Natural Gas STAR Partnership (1993 – 2022)
Celebrating Nearly 30 Years of the Natural Gas STAR Partnership
EPA launched the Natural Gas STAR Partnership Program in 1993. Throughout the course of this partnership, EPA collaborated with over 100 oil and natural gas operators across all segments of the US natural gas industry, to identify and share information on cost effective ways to mitigate methane emissions from oil and gas operations. This highly effective partnership demonstrated that it is possible to achieve important reductions in methane emissions while also enhancing safety, improving performance, increasing natural gas supplies, and saving money.
Cumulative through 2020 (Mcf)
In the U.S. and Internationally
Assumes average natural gas price of $3/Mcf
In 2022, at a time of unprecedented action on U.S. oil and gas methane emissions, EPA transitioned the Natural Gas STAR Partnership, ending the partnership agreements and annual reporting elements of the program, while retaining a focus on technology transfer and stakeholder engagement. EPA continues to collaborate with operators through the Natural Gas STAR Program providing a framework for technical support and stakeholder engagement, as well as sharing information on our website about opportunities for reducing methane emissions from the oil and gas industry.
Methane Reductions
Natural Gas STAR Partners reported the following methane reductions over the course of the partnership:
Year | New Reductions (MTCO2e) | Ongoing Reductions (MTCO2e) |
1990 | 318936.00 | 0.00 |
1991 | 576808.80 | 241118.88 |
1992 | 526999.68 | 529628.16 |
1993 | 2623002.24 | 876228.00 |
1994 | 4071090.24 | 1952257.92 |
1995 | 3429717.12 | 3757233.12 |
1996 | 3942835.20 | 4559524.10 |
1997 | 5189092.80 | 5894195.90 |
1998 | 5944080.48 | 7559369.01 |
1999 | 6578385.60 | 9000738.66 |
2000 | 7694468.10 | 10238694.08 |
2001 | 10155057.12 | 11737644.66 |
2002 | 12873412.73 | 12783136.81 |
2003 | 15093390.72 | 13112129.18 |
2004 | 25674667.68 | 11362373.77 |
2005 | 36316558.08 | 11584413.98 |
2006 | 33542949.05 | 11412641.70 |
2007 | 39297256.21 | 10992728.90 |
2008 | 45284221.68 | 11438224.93 |
2009 | 31122315.27 | 11841648.88 |
2010 | 35211660.96 | 14043098.90 |
2011 | 27949136.33 | 16345833.91 |
2012 | 17090055.67 | 16616012.31 |
2013 | 7873721.93 | 18817694.17 |
2014 | 6250892.83 | 20151680.68 |
2015 | 8342263.00 | 18853185.09 |
2016 | 7945007.49 | 17951901.13 |
2017 | 31079513.43 | 16806574.54 |
2018 | 47485381.48 | 15625387.56 |
2019 | 9298318.56 | 13046309.77 |
2020 | 7021050.54 | 10394243.95 |
Methane-Reducing Activities and Technologies
Over the course of the Partnership from 1993 to 2022, Natural Gas STAR partners reported implementing over 150 different methane reducing activities and technologies. The top practices implemented (in terms of methane reductions achieved) in each industry segment are summarized below:
Production partners cumulatively reduced methane emissions by 594 MMTCO2e.
Gathering and Processing
Gathering and processing partners cumulatively reduced methane emissions by 25.8 MMTCO2e.
Transmission partners cumulatively reduced methane emissions by 186 MMTCO2e.
Distribution partners cumulatively reduced methane emissions by 18.5 MMTCO2e.