HYSPLIT Trajectory Endpoint Data
These columns are found in the trajectory data tables:
- trajnum - A simple counter to allow keeping track of individual trajectories. Each file has four different values for trajnum. The lowest value corresponds to trajectories with a terminating height of 10 meters above ground level. The next value corresponds to trajectories with a terminating height 25% of the boundary layer height. The next value corresponds to trajectories with a terminating height 50% of the boundary layer height. And the highest trajnum value corresponds to trajectories with a terminating height 75% of the boundary layer height.
- year, month, day, hour - Correspond to the time and date the air parcel is found at the coordinates.
- age - The length of time between the point and the start of the trajectory. An age of 7 means the point is 7 hours away from arriving at the trajectory end point. Keep in mind trajectories move backward in space and time.
- lat, lon - Coordinates of the data point corresponding to the location of the parcel of air at the date and time.
- pressure - atmospheric pressure of the point in three-dimensional space.
- rain - Amount of any precipitation calculated at the data point.
- mixing - The mixing height calculated at the data and time. The mixing height (boundary layer height) used to determine the endpoints of the 4 trajectories is the mixing height at age = 0 for the trajectory.
- rdate - The date for the start of the trajectory.
- shour - The hour of the start of the trajectory. this should equal the hour column when age = 0.
- sheight - End point height for the trajectory.
- siteid - AQS id for the end point fo the trajectory, corresponds to a PM 2.5 monitor location.