ACRES Frequently Asked Questions
What is ACRES?
ACRES is the acronym used for Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System. ACRES is an online database for recipients of Brownfields Grants/Contracts to electronically submit data directly to EPA.
What information is tracked in ACRES?
ACRES is used to report assessment, cleanup and redevelopment activities at properties where EPA Brownfields funding was expended under Assessment, Cleanup, Revolving Loan Fund, Multipurpose and 128(a) State and Tribal Grants. Recipients of Targeted Brownfield Assessment (TBA) Contracts, Brownfields Job Training Grants and Brownfields Technical Assistance Grants/Contracts also report relevant project data in ACRES.
Who has access to ACRES?
ACRES users are restricted to EPA Brownfields staff and EPA Brownfields Grant/Contract recipients.
If a member of the public doesn't have access to ACRES, how can they find site-specific Brownfields information?
Site-specific data from ACRES is uploaded to Cleanups in My Community (CIMC) on the 4th and 18th of each month. The public can use CIMC to search Brownfields data using filter criteria and then can download the data to a spreadsheet, as needed. See the CIMC webpage for additional details.