RSEI Bibliography
Primary Author | Year | Topic Area | Full Citation |
Abel, T. | 2007 | Policy | Abel, T., Stephan, M & Kraft, M. (2007). Environmental information disclosure and risk reduction among the states. State & Local Government Review: 153–165. |
Abel, T. | 2015 | Risk management or planning | Abel, T., White, J., & Clauson, S. (2015). Risky Business: Sustainability and Industrial Land Use Across Seattle’s Gentrifying Riskscape. Sustainability, 2015 (7), 15718-15753. |
Andersen, D. | 2020 | Facility performance | Andersen, D. (2020). Default Risk, Productivity, and the Environment: Theory and Evidence from U.S. Manufacturing. Environmental & Resource Economics 75 (40): 677-710. |
Andersen, D. | 2017 | Facility performance | Andersen, D. (2017). Do credit constraints favor dirty production? Theory and plant-level evidence. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 84, 189–208. |
Annenberg, S. | 2019 | Risk management or planning | Annenberg, S., and Kalman, C. (2019). Extreme Weather, Chemical Facilities, and Vulnerable Communities in the U.S. Gulf Coast: A Disastrous Combination. GeoHealth 3(5) 122-126, May. |
Antweiler, W. | 2017 | Policy | Antweiler, W. (2017). Emission trading for air pollution hot spots: getting the permit market right. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 19 (1), 35–58. |
Ard, K. | 2020 | Public health | Ard, K. and Bullock, C. (2020) Concentrating risk? The geographic concentration of health risk from industrial air toxics across America. Chapter 12 in Spatiotemporal Analysis of Air Pollution and Its Application in Public Health. Editors: Lixin Li, Xiaolu Zhou, Weitian Tong. Elsevier, 277-292, ISBN 9780128158227, ( |
Ard, K. | 2020 | Public health | Ard, K. (2020). 3D Charts: Air Pollution Changes in Metropolitan Detroit, 1988-2004, in Spatial Thinking in Environmental Contexts. 1st Edition. CRC Press, 81-90. |
Ard, K. | 2016 | Public health | Ard, K. (2016). By all measures: an examination of the relationship between segregation and health risk from air pollution. Population and Environment, 38 (1), 1–20. |
Ash, M. | 2016 | Policy | Ash, M., & Boyce, J.K. (2016). Assessing the jobs-environment relationship with matched data from US EEOC and US EPA. Working Paper 2016-03. University of Massachusetts – Amherst. |
Ash, M. | 2009 | Public health | Ash, M., Boyce, J.K., Chang, G., Pastor, M., Scoggins, J., & Tran, J. (2009). Justice in the Air: Tracking Toxic Pollution from America’s Industries and Companies to our States, Cities, and Neighborhoods. Political Economy Research Institute (Amherst, MA) and Program for Environmental and Regional Equity (Los Angeles, CA). |
Bae, H. | 2008 | Policy | Bae, H. et al. (2008). Information Disclosure Policy: Do States' Data Processing Efforts Help More than the Information Disclosure Itself? NBER Working Paper. |
Banzhaf, H. | 2008 | Policy | Banzhaf, H. & Randall, P. (2008). Do People Vote with Their Feet? An Empirical Test of Tiebout’s Mechanism. American Economic Review, 98 (3), 843–863. |
Berman, J. | 2018 | Public health | Berman, J., Mccormack, M., Koehler, K., Connolly, F., Clemons-Erby, D., Davis, M. & Curriero, F. (2018). School environmental conditions and links to academic performance and absenteeism in urban, mid-Atlantic public schools. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 221 (5), 800–808. |
Boyce, J. K. | 2012 | Global sustainability | Boyce, J. K., & Pastor, M. (2012). Cooling the Planet, Clearing the Air: Climate Policy, Carbon Pricing, and Co-Benefits. Portland, OR: Economics for Equity and the Environment; Washington, DC: Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. Online at |
Boyle, J. | 2023 | Public health | Boyle, J., Ward, M.H., Cerhan, J.R., Rothman, N., & D.C. Wheeler. (2023) Modeling historic environmental pollutant exposures and non-Hodgkin lymphoma risk. Environmental Research. Volume 224, 115506, ISSN 0013-9351, |
Brown, P. | 2022 | Community engagement | Brown, P. (2022). Industrial Pollution, Social Trust, and Civic Engagement: A Nationwide Study of the Socioenvironmental Nature of Social Capital. Sociological Perspectives, Jan. |
California Environmental Protection Agency Air Resources Board | 2010 | Policy | California Environmental Protection Agency Air Resources Board. (2010). Proposed Screening Method for Low-Income Communities Highly Impacted by Air Pollution for AB 32 Assessments. Release Date: April 21, 2010. |
Chang, X. | 2018 | Facility performance | Chang, X., K. Fu, T. Li, Tao, L. Tam, & Wong, G. (2018). Corporate Environmental Liabilities and Capital Structure. |
Charette, A.T. | 2022 | Facility performance | Charette, A.T., Hill, D.T., Collins, M.B., and Mirowsky, J.E. (2022). Assessing the quantity and toxicity of chemical releases from TRI facilities in Upstate New York. J Environ Stud Sci 12, 417–429. |
Choi, J. | 2023 | Policy | Choi, J., Hyun, J., Kim, G., and Park, Z. (2023). Trade Policy Uncertainty, Offshoring, and the Environment: Evidence from US Manufacturing Establishments. February 1. Available at SSRN: or |
Christian, W.J. | 2024 | Public health | Christian, W.J., Walker, C.J., McDowell, J., et al. (2024). Geographic and temporal trends in pediatric and young adult brain tumors in Kentucky, 1995–2019, Cancer Epidemiology, Volume 88, 2024, 102499, ISSN 1877-7821, |
Clark, B. R. | 2012 | Public health | Clark, B. R. (2012). Development of an Air Pollution Asthma Risk-Screening Model for Ohio Elementary Schools (Doctoral dissertation, The Ohio State University). |
Collins, M. | 2011 | Public health | Collins, M. (2011). Risk-Based Targeting: Identifying Disproportionalities in the Sources and Effects of Industrial Pollution. American Journal of Public Health: December 2011, Vol. 101, No. S1, pp. S231-S237. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2011.300120 |
Collins, M.B. | 2023 | Policy | Collins, M.B., Pulver, S, Hill, D.T., and Manski, B. (2023). Targeted Pollution Management Can Significantly Reduce Toxic Emissions While Limiting Adverse Effects on Employment in US Manufacturing. Environmental science & policy. 139: 157–165. |
Collins, M. | 2020 | Public health | Collins, M., Pulver, S., Hill, D. and Manski, B. (2020) Characterizing Disproportionality in Facility-Level Toxic Releases in US Manufacturing, 1988-2012. Environmental Research Letters. 15(6), 64002-. |
Cong, Y. | 2014 | Facility performance | Cong, Y., Freedman, M. & Park, J. (2014). Tone at the top: CEO environmental rhetoric and environmental performance. Advances in Accounting, 30 (2), 322–327. |
Conley, J. F. | 2011 | Public health | Conley, J. F. (2011). Estimation of exposure to toxic releases using spatial interaction modeling. International Journal of Health Geographics. 10: 20-20. |
Crane, B. | 2023 | Public health | Crane, B., Moored, K., Donahue, P., & A.E. Corrigan, et al. (2023). Toxic chemical emissions and dementia risk: results from the Cardiovascular Health Cognition study. Innovation in Aging. 12, Vol.7 (Supplement 1), p.357-358. |
Currie, J. | 2015 | Other | Currie, J., Davis, L., Greenstone, M. & Walker, R. (2015). Environmental Health Risks and Housing Values: Evidence from 1,600 Toxic Plant Openings and Closings. American Economic Review 2015, 105 (2), 678–709. |
Delmas, Magali | 2010 | Facility performance | Delmas, Magali and Vered Doctori Blass. (2010). Measuring Corporate Environmental Performance: the Trade-Offs of Sustainability Ratings. Business Strategy and the Environment 19, 245–260. |
Dombrowski, Janine M. | 2000 | Risk management or planning | Dombrowski, Janine M. (2000). Cross-Media Transfers of Pollution and Risk. Doctoral dissertation, University of Massachusetts Amherst. |
Feger, D | 2020 | Public health | Feger, D., Corrigan, A., Crane, B., and M. Carlson. (2020) Environmental Toxicity Exposure and Ability to Perform Instrumental Activities of Daily Living in Several US Geographic Locations. Alzheimers & Dementia. 16. |
Fetter, T. R. | 2017 | Other | Fetter, T. R. (2017). Innovation, diffusion, and regulation in energy technologies (Order No. 10259835). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1898142503). |
Fikru, M. | 2017 | Facility performance | Fikru, M. (2017). Developing environmental performance indicators for food and beverage processors in the USA. Ecological Indicators, 79, 106–113. |
Flax-Hatch, J. | 2022 | Public health | Flax-Hatch, J. (2022). Proximity analysis of public schools and major sources of pollution within Chicago, Illinois. MS Thesis. University of Illinois at Chicago, Graduate College. |
Fujii, H. | 2017 | Industry performance | Fujii, H. Okamoto, S. Kagawa, S. & Managi, S. (2017). Decomposition of toxicity emission changes on the demand and supply sides: empirical study of the US industrial sector. Environ. Res. Lett., 12, 124008. |
Gatzke-Kopp, L. | 2024 | Public health | Gatzke-Kopp, L., Willoughby, M., & A. Kress, et al. (2024). Airborne Lead Exposure and Childhood Cognition: The Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) Cohort (2003–2022). American Journal of Public Health. 114, 309-318. |
Gatzke-Kopp, L. | 2021 | Public health | Gatzke-Kopp, L., Warkentien, S., Willoughby, M., Fowler, C., Folch, D., & Clancy, B. (2021). Proximity to sources of airborne lead is associated with reductions in Children's executive function in the first four years of life. Health & Place, Volume 68. |
Gianaros, P. | 2023 | Public health | Gianaros, P. , Miller, P. , Manuck, S. , Kuan, D. , Rosso, A. , Votruba-Drzal, E. & Marsland, A. (2023). Beyond neighborhood disadvantage: local resources, green space, pollution, and crime as residential community correlates of cardiovascular risk and brain morphology in midlife adults. Psychosomatic Medicine, 85 (5), 378-388. doi: 10.1097/PSY.0000000000001199. |
Goldstein, A. | 2023 | Public health | Goldstein, A. (2023) Geographic patterns of childhood and adolescent germ cell tumor incidence in Georgia and their association with Toxics Release Inventory RSEI scores. MA Thesis. Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health. |
Gough, P. | 2022 | Public health | Gough, P., Zeldin, J., & I. Myles. (2022). Assessing microbial manipulation and environmental pollutants in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. Front. Immunol., 19 December 2022. Sec. Molecular Innate Immunity. Volume 13. |
Grineski, S.E. | 2022 | Public health | Grineski, S.E., Renteria, R., Collins, T.W., Mangadu A., Alexander, C., Bilder, D., and Bakian, A. (2022). Associations Between Estimates of Perinatal Industrial Pollution Exposures and Intellectual Disability in Utah Children. The Science of the total environment 836: 155630–155630. |
Hill, D.T. | 2022 | Policy | Hill, D.T., and Collins, M.B. (2022). Toxic Waste and Public Procurement: The Defense Sector as a Disproportionate Contributor to Pollution from Public-Private Partnerships. Regulation & governance. First published: 24 March, 2022 |
Hill, D. | 2021 | Public health | Hill, D., & Petroni, M., & Larsen, D., & Bendinskas, K., & Heffernan, K., & Atallah-Yunes, N., & Parsons, P., & Palmer, C.,& MacKenzie, J., & Collins, M., & Gump, B. (2021). Linking metal (Pb, Hg, Cd) industrial air pollution risk to blood metal levels and cardiovascular functioning and structure among children in Syracuse, NY. Environmental Research. 193. 110557. 10.1016/j.envres.2020.110557. |
Hill, D.T. | 2020 | Policy | Hill, D.T., Vidon, E.S. & Collins, M.B. (2020). Public money and private interests: United States government contract awardees’ contribution to industrial pollution production. J Environ Stud Sci 10, 213–225. |
Hill, E. | 2017 | Public health | Hill, E. & Ma, L. (2017) Does Shale Gas Development Impact Infant Health through Drinking Water? Iowa State University, Economics Department. |
Hoang, P. | 2018 | Facility performance | Hoang, P., McGuire, W., & Prakash, A. (2018). Reducing Toxic Chemical Pollution in Response to Multiple Information Signals: The 33/50 Voluntary Program and Toxicity Disclosures. Ecological Economics, 146, 193–202. |
Holladay, S. | 2008 | Pollution prevention | Holladay, S. (2008). Are Exporters Mother Nature’s Best Friends? Working paper. Department of Economics, UCB Boulder CO. |
Holladay, J. S. | 2016 | Pollution prevention | Holladay, J. S. (2016). Exporters and the environment. Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique 49: 147–172. doi:10.1111/caje.12193 |
Huh D-A | 2019 | Risk management or planning | Huh D-A, Huh E-H, Byeon S-H, Sohn J-R, Moon KW. (2019). Development of Accident Probability Index Using Surrogate Indicators of Chemical Accidents in Chemical Plants. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16(18):3271. |
Jacqz, I. | 2022 | Public health | Jacqz, I. (2022). Toxic test scores: The impact of chemical releases on standardized test performance within U.S. schools. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 115: 102628. |
Jacqz, I. | 2020 | Public health | Jacqz, I. (2020). Essays on Air Toxics: Distribution, Drivers, and Consequences. University of Wisconsin-Madison, 175pp. |
Kagawa, S. | 2022 | Public health | Kagawa, S., Tokito, S., Fujii, H., Lenzen, M., Faturay, F., & Okamoto, S. (2022). Toxic Chemical Pollutants in the US States. Preprint. |
Kanashiro, P. | 2020 | Facility performance | Kanashiro, P. (2020). Can environmental governance lower toxic emissions? A panel study of U.S. high‐polluting industries. Business Strategy and the Environment |
Kanashiro, P. | 2017 | Facility performance | Kanashiro, P. and Rivera, J. (2017). Do Chief Sustainability Officers Make Companies Greener? The Moderating Role of Regulatory Pressures. Journal of Business Ethics. |
Katner, A. | 2015 | Public health | Katner, A. (2015). Prioritization of Louisiana Parishes based on Industrial Releases of Known or Suspected Carcinogens. The Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society : Official Organ of the Louisiana State Medical Society, 167 (3), 122-128. |
Kim, S. | 2021 | Public health | Kim, S., Lim, Y., & Bae, H. (2021). A Study on the Spatiotemporal Characteristics of a Hazard-based Index using the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Data. Journal of Environmental Health Sciences. Volume 47, Issue 2, pp. 144-54. |
Klemick H. | 2022 | Public health | Klemick H., Guignet D., Bui L.T., Shadbegian R., Milani C. (2022). Cardiovascular Mortality and Leaded Aviation Fuel: Evidence from Piston-Engine Air Traffic in North Carolina. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(10):5941. |
Kraft, M. | 2014 | Policy | Kraft, M. (2014). Using Information Disclosure to Achieve Policy Goals: How Experience with the Toxics Release Inventory Can Inform Action on Natural Gas Fracturing. Issues in Energy and Environmental Policy, 6. |
Koval, P. | 2018 | Public health | Koval, P. (2018) Toxic Effects of Lead Disposal in Water: An Analysis of TRI Facility Releases. College of the Holy Cross, Department Of Economics, Faculty Research Series, Paper No. 18-09. |
Lam, C. W. | 2011 | Pollution prevention | Lam, C. W., Lim, S. R., & Schoenung, J. M. (2011). Environmental and risk screening for prioritizing pollution prevention opportunities in the US printed wiring board manufacturing industry. Journal of hazardous materials, 189(1), 315-322. |
Langlois, T. | 2018 | Other | Langlois, T., Carbajales-Dale, M.; and Carraway, E. (2018) Visualizing Relative Potential for Aquatic Ecosystem Toxicity Using the EPA Toxics Release Inventory and Life Cycle Assessment Methods, Journal of South Carolina Water Resources: Vol. 5 : Issue 1 , Article 2. DOI: |
La Sorte, F.A. | 2023 | Other | La Sorte, F.A., Lepczyk, C.A., and Aronson, M.F.J. (2023). Light pollution enhances ground-level exposure to airborne toxic chemicals for nocturnally migrating passerines. Global Change Biology. Volume 29, Issue 1. January, Pages 57-68. |
Lavery, A.M. | 2018 | Public health | Lavery, A.M., Waubant, E., Casper, T.C., Roalstad, S., et al. (2018). Urban air quality and associations with pediatric multiple sclerosis. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. Sep 27;5(10):1146-1153. doi: 10.1002/acn3.616. PMID: 30349849; PMCID: PMC6186930. |
Li, W. | 2022 | Pollution prevention | Li, W. and Neupane-Joshi, S. and Tan, K.J.K. (2022). Toxic Emissions and Corporate Green Innovation (October 21). Available at SSRN: |
Li, X. | 2017 | Pollution prevention | Li, X. and Zhou, Y. M. (2017). Offshoring Pollution while Offshoring Production? Strat. Mgmt. J, 38: 2310–2329. doi:10.1002/smj.2656. |
Li, Z. | 2022 | Policy | Li, Z. (2022). Alarmed but Unmoved: The Impact of the Provision of Correct Local Environmental Information. Political Behavior. |
Li, Z. | 2023 | Community engagement | Li, Z., & Konisky, D. M. (2023). Personal attributes and (mis)perceptions of local environmental risk. Review of Policy Research, 40, 119– 152. |
Liévanos, R. S. | 2018 | Other | Liévanos, R. S. (2018). Impaired Water Hazard Zones: Mapping Intersecting Environmental Health Vulnerabilities and Polluter Disproportionality. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 7(11): 433. |
Lievanos, R. | 2016 | Public health | Lievanos, R. (2016). Sociospatial Dimensions of Water Injustice: The Distribution of Surface Water Toxic Releases in California’s Bay-Delta. Sociological Perspectives. doi: 10.1177/0731121416648935 |
Lim, S. | 2011 | Risk management or planning | Lim, S., Lam, C., & Schoenung, J. (2011). Priority screening of toxic chemicals and industry sectors in the U.S. toxics release inventory: A comparison of the life cycle impact-based and risk-based assessment tools developed by U.S. EPA. Journal of Environmental Management, 92(9), 2235–2240. |
Lim, S. | 2010 | Risk management or planning | Lim, S., Lam, C., & Schoenung, J. (2010). Quantity-based and toxicity-based evaluation of the U.S. Toxics Release Inventory. Journal of Hazardous Materials 178 49–56. |
Lim, Y.R. | 2022 | Risk management or planning | Lim, Y.R., Gan, S.Y., Bae, H.J. (2022) A Study on the Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Chemical Discharges and Quantified Hazard-Based Result Scores Using Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Data. J Environ Health Sci. 48(5): 272-281. |
Lucier, C. | 2011 | Public health | Lucier, C., Rosofsky, A., London, B., Scharber, H., & Shandra, J. M. (2011). Toxic Pollution and School Performance Scores Environmental Ascription in East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana. Organization & Environment, 24 (4), 423-443. |
Martenies, S. E. | 2023 | Public health | Martenies, S. E., Zhang, M., & A.E. Corrigan, et al. (2023). Developing a national-scale exposure index for combined environmental hazards and social stressors and applications to the environmental influences on child health outcomes (ECHO) cohort. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(14), 6339. doi: |
Metcalf, A. | 2016 | Facility performance | Metcalf, A., Mackelprang, A. and Galbreth M. (2016) Linking pollution toxicity and human exposure to firm idiosyncratic risk. Journal of Cleaner Production 131 (10 ), September 2016, 659-666. |
Min, E. | 2019 | Public health | Min, E., Gruen, D., Banerjee, D., Echeverria, et al. (2019). The Washington State Environmental Health Disparities Map: Development of a Community-Responsive Cumulative Impacts Assessment Tool. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Nov 13; 16(22): 4470. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16224470. PMID: 31766307; PMCID: PMC6888266. |
Mohai, P. | 2011 | Public health | Mohai, P., Kweon, B. S., Lee, S., & Ard, K. (2011). Air pollution around schools is linked to poorer student health and academic performance. Health Affairs, 30(5), 852-862. |
Moore, R. | 2016 | Public health | Moore, R., & Hotchkiss, J. (2016). The importance of toxicity in determining the impact of hazardous air pollutants on the respiratory health of children in Tennessee. Environmental Pollution, 216, 616–623. |
Morrison, B | 2008 | Public health | Morrison, B., Heath, B., et al. (2008). The Smokestack Effect: Toxic Air and America’s Schools. Special Report. USA Today. |
Naaraayanan, S. | 2021 | Facility performance | Naaraayanan, S., Sachdeva, K. and Sharma, V. (2021). The Real Effects of Environmental Activist Investing (September 18, 2020). European Corporate Governance Institute – Finance Working Paper No. 743, Available at SSRN: |
Ogneva-Himmelberger, Y. | 2015 | Public health | Ogneva-Himmelberger, Y., Dahlberg, T., Kelly, K. & Simas, T. (2015). Using Geographic Information Science to Explore Associations between Air Pollution, Environmental Amenities, and Preterm Births. AIMS Public Health, 2(3), 469-486. |
Perricane, L. | 2015 | Facility performance | Perricane, L., (2015). County demographic influence on toxic chemical activities of chemical-related industry in Michigan. Walden University Dissertation. |
Pfohl, M. | 2022 | Risk management or planning | Pfohl, M., Silvestri, E., Lipscomb, J.C., Snyder, E. & Willison, S. (2022) Evaluating risk, exposure, and detection capabilities for chemical threats in water, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 85:15, 622-647, DOI: 10.1080/15287394.2022.2064949. |
Puchalsky, R. | 2021 | Policy | Puchalsky, R., Ash, M., & Boyce, J. (2021). Building on the Right-to-Know: Data Interlinkage and Information Intermediation for Environmental and Corporate Regulation. The Routledge Handbook of the Political Economy of the Environment, edited by Eloi Laurent and Klara Zwickl. Routledge, October. link |
Ramsay, J. M. | 2022 | Public health | Ramsay, J. M., Fendereski, K., Horns, J. J., Vanderslice, J., Emery, B. R., Aston, K. I., & Hotaling, J. (2022). Environmental exposure to industrial air pollution is associated with decreased male fertility. Fertility and Sterility, 118(4), e9. |
Rosofsky, A. | 2014 | Public health | Rosofsky, A., Lucier, C., London, B., Scharber, H., Borges-Mendez, R. & Shandra, J. (2014). Environmental ascription in Worcester County, MA: Toxic pollution and education outcomes. Local Environment, 19 (3), 283–299. |
Rüttenauer, T. | 2019 | Public health | Rüttenauer, T. (2019): Bringing Urban Space Back in: A Multi-Level Analysis of Environmental Inequality in Germany. Urban Studies 56(12), 2549–2567. |
Rüttenauer, T. | 2018 | Public health | Rüttenauer, T. (2018). Neighbours matter: A nation-wide small-area assessment of environmental inequality in Germany. Social Science Research, 70, 198–211. |
Sadd, J. L. | 2011 | Public health | Sadd, J. L., Pastor, M., Morello-Frosch, R., Scoggins, J. & Jesdale, B. (2011). Playing It Safe: Assessing Cumulative Impact and Social Vulnerability through an Environmental Justice Screening Method in the South Coast Air Basin, California. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 8 (5), 1441-1459. |
Salazar, D. | 2019 | Public health | Salazar, D., Clauson, S., Abel, T., and Clauson, A. (2019). Race, Income, and Environmental Inequality in the U.S. States, 1990–2014. Social Science Quarterly 100(3): 592-603. |
Sampson, R. | 2018 | Facility performance | Sampson, R. & Zhou, Y. (2018). Public vs. Private Firms: Energy Efficiency, Toxic Emissions and Abatement Spending. Forthcoming, Advances in Strategic Management: Sustainability, Stakeholder Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility. |
Scharber, H. | 2013 | Public health | Scharber, H., Lucier, C., London, B., Rosofsky, A., and Shandra, J. (2013). The consequences of exposure to developmental, neurological, and respiratory toxins for school performance: a closer look at environmental ascription in East Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Population and Environment. Volume 35, Issue 2, pp. 205-224. December. |
Schiller, C. | 2017 | Facility performance | Schiller, C. (2017). Global Supply-Chain Networks and Corporate Social Responsibility. 13th Annual Mid-Atlantic Research Conference in Finance (MARC) Paper. |
Schmidt , C.W. | 2003 | Public health | Schmidt , C.W. (2003). Innovations: The Risk Where You Live. Environmental Health Perspectives 111 (7) A405-A407. June 2003. |
Siegel, S.D. | 2023 | Public health | Siegel, S.D., Brooks, M.M., & J.D. Berman, et al. (2023). Neighborhood factors and triple negative breast cancer: The role of cumulative exposure to area-level risk factors. Cancer Med. 12: 11760-11772. doi:10.1002/cam4.5808. |
Simon, D. | 2015 | Facility performance | Simon, D. & Prince, J. (2015). The Effect of Competition on Toxic Pollution Releases. Indiana University, Bloomington School of Public & Environmental Affairs Research Paper No. 2456732. |
Smiley, K. | 2020 | Policy | Smiley, K. (2020). Social Capital and Industrial Air Pollution in Metropolitan America. The Sociological Quarterly. DOI:10.1080/00380253.2019.1711252 |
Smiley, K. | 2017 | Policy | Smiley, K. (2017). Industrial Pollution and Civic Capacity in Metropolitan America. Diss., Rice University. |
Stephan, M. | 2005 | Facility performance | Stephan, M., Kraft, M. & Abel, T. (2005). Environmental Information Disclosure and Risk Reduction: Findings from a Survey of TRI Facilities, Citizen Activists, and Public Officials. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Oakland, California, March 17. |
Stewart, K. | 2017 | Other | Stewart, K. (2017). Utilization of GIS for Characterization of Land Use and Pollution in Washington Parish, Louisiana. Dissertation for Southern University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, Baton Rouge, LA. |
Sulaeman, J. | 2018 | Facility performance | Sulaeman, J. & Varma, A. (2018). The “Green” Geography: Corporate Environmental Policies and Local Institutional Investors. |
Toffel, Michael W. | 2004 | Policy | Toffel, Michael W. and Julian D. Marshall. (2004). Improving Environmental Performance Assessment: A Comparative Analysis of Weighting Methods Used to Evaluate Chemical Release Inventories. Journal of Industrial Ecology 8 (1-2) pp. 143-172. |
Tomfohrde, Paige | 2022 | Other | Tomfohrde, Paige. (2022). Creative Contributions to Sustainable Fashion through Racial and Geographic Diversity. Doctoral dissertation, University of Minnesota. 29255633. |
Velagapudi, S. | 2017 | Industry performance | Velagapudi, S., Kumar, A., & Saripalli, M. (2017). Application of the US EPA’s risk‐screening indicators model and toxic release inventory database to study pollution prevention trends in paper manufacturing industry. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy. |
Vidovic, M. | 2013 | Facility performance | Vidovic, M., & Khanna, N., & Delgado, M., (2013). "Third Party Certification and the Effectiveness of Voluntary Pollution Abatement Programs: Evidence from Responsible Care," 2013 Annual Meeting, August 4-6, 2013, Washington, D.C. 150706, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. |
Walker, C.J. | 2022 | Public health | Walker, C.J., Christian W.J., Kucharska-Newton A., and Browning S.R. (2022) A cross-sectional examination of the early-onset hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and industrial emissions of toxic metals using Kentucky birth records, 2008–2017. PLoS ONE 17(9): e0274250. |
Wodtke, G.T. | 2022 | Public health | Wodtke, G.T., Ard, K., Bullock, C., White, K., and Priem, B. (2022). Concentrated poverty, ambient air pollution, and child cognitive development. Science Advances. Volume 8, Issue 48, Dec. |
Wright, D. | 2007 | Policy | Wright, D. (2007). Toxicity-Weighting: A Prioritization Tool for Quality Assurance of Air Toxics Inventories. Maine Department of Environmental Protection. |
Xu, Q. | 2022 | Facility performance | Xu, Q., & Kim, T. (2022). Financial Constraints and Corporate Environmental Policies. The Review of Financial Studies. Volume 35, Issue 2, pp. 576-635, February. |
Younes, L. | 2023 | Public health | Younes, Lylla; Shaw, Al. (2023) Visualizing toxic air. Investigative Reporters and Editors, Inc. The IRE Journal. Columbia: Vol. 46, Issue 1, (First Quarter): 36-38. |
Zeldin, J. | 2023 | Public health | Zeldin, J., Chaudhary, P.P., Spathies, J., Yadav, M., et al. (2023). Exposure to isocyanates predicts atopic dermatitis prevalence and disrupts therapeutic pathways in commensal bacteria. SCIENCE ADVANCES. 6 Jan, Vol 9, Issue 1. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.ade8898. |
Zeldin, J. | 2023 | Public health | Zeldin, J., Tran, T., & M Yadav, et al. (2023). Antimony Compounds Associate with Atopic Dermatitis and Influence Models of Itch and Dysbiosis. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 2023 10 (5), 452-457. DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.3c00142. |
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