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Interested in applying for a Brownfields Job Training Grant funding? This webpage provides helpful tips for applying for funding and is also available to view as a PDF Brownfields Job Training Grants Tip Sheet (pdf) (292.9 KB)
When creating your training program, it is important to know which courses can be funded by Brownfields Job Training Grant Funds. The List of Eligible and Ineligible Brownfield Job Training Courses webpage provides examples of what is and isn't eligible. All training that uses Brownfields Job Training Grant Funds must have a direct connection to facilitating the inventory of brownfield sites, site assessments, remediation of brownfield sites, community involvement, or site preparation.
Visit EPA’s Brownfields Job Training (JT) Grants website to learn about the program and for helpful resources.
Job Training Grants provide environmental training for residents impacted by brownfield sites in their communities. The following resources, developed by the Hazardous Material Training and Research Institute at Eastern Iowa Community College, offer information to potential applicants and may help grantees launch job training programs in their communities.[1]
- Environmental Job Training Programs: Critical Components and Best Practices (pdf) (2.6 MB) offers guidance for local organizations to help maximize participant placement and grow sustainable workforce development programs. Topics include community and labor market assessments; curriculum design; student recruitment; participant retention, placement and tracking; and more.
- Certified Employee Finder (pdf) (2.7 MB) offers a listing of EPA-funded Brownfields Job Training programs that offer certifications in asbestos abatement, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER), mold remediation, environmental sampling and analysis and other environmental health and safety training. This is a good resource if you are looking for examples of other Brownfields Job Training programs; if you are a student looking for job training opportunities; or if you are an employee looking to hire workers in the hazardous and solid waste management or larger environmental field, including sustainable cleanup and reuse and chemical safety fields.
- Social Media Directory (pdf) (229.7 KB) links to the accounts of several Brownfields Job Training Grantees as a reference for others looking for ways to recruit students and potential employers for their workforce development programs.
- To watch past webinars on building a successful Brownfields Job Training program and tips on writing a successful Brownfields Job Training application, please visit the webinar page.
- If you are interested in the sharing of Brownfields Job Training news and the exchange of best practices and lessons learned please visit the Professional Learning Community page.
Brownfields Job Training Current and Past Grantees Map
To see current and past Job Training Programs, please see the map below. Click a pin on the map to find out the grantee's name, and the year(s) they were awarded a Brownfields Job Training Grant. For current grantees, to view a description of their program, the training courses they offer, and the certifications their students receive, click one of the green pins, then in the EPA Factsheet Row click the "View" link in the pop-up window. Viewers can also filter past and current grantees by selecting the check boxes in the legend or by clicking the layers button and clicking on the eye icon.
Links to external, non-EPA resources are provided for informational purposes only. References to external resources do not constitute an endorsement by EPA, and EPA does not take any responsibility for their content.
[1] This information was produced by Eastern Iowa Community College/Hazardous Material Training and Research Institute under EPA cooperative agreements, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 9604(k)(7) statutory authority. These documents are provided for informational purposes only. Providing these documents does not imply official EPA endorsement of or responsibility for the opinions, ideas, data or products presented within these materials. Additionally, EPA does not endorse the products, services or enterprises of non-federal entities, including the non-federal creators of these documents.