Task Force Partnerships
Land Grant Universities - SERA-46
The Hypoxia Task Force and the 12 Task Force state land grant universities renewed a partnership through a 2019 Memorandum of Understanding, updating the 2014 non-funded cooperative agreement, to support state nutrient reduction strategies and actions to curb nutrient loading and Gulf hypoxia. These land grant universities have organized through the Southern Extension and Research Activities Committee Number 46 (SERA-46) committee. In 2017 and 2018, the Task Force and SERA-46 released their Priorities for Collaborative Work, updated from the original 2015 priorities.
The National Great Rivers Research & Education Center (NGRREC)
The Task Force has noted the need for a Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Basin (MARB) monitoring network. The National Great Rivers Research and Education Center (NGRREC), a division of Lewis and Clark Community College, studies large river systems and the communities using those systems. NGRREC conducts "research, education, and outreach related to the interconnectedness of large rivers, their floodplains, watersheds, and their associated communities." NGRREC has developed the Great Lakes to Gulf (GLTG) interactive website that provides curated nutrient-focused water quality information and long-term trends for the Mississippi River and its tributaries. The GLTG website uses complex water quality data covering diverse geographies and standardizes, distills, and presents it in a way that makes the information accessible and easy-to-understand for scientists, managers, advocates, and the interested public.