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Displaying 1996 - 2010 of 2099 results
La Administración Biden-Harris propone primera norma nacional para proteger a las comunidades de las PFAS en el agua potable
Comunicado de prensa de la EPA: La Administración Biden-Harris propone primera norma nacional para proteger a las comunidades de las PFAS en el agua potable
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EPA settles with Pacific Seafood – Westport, LLC, over alleged Clean Water Act violations at Washington seafood processing facility
EPA News Release: EPA settles with Pacific Seafood – Westport, LLC, over alleged Clean Water Act violations at Washington seafood processing facility
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EPA Takes Action to Address PFAS in Drinking Water
EPA News Release: EPA Takes Action to Address PFAS in Drinking Water
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EPA Issues Draft Guidance Clarifying Wastewater Permit Requirements Under Maui Decision
EPA News Release: EPA Issues Draft Guidance Clarifying Wastewater Permit Requirements Under Maui Decision
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EPA Issues Guidance on Clean Water Act Permitting Requirements
EPA’s Interpretative Statement provides certainty to states and the regulated community while recognizing long-standing protections for America’s groundwater.
EPA News Release: EPA Honors 2019 ENERGY STAR® Award Winners in Delaware
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EPA Announces $25.7 Million in Grants to Support Water Systems in Rural and Small Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $25.7 Million in Grants to Support Water Systems in Rural and Small Communities
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EPA and East Valley Cattle, LLC, settle federal wetland violations near Burley, Idaho
Landowner paid penalty, will restore damaged bed and banks of Raft River
EPA News Release: EPA and East Valley Cattle, LLC, settle federal wetland violations near Burley, Idaho
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FACT SHEET: EPA & The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
Following the passage of the historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be making significant investments in the health, equity, and resilience of American communities.
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Administrator Wheeler Wraps Up Midwest Swing in Milwaukee Focused on EPA’s Commitment to Children’s Health
EPA News Release: Administrator Wheeler Wraps Up Midwest Swing in Milwaukee Focused on EPA’s Commitment to Children’s Health
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拜登-哈里斯政府宣布为“投资美国之旅”计划的组成部分“更换铅管促进饮用水安全”提供 30 亿美元拨款
EPA News Release: 拜登-哈里斯政府宣布为“投资美国之旅”计划的组成部分“更换铅管促进饮用水安全”提供 30 亿美元拨款
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La EPA anuncia la intención de reforzar las regulaciones sobre plomo y cobre, apoyar la eliminación proactiva de líneas de servicio de plomo en todo el país
Comunicado de prensa de la EPA: El administrador de la EPA anunció que la agencia comenzará a desarrollar una nueva regulación para proteger mejor a las comunidades contra la exposición al plomo en el agua potable.
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EPA Works to Address Ongoing Water Quality Needs in the Charles River on 25th Anniversary of Initiative
EPA News Release: EPA Works to Address Ongoing Water Quality Needs in the Charles River on 25th Anniversary of Initiative
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El administrador Wheeler visita Miami y anuncia préstamo de $99.7 millones para infraestructura al Condado de Miami-Dade
EPA News Release: What They Are Saying: EPA's Nearly $100 Million Loan for Florida Water Infrastructure
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得益於「投資美國之旅」,拜登-哈里斯政府宣布挹資 30 億美元更換鉛水管以改善飲用水安全
EPA News Release: Ipinahayag ng Administrasyong Biden-Harris ang $3 Bilyon para sa Pagpapalit ng Lead na Tubo upang Mapasulong ang Ligtas na Iniinom na Tubig bilang Parte ng Pamumuhunan para sa America Agenda
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