Border 2025: Communication
Strategic communication is an essential element of past and present U.S.-Mexico Border Environmental Programs. In order to ensure effective and timely communication and engagement with the public, program partners and stakeholders, the National Coordinators will play the lead role in implementing the strategy to ensure that communication among partners is sustained and promoted throughout the duration of the Border 2025 Program.
The strategy will strengthen the ability of the Border 2025 program to communicate program successes, outputs, and outcomes while seeking input from stakeholders and communities on pressing issues.
Border 2025 will make available, to the extent possible, all program materials in both English and Spanish and is committed to promote the program’s achievements and progress and will ensure that communication is binational, consistent and uniform.
Border 2025 Communication Strategy (English Version) (pdf)
Highlight Reports:
A report highlighting progress towards achieving the Border 2025 goals and objectives will be prepared in 2023 and 2025. The highlight reports will summarize the status and progress on implementing the Action Plans, including policy and regional projects. Consequently, they will serve as a resource to share knowledge, transfer best practices, evaluate program effectiveness, and to identify priority projects and efforts.
The highlight reports will be made available to the public through the Border programs webpage and/or other available media. The final report in 2025 will capture program accomplishments and will be used as a basis for future development of environmental programs in the U.S.-Mexico border region.
Border 2025 Highlights Report - Summer 2024 (pdf)
Action Plans:
The coordinating bodies (Policy Workgroups, Task Forces) will provide input to the Regional Coordinators who will prepare action plans to identify the projects and activities that will be implemented to meet the goals and objectives of the program. Action Plans should include funded activities, timeframes, expected outputs and outcomes and progress status that support and measure progress towards achieving the program’s goals and objectives. The Task Forces will recommend projects and/or activities describing the projects within their geographic area and purview. The Policy Workgroups will develop projects and /or activities for border-wide projects and policies within the scope of their goal.
The Regional Coordinators will compile all planned activities into regional action plans, based on the Task Force planned activities in their region and applicable portions of the planned activities developed by the Policy Workgroups, ensuring consistency with the goals and objectives of the program. The National Coordinators will review and approve the regional action plans. Action plans in 2021 and 2023 are anticipated.