Webinar Series
SRP hosts a series of webinars on redevelopment of Superfund sites across the country. These webinars discuss the different types of reuse that are possible and share how particular Superfund sites have become reuse success stories. All webinars are free and open to the public. Archived versions of previous SRP webinars can also be accessed below.
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Upcoming SRP Webinars
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Previous SRP Webinars
Recognizing the Positive Economic Impacts of Superfund Redevelopment
Wednesday, February 7, 2024, 12:30PM-2:00PM EST (17:30-19:00 GMT)
Future use remains a key consideration for EPA's cleanup programs. EPA's Superfund program works with property owners, developers, stakeholders and communities to negotiate agreements, address barriers and make sure property uses will fit well with site remedies. In turn, the cleanup and reuse of Superfund sites revitalizes local economies, supporting jobs, new businesses, tax revenue and spending, and provides new amenities for communities affected by site contamination. EPA also works to ensure that existing businesses on properties being cleaned up under Superfund can continue operating in a way that protects human health and the environment, enabling these businesses to remain open and serve as a source of jobs and income for local communities.
This webinar showcases the economic benefits of Superfund Redevelopment for communities across the country. Participants will hear about creative strategies used in redevelopment projects in New England and the Mid-Atlantic. They will also learn about collaborative approaches that help position sites for reuse and advance local economic development opportunities.
Top 10 Questions to Ask When Buying a Superfund Site and Prospective Purchaser Inquiry Service
Wednesday, November 30th, 2022; 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM EST
In this informative webinar, hosted by EPA’s Superfund Redevelopment Program and Office of Site Remediation Enforcement, you will learn about the top ten redevelopment questions that prospective purchasers and local governments ask EPA and best practices to support the return of Superfund sites back to beneficial use. Join us as we discuss two popular EPA tools: the Top 10 Questions to Ask When Buying a Superfund site fact sheet and the Superfund Redevelopment Program’s Prospective Purchaser Inquiry (PPI) Service. The webinar will also provide real-life lessons learned and tips for developers and local governments seeking to redevelop Superfund sites, including for solar energy development.
Climate Resiliency and Superfund Site Reuse
Wednesday, September 21, 2022, 1:30 PM-3:00 PM EDT
Understanding and addressing climate change is critical to EPA's mission of protecting human health and the environment. This webinar will discuss how EPA is addressing the vulnerabilities of Superfund site cleanups and reuse to climate change and extreme weather events. Participants will learn about EPA tools and resources available to help communities adapt to climate change. This event will also feature the Student Conservation Association, an organization with local programs to protect and restore national parks, marine sanctuaries, cultural landmarks and community green spaces in all 50 states, to highlight opportunities to build ecological, social, and economic resilience.
SRP Webinar Flyer: Climate Resiliency and Superfund Site Reuse (pdf)
From Superfund to Super Fun - The Benefits of Recreational Superfund Site Reuse
Tuesday, July 19, 2022, 2:00 PM-3:30 PM EDT
Consideration of future use is an integral part of the EPA's cleanup programs. Superfund site restoration and reuse can revitalize local economies and communities with recreational opportunities. This webinar will showcase the benefits of recreational reuses at Superfund sites across the country.
Restoring the Community Fabric - Planning Redevelopment of the US Finishing/Cone Mills Superfund Site
Wednesday, May 4, 2022, 1:00 PM-3:00 PM EDT
The restoration and redevelopment of historic industrial sites to commercial and residential use can provide areawide benefits for communities and local governments. This webinar will highlight the ongoing redevelopment process at the US Finishing/Cone Mills Superfund site in Greenville, South Carolina. Speakers will share the framework for redeveloping the site and creative strategies for overcoming challenges associated with redevelopment. The webinar will discuss the careful coordination between multiple parties to plan the innovative mixed-use redevelopment. Speakers will share lessons learned and recommendations for successfully navigating the redevelopment process and eliciting community buy in.
Site Redevelopment? There's an App for That - Superfund Redevelopment Mapper Training
Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 1:00 PM-3:00 PM EST
EPA's new Superfund Redevelopment Mapper is an interactive tool that provides information related to reuse and redevelopment on and near Superfund sites. This webinar will review how the tool highlights key data stakeholders need to plan for future Superfund site use. Data layers in the tool include key environmental, population and infrastructure data for identifying and analyzing redevelopment opportunities at or near Superfund sites. This webinar will include an interactive training on how to use the tool in a variety of scenarios.
Community Reuse of Superfund sites – EPA Region 4 Spotlight
Wednesday, August 11th, 2021; 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT
Community reuse of formerly contaminated land provides stakeholders with unique opportunities to create a positive impact on their neighborhood. This webinar will highlight the innovative community reuse of the Brown’s Dump site, where the Clara White Mission operates a teaching farm, providing environmental education projects, job training, an on-site farmers market and fresh produce for Mission's programs to feed homeless and other disadvantaged community members.
SRP Webinar - Community Reuse of Superfund Sites - EPA Region 4 Spotlight (PDF)
Optimizing Renewable Energy Reuse on Superfund sites
Thursday, May 6th, 2021; 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM EDT
Renewable energy resources are an important part of America’s energy security and environmental sustainability. Development of renewable energy resources combats climate change by replacing carbon-intensive energy sources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions while also providing public and private benefits for communities by creating jobs and promoting sustainable investment. Superfund sites can be well suited for renewable energy production, and EPA has tools and resources available to support site reuse. This webinar will highlight a variety of renewable energy projects and discuss technical assistance available to support renewable energy reuse on Superfund sites.
SRP Webinar - Optimizing Renewable Energy Reuse on Superfund Sites (PDF)
Opportunity Zones and Superfund Sites
Friday, March 12, 2021; 1:00 PM-3:00 PM (EST)
Qualified Opportunity Zones are census tracts of low-income and distressed communities designated by state governors and certified by the Department of Treasury. Opportunity Zone tax benefits can attract private investment into economically distressed communities to create businesses and jobs. Nearly 35 million Americans live in communities designated as Opportunity Zones and there are over 300 Superfund National Priorities List sites and potentially thousands of Superfund removal sites located in or partially in Opportunity Zones. Redevelopment of current or former Superfund sites may qualify for Opportunity Zone tax benefits. This webinar will discuss Opportunity Zone tax benefits in the context of redeveloping Superfund sites and other types of contaminated properties and how communities, local governments and developers can utilize these benefits.
SRP Webinar - Opportunity Zones and Superfund Sites (PDF)
Answering the Bell: A Developer’s Perspective on the Expanding Market and Opportunities for Superfund Redevelopment
Wednesday, September 30th, 2020, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
Interested in creative site redevelopment strategies from an experienced developer? During this webinar, Michael Goldstein, a pioneer in contaminated property redevelopment, will share why he thinks there is such intense interest in Superfund site redevelopment. From his vast experience and accomplishments as a Brownfield and Superfund site developer, attorney, and fund manager, he will discuss his views on the future market trends, collaboration with EPA and investment opportunities for Superfund redevelopment. The webinar will also provide real-life lessons learned and tips for private developers and local governments seeking to redevelop Superfund sites.
SRP Webinar - Answering the Bell: A Developer's Perspective on the Expanding Market and Opportunities for Superfund Redevelopment (PDF)
Collaborating with Colleges and Universities for Redevelopment Opportunities
Wednesday, July 29th, 2020; 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT
The College/Underserved Community Partnership Program (CUPP) provides a creative approach by partnering and delivering technical assistance from local colleges and universities to small underserved communities at no cost to the communities. EPA Region 4 has successfully collaborated with colleges and universities to assist communities in pursuing redevelopment opportunities and plans at sites in the Region. This webinar will share best practices and lessons learned as well as share the perspectives of the partnered colleges and universities.
SRP Webinar: Collaborating with Colleges and Universities for Redevelopment Opportunities (PDF)
Cleanup and Redevelopment of Removal Action Sites in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area
Friday, June 12th, 2020; 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT
Each year, thousands of emergencies involving hazardous substances are reported in the United States. Emergencies range from small-scale spills to large incidents requiring prompt actions and evacuation of nearby populations. In response to these emergencies, EPA conducts short-term cleanups – called removal actions – to protect human health and the environment. This webinar will highlight EPA’s involvement at removal action sites and examples of successful removal action site redevelopment in the Kansas City metropolitan area. The webinar will share lessons learned and information for those interested in Superfund site reuse and commercial, residential, agricultural and industrial redevelopment.
SRP Webinar: Cleanup and Redevelopment of Removal Action Sites in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area (PDF)
A Developer’s Perspective on Superfund Site Redevelopment
Tuesday April 21st, 2020; 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EDT
Interested in creative site redevelopment strategies from an experienced developer? The Naval Industrial Reserve Ordnance Plant and FMC Corp. Superfund sites designed and manufactured advanced naval weapons. The developer has built a business industrial park in four phases. Hyde Development worked with Minnesota’s environmental agency to enroll the property encompassing the site in the state’s Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup Program. Using this alternative cleanup mechanism enabled close coordination between the cleanup and development design stages to support a phased cleanup approach that would allow for phased redevelopment construction. Part of Superfund Redevelopment’s roundtable webinar series, this training will focus on opportunities, benefits, strategies, liability protections and risk management for partnerships between developers, and local and state governments. This interactive session will include robust Q&A as well as an opportunity for participants to share their perspectives on how to encourage more and faster Superfund site redevelopment across the country. Presenters will answer questions about available resources and support, share best practices and update participants on the latest tools and guidance.
SRP Webinar: A Developer's Perspective on Superfund Site Redevelopment (PDF)
The Brilliant & Profitable Role of Conservation Easements in Superfund Site Redevelopment
Tuesday, January 28th, 2020, 1:00 PM-3:00 PM (EST)
SRP Webinar: The Brilliant & Profitable Role of Conservation Easements in Superfund Site Redevelopment (PDF)
Successful Superfund Redevelopment & the Prospective Purchaser Inquiry Tool: Solitron Microwave Site Case Study
Friday, September 27, 2019, 2:00 PM-3:30 PM EDT
Location, location, location...and liability protection! EPA works with bona fide prospective purchasers to help them understand liability protections and any site use restrictions in order to successfully develop Superfund sites during and after cleanup. This webinar uses the real world example of the Solitron Microwave Superfund site to provide an overview of liability protections and best practices to successfully redevelop Superfund sites across the nation.
SRP Webinar: Successful Superfund Redevelopment & the Prospective Purchaser Inquiry Tool: Solitron Microwave Site Case Study (PDF)
Superfund and Cultural Competence - Building a Foundation for Effective Community Engagement
August 2nd, 2:00-3:30 PM EDT
This webinar shared how understanding cultural competence skills and tools can help people connect across difference or perceived difference and work together more effectively. This webinar deepened participants’ understanding of what culture is and how it impacts Superfund work, and demonstrated through a series of case studies how becoming culturally competent can improve remedial outcomes, prepare job trainees for successfully entering the workforce, and improve dynamics of remedial teams whose members have different areas of expertise.
Bringing Industrial Reuse to Superfund Sites
February 27th, 2:00-3:30 PM EDT
This webinar shared how EPA plays a central role in facilitating the cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated industrial sites by bringing together key parties. EPA works with stakeholders to negotiate settlement agreements, resolve competing liens and ensure future reuse is compatible with the cleanup. Collaborative work at two industrial sites, the Buckbee-Mears site in Cortland, New York, and the Tex Tin Superfund site in Texas City, Texas, positioned them for successful industrial reuse outcomes, advancing economic development opportunities throughout the community.
Opportunities for Reuse at Capped Sites
June 14th, 2:00 – 3:30 PM EDT
This webinar shared lessons learned from the successful reuse and assessment of capped sites. Former landfills, abandoned dumps, and other contaminated sites throughout the United States, once thought to be of limited value, are being transformed into viable commercial and industrial developments, parks and other recreational areas, and wildlife areas. With forethought and effective planning, communities and site stakeholders can return sites to productive use without jeopardizing the effectiveness of a remedial cap.
SRP Webinar: Opportunities for Reuse at Capped Sites (PDF)
Restoring Superfund Sites to Public Good
May 15, 2017, 2:00 – 3:30PM EDT
This webinar highlighted examples of successful public service-related redevelopment at Superfund sites and provided lessons learned on how EPA and local municipalities worked together to make reuse happen. Local governments across the country that own and acquire Superfund sites are restoring these properties for beneficial public uses ranging from roads and utilities to recreational resources. This webinar also highlighted the PREPARED Workbook as a tool to assist local governments with contaminated property acquisitions.
SRP Webinar: Restoring Superfund Sites to Public Good (PDF)
Supporting Healthy Communities: A Superfund Opportunity
March 20, 2017, 2:00 – 3:30PM, EDT
Superfund site reuse provides an opportunity for communities to pursue local public health priorities, including access to new health services as well as recreation resources. This webinar focused on public health-related reuses at Superfund sites. Presentations highlighted case study examples of these projects, including the Jacksonville Ash and Brown’s Dump sites in Jacksonville, Florida.
Re-imagining the Future of Mining Sites
December 7, 2016, 3:30 - 5:00PM EST
This webinar showed how EPA works with mining stakeholders, including other federal agencies, states, local groups and industries, not only to address the serious health and environmental challenges posed by some mining practices, but also to support the reuse of these areas to benefit the surrounding community. This webinar explored the broad spectrum of safe and productive reuses possible at mining sites and presented a case study highlighting several of these reuses in practice at a mining site near Salt Lake City, Utah.
Protecting Pollinators through Sustainable Superfund Reuse
September 8, 2016, 2:00 PM-3:30 PM, EDT
This SRP webinar explored the sustainable and conscientious reuse of Superfund sites and other blighted properties as pollinator habitats. The webinar shared how EPA has worked alongside federal and private partners to support the development and maintenance of pollinator habitat. Speakers shared case studies of and resources for the development of pollinator habitat.
Waterfront Reuse in EPA Region 2: Providing Riverfront Access
June 15, 2016, 2:00 PM-3:30 PM, EDT
This webinar discussed the importance of reuse at and near riverfront contaminated properties. Reuse efforts can include habitat restoration as well as the creation of recreational and green space amenities. Presentations highlighted waterfront projects at Superfund sites in New York and New Jersey as well as projects by The Trust for Public Land.
Ecological Revitalization and Contaminated Sites
March 17, 2016, 2:00 PM-3:30 PM, EDT
This webinar provided an overview of how restoring local ecosystems as part of the cleanup and reuse of contaminated properties can enhance remedies, strengthen community interest and provide significant environmental benefits. The webinar featured a case study of the TVA Kingston Fossil Plant Fly Ash site in Kingston, Tennessee, describing how restoration efforts went beyond cleanup requirements. The participants learned how TVA Kingston Fossil Plant Fly Ash site ecological revitalization supported natural habitats and diverse native species.
Regional Water Availability and Superfund: Generating a Valuable Resource at Phoenix-Goodyear Airport Area
January 13, 2016 2:00 PM-3:30 PM, EDT
This webinar shared in-depth information about strategies stakeholders have used to work together to reuse treated groundwater from the Phoenix-Goodyear Airport Area Superfund site. Presentations highlighted specific water reuse activities and the benefits realized by the City of Goodyear, potentially responsible parties (PRPs) and local businesses. Webinar participants learned how the cleanup design enabled the continued operation of businesses on site, ensured the availability of clean water and significant cost savings to the City, and resulted in the reuse of billions of gallons of treated groundwater annually.
Green Infrastructure: Reusing Superfund Sites and Promoting Sustainable Communities
Bringing Alternative Energy Projects to Superfund Sites
How to Bring about Ecological Revitalization on Contaminated Lands
Capped Superfund Site Reuse: In-Depth Case Studies
Reuse Opportunities on Capped Superfund Sites
Superfund and Renewable Energy: Promising Future for Sites with a Contaminated Past
Reuse Planning at Superfund Sites: A Little Planning Can Go a Long Way
How Enforcement Actions can Support Reuse at Superfund Sites
Ecological Revitalization of Contaminated Properties
Making Superfund Site Reuse A Priority: Why Reuse is Part of Your Job
Recognizing the Positive Economic Impacts of Superfund Reuse
Food For Thought: Gardening on Superfund Sites
Mayor Perspectives on Exploring the Reuse of Hazardous Waste Sites in Your Community
Aligning Remedies with Reuse: From Superfund Sites to Soccer Fields
Reusing Superfund Sites for Recreational Purposes
Renewable Energy Pre-Feasibility Analysis at Apache Powder Superfund Site
USEPA Superfund Program Landfill Methane-to-Energy Pilot (PDF)
Role of Landfill Gas to Energy in Landfill Remediation (PDF)
South Side Landfill LFG Recovery and Utilization" A Look at the Past with An Eye to the Future (PDF)
Calumet Container: Ecological Revitalization and Reuse at a Time-Critical Removal Action Site (PDF)
Working Reuse and Redevelopment Into the Superfund Cleanup Process (PDF)