 13, 2025
Notable items with this new release include:
- Batch Search
- InChIKey Skeleton search download functionality is restored
- Safety Data selection allows batch file to download
- Hover-over help texts are restored
- To enhance accessibility, informational text has been added to the batch search workflow
- Executive Summary links are redirecting appropriately
- Assay List gene URL links are redirecting appropriately
For more information, please see the release notes. Thank you for your support and feedback.
CompTox Chemicals Dashboard (Version 2.5) has been released
November 05, 2024
Notable items with this new release include:
- Data update including:
- ToxValDB - Hazard and Executive Summary tabs
- High Throughput Phenotypic Profiling (HTPP) – Bioactivity > HTPP: Summary subtab
- Factotum/ChemExpoDB – Exposure > Product & Use Categories, Chemical Weight Fraction, and Chemical Functional Use subtabs, as well as the homepage Products/Use Categories search
- SeqAPASS – Bioactivity > ToxCast: Summary subtab (SeqAPASS column in data table)
- Updated features:
- Advanced Search > Molecular Formula Search has a new option, Formula Contains that has been made the default selection
- In the downloaded Batch Search file after MS-Ready SMILES are selected, MS-Ready mass and MS-Ready formulae are now included
- Reply column has been added to the Comments page
- Updated the Hazard and HTPP data and assay descriptions, respectively, to accordions to be more widely accessible
Please remember to clear your browser cache for full CCD functionality with each new release (e.g., under “clear browsing data” in Chrome)
For more information, please see the release notes. Thank you for your support and feedback.
CompTox Chemicals Dashboard (Version 2.4) has been released
April 16, 2024
Notable items with this new release include:
- Data updates including a refresh of DSStox data, data feeding into Structure Substructure Search, ADME > IVIVE, Predicted Probability of Functional Use, and Biomonitoring data
- Enhanced batch search
- New data option “ToxRefDB Details”
- Updated option “ToxCast Assays: AC50”
Please remember to clear your browser cache for full CCD functionality with each new release (e.g., under “clear browsing data” in Chrome)
For more information, please see the release notes. Thank you for your support and feedback.
CompTox Chemicals Dashboard (Version 2.3) has been released
December 13, 2023
Notable items with this new release include:
- Data updates using InvitroDBv4.1 data, CPDat 4.0 (pre-publication version),, and Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) data including only current OECD endorsed AOPs, as of February 2023.
- New EPA HAWC sub-tab
- Enhanced HTTr Summary plots with toggles for cell type and exposure duration
- Enhanced home page chemical search
- Provides search suggestions when available
- Provides a table of chemicals when a single search yields more than one match (e.g., pfos). This is executed by hitting the keyboard “enter” button after typing the ambiguous term
- Enhanced batch search
- New button “Replace Batch Search Chemical” under Display All Chemicals that converts CASRN, names, and InChiKey to DTXSIDs and de-duplicates and puts them back in the search box
- Downloaded file contains all of the user’s search terms
For more information, please see the release notes. Thank you for your support and feedback.
CompTox Chemicals Dashboard (Version 2.2.1) has been released
May 5, 2023
Notable items with this new release include:
- Update of ToxValDBv9.4 data
- Update to the physchem property and environmental fate/transport data, specifically with OPERA v2.6
For more information, please see the release notes. Thank you for your support and feedback.
CompTox Chemicals Dashboard (Version 2.2.0) has been released
March 17, 2023
Notable items with this new release include:
- Addition of an ACToR tab containing legacy data
- Update of ToxValDBv9.3 data, including new sub-tabs (Hazard, Cancer, Genotoxicity, and Skin/Eye)
- New Structure Substructure Searching capability available under the “Search” tab
- Addition of Analytical QC data for PFAS compounds in the HTTr and HTTP data tables
- and several bug fixes
For more information, please see the release notes. As always, thank you to the many stakeholders who have provided valuable feedback on how you use the Dashboard and issues that you may have encountered.
CompTox Chemicals Dashboard (Version 2.1.1) has been released
December 1, 2022
Notable items with this new release include:
- A new link to an updated set of Help Pages containing new information
- Moving the chemistry-related data tabs under a single tab
- reCAPTCHA implementation to ensure continued functionality
- Updating the Production Volume data
- Updating the ADME > IVIVE table using the latest HTTK R-package v2.2.1 algorithm
- and several bug fixes
For more information, please see the release notes. As always, thank you to the many stakeholders who have provided valuable feedback on how you use the Dashboard and issues that you may have encountered.
Register for the CompTox Chemicals Dashboard training
September 28, 2022
Training for the CompTox Chemicals Dashboard will be held on October 18, 2022 from 2:00 - 4:30pm EST.
This training will provide:
- An overview of the Dashboard content and function
- Information about the latest release of the Dashboard
- Application-oriented use-case demonstrations in the areas of General use, Hazard/Bioactivity, Exposure/ADME-IVIVE, and Chemistry
- Opportunities for participatory learning and engagement
Breakout portion information:
General: This session is meant for beginner users or those who wish to work through examples that use a wide range of tabs in the CompTox Chemicals Dashboard for general familiarity.
Hazard/Bioactivity: This session is meant for users interested in case examples focusing on the in vivo animal data (both human and ecology focused) and in vitro data. This session will focus on the Hazard, Bioactivity, and Lists of Assays tabs.
Exposure/ADME-IVIVE: This session is meant for users interested in case examples focusing on exposure data (e.g., use categories and biomonitoring data) both measured and predicted, as well as in vitro to in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) related data (e.g., intrinsic metabolic clearance, half-life). This session will focus on the Exposure and 'ADME>IVIVE' tabs.
Chemistry: This session is meant for users interested in case examples focusing on the chemistry-focused data (e.g., physchem properties - measured and predicted, environmental fate/transport, chemical structures, chemical lists). This session will focus on the Details, Properties, Environmental Fate/Transport, and Advanced Search tabs.
Please contact [email protected] with any questions.
CompTox Chemicals Dashboard Release Version 2.1 - Fall 2022
September 9, 2022
CompTox Chemicals Dashboard (Version 2.1) has been release. Please see the release notes for more information. Please note that these updates may not load properly if the cache is not cleared. To do this, please refer to the instructions for your specific browser. As always, thank you to the many stakeholders who have provided valuable feedback on how you use the Dashboard and issues that you may have encountered.
NAMs Training Website and Save-the-Date for the CompTox Chemicals Dashboard Training
July 22, 2022
The NAMs training program outlined in the NAM work plan to create training courses and workshops for interested stakeholders is well underway. The NAMs Training website is online with a wealth of easily searchable information and training materials about EPA NAMs research and tools, including the CompTox Chemicals Dashboard.
A virtual training on the CompTox Chemicals Dashboard will be held on October 18, 2022, 2 - 4:30 pm EDT. Please email: [email protected] to be added to the mailing list.
CompTox Chemicals Dashboard Release 2.0.2
July 19, 2022
We apologize for the inconvenience. We had some technical challenges after a fix to correct an error due to internal maintenance, which led to several issues. An updated fix has been implemented. Please see the release notes. Thank you.
CompTox Chemicals Dashboard Release 2.0.1
June 24, 2022
CompTox Chemicals Dashboard (Version 2.0.1) has been release. Please see the release notes. As always, thank you to the many stakeholders who have provided valuable feedback on how you use the Dashboard and issues that you may have encountered.
The new Dashboard is a complete rebuild and is replacing the CompTox Chemicals Dashboard released on July 12th 2020.
December 8, 2021
Check out the new CCD Dashboard About Page for details about the CCD Dashboard. The CCD Users Manual can help get you started.
Please log issues or questions using the Submit Comments function/button in the Menu bar.
Known Issues
- Browser Cache: In order to properly load the new CompTox Chemical Dashboard and data, please clear the browser cache. We are observing issues caused by browser cache. Refer to the specific instructions on how to clear the cache for the various browsers.
- Chemical Lists:
- Issue: Some hyperlinks for the list acronyms (e.g. toxcast_phaseI, etc.) in the chemical list description are not functional i.e. all chemicals in the list are not displayed.
- Workaround: To select a particular list in the chemical list, perform the following steps:
- Select Chemical Lists from the Comptox Dashboard home page
- Enter the list acronym in the filter box below the "List Acronym" header
- Select the list to see all of the chemicals in that list
- Chemical Result Sets:
- Issue: Anywhere within the Comptox Chemicals Dashboard that displays a list of chemicals, either from a user entered search or preconfigured lists linked from a searched chemical details. The sort function on the upper toolbar does not always work.
- Workaround: The initial view of all these result sets is the Ag-grid view. Use the column header sort function to get your desired sort:
- Click on the header of the column you desire to sort on.
- Once you click on the header it will show an arrow icon pointing up for an ascending order sort or down for descending order sort.
- Clicking on the column header multiple times will cycle though ascending, descending, and then removing the sort order.