Schedule a Pre-Application Meeting for a Clean Air Act Permit issued by EPA Region 10
EPA Region 10 implements Clean Air Act permitting programs, including minor New Source Review (NSR), nonattainment major NSR, Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Title V on 40 Indian Reservations in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. EPA Region 10 also implements the Outer Continental Shelf permitting program in federal waters off the coasts of Alaska, Oregon and Washington beyond the state seaward boundaries, with the exception of federal waters off the coast of the North Slope of Alaska.
EPA Region 10 encourages all applicants of Clean Air Act permits to schedule a meeting with EPA Region 10 prior to submitting a permit application to ensure submittal of a complete application and minimize application review time. To schedule a pre-application meeting, contact Geoffrey Glass ([email protected]), (206) 553-1847.