Contact Us About the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Laws and Regulations
EPA welcomes your comments, especially comments on how we can improve our website. We strive to respond to every comment with an answer or an appropriate referral as quickly as possible.
Check Out Our Resources for More Information
- RCRA tools and resources webpage.
- Topics list of hazardous waste guidance documents (RCRAOnline).
- Sign up for our newsletter "EPA Waste Management Updates."
- Sign up for our newsletter "In the Loop with EPA: Circular Economy Updates."
Still Have a Question?
Send us questions and comments through the mail at the following address:
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW (5304T)
Washington DC 20460
Or send us questions and comments using the webform below. Be sure to include your email address if you’d like a response.