MOVES Versions in Limited Current Use
- Important Note About MOVES Versions
- MOVES4 Software and Documentation:
- MOVES3 Software and Documentation:
Important Note About MOVES Versions
In general, states should use EPA’s latest model, MOVES5, to take advantage of its improved capabilities and updated default values.
Users should consult the Federal Register Notice of Availability for MOVES5 and the MOVES5 Policy Guidance (see the MOVES latest version page) before doing additional work with a version of MOVES4 or MOVES3. The conformity grace period for the use of MOVES2014 ended on January 9, 2023. At this point, versions of MOVES2014 and MOVES2010 may not be used for any regulatory purposes.
- See MOVES Onroad Technical Reports and MOVES Nonroad Technical Reports for information on data and analysis incorporated in each of the major MOVES versions.
General Information about MOVES4
- Overview of EPA’s MOtor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES4) (pdf) (1.6 MB, August 2023, EPA-420-R-23-019) provides a high-level overview of MOVES4, including references to technical documentation and other MOVES information.
- EPA Releases MOVES4 Mobile Source Emissions Model: Questions and Answers (pdf) (87 KB, August 2023, EPA-420-F-23-019) highlights the difference between MOVES4 and earlier versions of MOVES
- MOVES4 Technical Guidance: Using MOVES to Prepare Emission Inventories for State Implementation Plans and Transportation Conformity (pdf) (1.3 MB, August 2023, EPA-420-B-23-011) This guidance describes appropriate input assumptions and sources of data for the use of MOVES4 in SIP development and regional emissions analyses for transportation conformity determinations in states other than California. It also includes guidance on developing nonroad inventories with MOVES4.
- MOVES Training provides detailed information on running MOVES.
MOVES4 Tools
MOVES4 tools are available on the Tools for MOVES page.
Downloading MOVES4
Download MOVES4.0.2 (exe)
: After downloading the setup file, run MOVES4.0.2-Setup-20250114.exe and follow the on-screen instructions to complete installation.
- MOVES4 Update Log provides a summary of updates to MOVES4.
General Information about MOVES3
- Overview of EPA’s MOtor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES3) (pdf) (1.1 MB, March 2021, EPA-420-R-21-004) provides a high-level overview of MOVES3, including references to technical documentation and other MOVES information.
- EPA Releases MOVES3 Mobile Source Emissions Model: Questions and Answers (pdf) (214 K, November 2020, EPA-420-F-20-050) highlights the difference between MOVES3 and earlier versions of MOVES.
- MOVES3 Technical Guidance: Using MOVES to Prepare Emission Inventories for State Implementation Plans and Transportation Conformity (pdf) (1 MB, November 2020, EPA-420-B-20-052): Guidance on appropriate input assumptions and sources of data for the use of MOVES3 in SIP development and regional emissions analyses for transportation conformity determinations in states other than California. It also includes guidance on developing nonroad inventories with MOVES3.
- MOVES Training provides detailed information on running MOVES.
MOVES3 Tools
MOVES3 tools are available on the Tools for MOVES page.
Downloading MOVES3
- Download MOVES3.1 (exe) : After downloading the setup file, run MOVES3.1.0-Setup-20250114.exe and follow the on-screen instructions to complete MOVES3.1 installation. MOVES3.1 is a minor revision to MOVES3 that adds a vehicle emissions inspection and maintenance (I/M) benefit for Class 2b and 3 gasoline trucks. For more information on what has changed, see