Drinking Water System Compliance at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam
- Background
- November 2021 Drinking Water Incident
- April 2022 Investigation
- 2023 and 2024 Investigations
- June 2024 Inspections
- Safe Drinking Water Act Inspection Reports
- Other Documents
- Additional Resources
Most drinking water in Oʻahu is provided to consumers by public water providers. As directed by the Safe Drinking Water Act, drinking water is tested at least annually by water providers for a wide variety of contaminants.
More information on drinking water safety and testing can be found on the Hawai'i Department of Health’s Safe Drinking Water Branch website.
Citizens connected to municipal water supplies in the area around Red Hill receive their drinking water from either the Honolulu Board of Water Supply or the Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam Water System (JBPHHWS). All drinking water supplies in the vicinity of Red Hill continue to meet all federal drinking water standards.
Annual Water Quality Reports can be found at the Honolulu Board of Water Supply website or the Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam Water Quality Information site.
November 2021 Drinking Water Incident
In late November 2021, hundreds of families, living on Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam (JBPHH) and the Army's Aliamanu Military Reservation and Red Hill Housing, reported petroleum odors coming from residential tap water supplied by the U.S. Navy water system. Residents reported health issues arising from the contaminated drinking water.
Approximately 93,000 U.S. Navy water system users were impacted, many of whom relocated to temporary housing during the drinking water crisis.
The source of the petroleum was the nearby Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, which contaminated the Red Hill Shaft, one of the Navy's groundwater sources for the Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam drinking water system.
EPA coordinated with the Navy, Army and the Hawai’i Department of Health (DOH) by forming an Interagency Drinking Water System Team (IDWST) to restore safe drinking water to the affected residents and workers. The team, which launched in December 2021, completed drinking water restoration in March 2022.
Over the next two years, the Navy was required to continue testing the affected drinking water area and continue work to cleanup the Red Hill drinking water well and impacted soil and groundwater.
April 2022 Investigation
During the week of April 4, 2022, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) National Enforcement Investigations Center (NEIC) conducted public water system inspections at the U.S. Navy’s Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam (JBPHH) and the U.S. Army’s Aliamanu Military Reservation (AMR) to determine compliance with the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and its implementing regulations.
EPA provided its inspection reports to the U.S. Navy and U.S. Army on May 27, 2022. The reports found that both the U.S. Navy and U.S. Army have failed to adequately operate and maintain their public water systems serving JBPHH and AMR. In response, the U.S. Navy and U.S. Army have taken steps to address EPA’s concerns and have submitted documentation of their compliance activities, including photographic documentation and plans for implementation of structural controls to prevent animals from nesting inside the JBPHH’s finished water storage tanks and to remove excessive vegetation from around the tanks. In addition, both the U.S. Navy and U.S. Army have submitted plans they will take to address EPA’s findings.
2023 and 2024 Investigations
Starting in late 2023, EPA, the Hawaii Department of Health (DOH), and Navy received an increased number of complaints being reported by residents served by the Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam public water system. On October 19, 2023, EPA conducted a complaint investigation and published its findings on December 18, 2023. The report investigates complaints received by EPA and subsequent follow-up from the Navy. The report also articulates areas of concern and recommendations for corrective action by the Navy.
On February 2, 2024, the EPA sent a letter to Navy providing the expectation that the Navy renew their Drinking Water Long-Term Monitoring Plan (LTMP) beyond the current February 2024 expiration date.
In February 2024, EPA was notified of twenty-eight complaints with actionable contact information from residents served by the Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam public water system (JBPHH System) and the Aliamanu Military Reservation public water system (AMR System). EPA conducted an investigation from February 14-16, 2024 and published their findings and recommendations on Mach 21, 2024.
EPA is working with the Navy and DOH to develop a LTMP that will be more responsive to complaints by water system users and identify the root cause of these complaints.
June 2024 Inspections
During the week of June 3, 2024, EPA conducted public water system inspections at the U.S. Navy’s Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam (JBPHH) and the U.S. Army’s Aliamanu Military Reservation (AMR) to determine compliance with the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and its implementing regulations. During the inspections, EPA made management, operations, and maintenance observations which are expected to be addressed by the U.S. Navy and U.S. Army.
As part of the inspection, EPA also conducted source-water sampling for PFAS at JBPHH’s active drinking water well (the Waiawa Shaft) and two inactive wells (Red Hill Shaft and Aiea-Halawa Shaft). Additionally, EPA sampled for PFAS at AMR’s drinking water distribution system, which receives its drinking water supply from the JBPHH system.
Furthermore, EPA collected drinking water samples for a subset of analytes listed in Navy’s Extended Drinking Water Monitoring Plan from drinking water wells, and various homes and priority buildings in the JBPHH and AMR distribution systems. All EPA sampling results may be found in the inspection reports.
Safe Drinking Water Act Inspection Reports
Below are links to the SDWA inspection reports for both JBPHH and AMR public water systems. EPA has withheld release of some information in the JBPHH and AMR inspection reports that contain personally identifiable information and/or defense critical infrastructure security information.
- Navy Response to EPA Observations for Inspection of Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam Drinking Water System (June 3-7, 2024) (pdf)
- 2024 SDWA Inspection Report: Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam Public Water System (REDACTED) (pdf)
- 2024 SDWA Inspection Report: Aliamanu Military Reservation Public Water System (REDACTED) (pdf)
- 2023 Drinking Water Complaints Investigation Report: Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam Public Water System (pdf)
- 2022 SDWA Inspection Report: Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam Public Water System (pdf)
- 2022 SDWA Inspection Report: Aliamanu Military Reservation Public Water System (pdf)
Other Documents
- Field Sampling Audit of Red Hill Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Honolulu, HI (REDACTED) (pdf)
- EPA letter to Navy: Navy Asset Management Program Submittal #3 (pdf)
- EPA Letter: Conditional Approval of Extended Drinking Water Monitoring for JBPHH Drinking Water System (pdf)
- EPA and DOH Response to Honolulu BWS Letters (pdf)
- EPA Letter: Extended Drinking Water Monitoring Plan (EDWM) Additional Work (pdf)
- EPA Letter to Navy Regarding Analysis of AFFF Retention Line Fluids (pdf)
- EPA Letter: Additional Work for Drinking Water Monitoring Pursuant to 2023 Administrative Consent Order (pdf)
- EPA and HDOH Letter: Requested Monitoring to Evaluate Presence of PFAS in Oahu Groundwater and Drinking Water (pdf)
- EPA Letter: Drinking Water Long Term Monitoring Extension Requirement Clarification (pdf)
- EPA Letter: Drinking Water Long Term Monitoring Extension Requirement (pdf)
- EPA Request to Navy for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Sampling of JBPHH Water System Sources (pdf)
- EPA Letter: Request to Navy for PFAS Monitoring Data for Discharges to Halawa Stream (pdf)
- Defueling Plan: Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility (pdf) (June 30, 2022)
On behalf of DoD, the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV), in coordination with the Director, Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), provides this plan to defuel the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, Oʻahu, Hawai'i. - Navy Command Investigation Into the 2021 Red Hill Facility Release Incidents (pdf)
- EPA SPCC/FRP Plan Request for Pipeline (pdf)
- EPA Second Time Extension for April 25 Request for Information Letter (pdf)
- EPA Time Extension for April 25 Request for Information Letter (pdf)
- EPA Request for Information letter related to the Third Party Assessment (pdf)
- EPA "Request for Information" Letter to Navy Regarding Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam Public Water System (pdf)
- EPA "Request for Information" Letter to Army Regarding Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam Public Water System (pdf)
- EPA Letter: JBPHH Facility Response Plan Significant and Substantial Harm Determination (pdf)
- EPA Letter: Notice of Inspection at Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam (pdf)
- EPA Letter: Request for Navy Red Hill Investigation Information (pdf)
News Releases
- Safe Drinking Water Restored to All 19 Zones on Navy Water System [Mar 18]
- Health Advisory Amended for Iroquois Point (Zone A3) and Hickam Housing Areas (Zone D2) [Mar 13]
- Health Advisory Amended for Zones D4 and E1 [Mar 8]
- Statement by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III on the Closure of the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility [Mar 7]
- Health Advisory Amended for Halawa, McGrew (Zone B1), Camp Smith (Zone G1), Aliamanu Military Reservation (Zone H1) [Mar 3]
- Health Advisory Amended for Ford Island (Zone A2), Hale Moku and Hokulani (Zone D1) [Mar 1]
- ICYMI: EPA Administrator Regan, Regional Administrator Guzman visit Hawai'i, Highlight Oversight and Drinking Water Emergency Response [Feb 28]
- Hickam Housing Areas (Zone D2) Flushing Exceedances [Feb 19]
- Health Advisory Lifted for Red Hill Housing (Zone I1) [Feb 14]
- Interagency Drinking Water System Team Launches Website for Presenting Drinking Water Data [Feb 9]
- Red Hill Housing (Zone I1) Testing Results Submitted to Hawai'i Department of Health [Feb 5]
- Statement by Regional Administrator Martha Guzman on the Drinking Water Emergency at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam and the Plan for EPA Inspections [Feb 4]
- Hale Moku and Hokulani (Zone D1) Residential Flushing Exceedance [Jan 29]
- Water Testing Results Released for Pearl City Peninsula (Zone A1) [Jan 24]
- Updated Drinking Water Restoration Data Release Process [Jan 23]
- Interagency Drinking Water System Team Announces Completion of Distribution System Flushing [Jan 22]
- Drinking Water Restoration timeline and Data Release Process [Jan 13]
- DOH/CDC Health Survey Expanded to Include All Navy Water System Users [Jan 11]
- Flushing of Distribution System Update [Dec 26]
- Water Distribution System Recovery Plan Agreement Signed in Joint Ceremony [Dec 18]
- Interagency Drinking Water System Team Established [Dec 17]
Additional Resources
For the latest updates, news releases, and resources for residents, please visit the U.S. Navy's Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam (JBPHH) Water Updates website.
View the latest post system flushing status and drinking water sampling data at the Interagency Drinking Water System Team (IDWST) Flushing and Sampling Data website.
For additional information please visit the U.S. Army and Hawai'i Department of Health websites.