RSEI Data Dictionary: Off-site Data
The following tables provide descriptions for each field in each table. Note that for the Geographic Microdata, "Other Geographies" includes block groups, census tracts, and ZIP code files. For more information, see the RSEI methodology document and the RSEI Microdata documentation.
The Off-site table contains the condensed list of quasi-unique off-site facilities to which TRI reporters transfer waste. Only incinerators and POTWs are modeled by RSEI, so verification of addresses and locations are focused on those off-site facilities.
These tables are from RSEI Version 2.3.12 (RY 2022) and cannot be used with tables from any other version.
RSEI Off-site Table (Spreadsheet) (xlsx)
RSEI Off-site Table (Text Format) (csv)
Off-site Data |
Variable | Description |
OffsiteID | Unique internal identifier for each off-site facility (text format). |
FacilityNumber | Unique internal identifier for each off-site facility (integer format). [Note this is different from the FacilityNumber field in the Facility table] |
TRIFID | Unique identifier from TRI, if offsite facility also reports to TRI (note, this is used for incinerators, and should not be relied on for crosswalking offsite facilities and reporting facilities). |
DropIncinerator | True if off-site has been identified as a TRI reporter or a RCRA hazardous waste incinerator. |
POTW_Incin | Identifies off-site facilities for which releases are modeled: 1= POTW; 2=Incinerator; 3=POTW and Incinerator. |
Name | Name of off-site facility, from TRI reporting, FRS, or other sources. |
Street | Best submitted street address for off-site facility. |
City | Best submitted city for off-site facility. |
State | Best submitted state for off-site facility. |
ZIPCode | Best submitted ZIP code for offsite facility. |
ZIP9 | This variable is not yet implemented. |
Latitude | Geocoded latitude in decimal degrees for off-site facility. |
Longitude | Geocoded longitude in decimal degrees for off-site facility. |
GridCode | Number that identifies the model grid within which the cell is located. |
Country | Null if off-site facility is located in the U.S.; otherwise country in which off-site facility is located. |
X | Assigned grid value based on latitude. |
Y | Assigned grid value based on longitude. |
Radial Distance | Distance from approximate center point of grid. |
StackHeight | Stack height used for modeling. |
StackVelocity | Stack velocity used for modeling. |
StackDiameter | Stack diameter used for modeling. |
StackParameterSource | Null if default stack parameters were used; otherwise source for stack parameters. |
FRSID | EPA's Facility Registry System (FRS) identifier. |
FRSYear | Year that the offsite facility was matched to the FRSID. |
HEM3ID | The ID assigned to the nearest National Weather Service (NWS) observation station. |
DistanceToHEM3 | The distance between a facility and the nearest observation station. |
WBANID | The ID assigned to the Weather Bureau/Army/Navy WeatherStation nearest to the facility. |
DistanceToWBAN | The distance between a facility and the nearest WBAN weather station (m). |
WaterReleases | 1 if off-site facility receives transfers to POTW. |
OutfallLongitude | Latitude associated with end of the pipe used for off-site facility’s discharge to water. |
OutfallLatitude | Longitude associated with end of the pipe used for off-site facility’s discharge to water. |
NearReach | 14-digit NHDPlus reach identifier associated with the reach that is nearest to off-site facility. |
NearComID | ComID from NHDPlus dataset that uniquely identifies reach segment nearest facility. |
DistanceToReach | The distance between an off-site facility discharging to water and the reach of the receiving water body (m). |
AssignedReach | 14-digit NHDPlus reach identifier associated with reach assigned by EPA or determined through QA. |
AssignedComID | ComID from NHDPlus dataset that uniquely identifies reach segment for assigned reach. |
ReachSource | Data source linking stream reach to facility. |
ReachNotes | Notes pertaining to stream reach assignment. |
LatLongSource | Source used to determine off-site facility coordinates. NA identifies records with insufficient information to determine location. |
LatLongYear | Year lat/long was last updated. |
LockLL | True if location was confirmed as correct using satellite data. |
CentroidAdjustment | True if facility’s FRS coordinates were modified from front door or street to approximate center of facility. |
NotesOnCoordinates | Notes on how off-site facility coordinates were derived. |
AdditionalSourcesforLocation | Web site, if any, used to determine location. |
LocationConfidence | Code describing confidence in location assigned to off-site: 1 = Confirmed in satellite view on map. 2 = Substantial information supporting location, including physical features such as settling ponds (2a), or a match to a business entry in google maps (2b). 3 = Geocoded address looks plausible given type of facility. 4 = No information to support geocoded address. |
Foreign | 1 if off-site is located outside the U.S. |