National Environmental Policy Act Policies and Guidance
EPA has prepared policies and guidance for carrying out its responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and reviews under Section 309 of the Clean Air Act. These documents discuss the specific technical issues EPA looks for in NEPA documents. To learn more, select the topic from the list below.
Air Quality
- Using the MOVES and EMFAC Emissions Models in NEPA Evaluations (pdf)
- Reflecting the Revised PM 2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standard in NEPA Evaluations (pdf)
Climate Change
Crude Oil and Natural Gas
Cumulative Impacts
Ecological Processes/Impacts
- Evaluation of Ecological Impacts from Highway Development (pdf)
- Considering Ecological Processes in Environmental Impact Assessments (pdf)
Energy Efficiency
- Energy Efficiency Reference for Environmental Reviewers (pdf)
- Incorporating Energy Efficiency and Conservation in the NEPA Process (pdf)
Fishery Management
Health Impact Assessment
Natural Gas Pipelines
Nuclear Power Plants
Pollution Prevention