CAA Permitting in EPA's South Central Region
EPA's South Central region (Region 6) serves Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and 66 Tribes
Focus Topics for Region 6
- EPA Federal Permit actions on Tribal Land:
- Other EPA Activities on Tribal Land
- EPA Federal Permit Actions in the Gulf of Mexico
- EPA Oversight Activities for State/Local Region 6 Permitting Agencies
- Title V Program Evaluations
- Title V Petitions (R6 only)
- Environmental Justice in Permitting
Contact Information for Region 6 Air Permitting
- Air Permits Section Chief - Cynthia Kaleri
Phone (214) 665-6772
Program Contacts:
- Air Modeling for PSD Permitting: Ashley Mohr (214) 665-7289
- Tribal Coordinator: Erica LeDoux (214) 665-7265
- State/Local Coordinators:
- Arkansas - Rick Barrett (214) 665-7227
- Louisiana - Brad Toups (214) 665-7258
- Oklahoma- Kathleen Carmean (214) 665-6504
- New Mexico/Albuquerque- Elizabeth Layton (214) 665-2136
- Texas - Aimee Wilson (214) 665-7596
- Region 6 GHG Permitting Contact
- Aimee Wilson (214) 665-7596
Region 6 MailCodes and Regulatory Mailing Addresses
State/Tribal/Local Permitting Authorities
Region 6 has approved or delegated authority for these states and other jurisdictions to issue certain CAA permits.
Permit applications and other permitting related documents for submittal to Region 6 may be sent electronically in a searchable Portable Document Format (PDF) or Microsoft Word, excel, or other database documents and will only be accepted by email. Confidential Business Information (CBI) also should be submitted by email, but separate from non-confidential files and must include "confidential" in the file name or email subject line. Files submitted cannot be zipped. Nor can individual files exceed 10MB each. Multiple files can be submitted in an email, but the total size of all files submitted in an email cannot exceed 25MB. If you need to submit larger files, please send an email to request transfer via FTP to the EPA program contact for the state in which the source is located. Air permit related documents for sources on Tribal lands located within Region 6 should be submitted using this email address:R6AirPermitsTribal document email. Air permit related documents for non-Tribal land sources located in Arkansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico should be submitted using this email address: AR, OK, or NM permit document email. Texas non-Tribal land located sources please submit air permit related documents to: Texas permit document email. Louisiana non-Tribal land located sources should submit air permit related documents to: Louisiana permit document email.
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