NEPPS: Guidance, Policies & Regulations
National Program Guidance
National Program Guidances (NPGs) are utilized by EPA and states, Tribes, and territories to inform grant work planning. The Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations sets multi-year goals and objectives and highlights key policies and procedures for the National Environmental Performance Partnership System.
The following additional documents provide supplemental information:
- Both the Best Practices Guide for Performance Partnership Grants with States (pdf) and the Best Practices Guide for Performance Partnership Grants with Tribes and Intertribal Consortia (pdf) highlight key regulations, policies, and procedures for developing and managing Performance Partnerships Grants.
- The National Environmental Performance Partnership System: A Review of Implementation Practices (May, 2013) (PDF).
Grants Policy Issuance (GPI) 15-01 Performance Partnership Grants for States is applicable to EPA personnel managing 40 CFR Part 35 Subpart A programs and became effective on October 1, 2015.
- The goal of GPI 12-06 Timely Obligation, Award and Expenditure of EPA Grant Funds is for all EPA assistance agreement programs to expeditiously obligate grant funds appropriated by Congress in the first year of availability.
The purpose of GPI 11-03 State Grant Workplans and Progress Reports is to address issues raised by the Office of Management and Budget about the management of State Categorical Program Grants by establishing essential elements for the content of grant workplans and associated progress reports.
- GPI 11-01 Managing Unliquidated Obligations and Ensuring Progress under EPA Assistance Agreements establishes procedures for managing Unliquidated Obligations (ULOs). A ULO is the amount the recipient of the agreement has not "drawn down."
All federal regulations can be found online at The set of regulations specific to all Continuing Environmental Programs (CEPs), including PPGs, can be found in 40 CFR Part 35.
As with all federal assistance agreements, PPGs are bound by the regulations in 2 CFR Part 200. In addition, PPGs are bound by to a set of regulations specific to all EPA assistance agreements found in 2 CFR 1500. Collectively, 2 CFR 200 and 1500 are referred to as the Uniform Grant Guidance, or UGG, at EPA.