How do I output rates by VSP bin?
MOVES does not output rates by VSP bin. MOVES output provides emission inventories (in units of mass or total energy) or (for running exhaust) emission rates by speed bin (in units mass or energy per distance, such as g/mile). For more information on MOVES rates output, see Module 7: Emission Rates for County Scale Analyses of the MOVES2014b Hands-On Training Course. While this training was developed for MOVES2014b, the information is generally applicable for MOVES3.
On the other hand, you can get MOVES input rates by VSP bin. As explained in the MOVES onroad technical reports, MOVES emission rate inputs include running exhaust emissions (in units of g/hr or KJ/hr) over modes defined by Vehicle-Specific-Power (for light-duty vehicles) or Scaled-Tractive-Power (for heavy-duty vehicles). These are not output from the model; instead, they can be found in the emissionratebyage and emissionrate tables of the MOVES default input database.
If, for some reason, you need MOVES input emission rates by VSP or STP bin, you should use the MOVES Cheat Sheets and technical reports to decode the fields used to organize the rates. You must also deconstruct the sourcebinid. For example:
substring(sourcebinid, 2, 2) as fueltypeid,
substring(sourcebinid, 4, 2) as engtechid,
substring(sourcebinid, 6, 2) as regclassid,
modelyeargroupstartyear, modelyeargroupendyear
FROM movesdb20210209.modelyeargroup as b, movesdb20210209.emissionratebyage as a
where substring(sourcebinid, 8, 2) = b.shortmodyrgroupid
These rates are the rates input to MOVES and do not include the many adjustments applied by the model at run time.