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- Great Lakes Funding Total results: 49
- Air Emissions Inventories Total results: 34
- Asbestos Total results: 141
- Butte Area/Silver Bow Creek Total results: 17
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Total results: 33
- East Palestine, Ohio Train Derailment Total results: 148
- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Total results: 301
- Fuel Program Total results: 693
- Lead Total results: 401
- MOVES Total results: 57
- Norwood Landfill Site Total results: 30
- Oil Regulations Total results: 96
- Permitting Under the Clean Air Act Total results: 13
- Radiation Total results: 1
- Risk Management Program (RMP) Total results: 285
- Southeast Minnesota Groundwater Total results: 11
Displaying 46 - 60 of 74 results
Can we refine MOPs during the award using adaptive management?
Yes. Applicants that choose to utilize an adaptive management approach to revise or refine their anticipated measures of progress should clearly describe the methodology of that approach within their workplan. Such a strategy must be consistent with EPA’s assistance agreement competition policy, specifically such changes must not materially change the…
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Can EPA give some clarity on the 6-year timeframe and additional potential years of funding as it relates to project timeline(s)? For example, is the timeframe intended to expect multiple years of RFAs released by the prime under the initial application to the EPA, or one RFA with extended time for project completion and reporting?
The design and overall program approach toward the Project RFA should be decided by the applicant. However, all subawards under the Project RFA must be completed and closed out within the 6-year window.
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Local Emergency Planning Committee request of notification for exempt chemicals
Under Section 312 , if a local emergency planning committee requests a Tier I/II from a facility owner/operator for a substance which is exempt (either under EPCRA, Section 311(e), or the OSHA Hazardous Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200(b)) , are they required to comply with the request? If the LEPC…
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EHSs and the EPCRA emergency planning requirements
What is purpose of the list of extremely hazardous substances in regards to the emergency planning requirements of EPCRA? The extremely hazardous substances list and its threshold planning quantities are intended to help communities focus on the substances and facilities of most immediate concern for emergency planning and response. However…
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What types of things have caused applications to be disqualified for administrative reasons?
Some examples of reasons applications have been disqualified include: Applicant did not complete all of the registrations steps in and could not resolve the issue until 12:01 a.m. the morning after the deadline. Because the applicant could not demonstrate the problem was caused by technical issues, the application…
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Does hydrogen sulfide present in the ground count towards the TPQ and RQ?
A petroleum company is drilling for oil contained in the ground below their facility. Would the hydrogen sulfide present in the ground be counted toward the threshold planning quantity (TPQ) for this extremely hazardous substance (EHS) under Section 302? Also, if there is a reportable release of this EHS above…
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Calculating vulnerability zone distances for EHSs in solutions
When calculating vulnerability zone distances, how would the quantity released (QR) be handled for an extremely hazardous substance (EHS) in solution? If the EHS is in solution, a facility can make a rough estimate of the QR using equation (1) on page G-2 of the "Technical Guidance for Hazards Analysis."…
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Threshold planning quantity (TPQ) for a non-reactive extremely hazardous substance (EHS) solid handled both as a solution and as a powder
How does a facility apply the threshold planning quantity (TPQ) for a non-reactive extremely hazardous substance (EHS) solid that is handled both as a solution and as a powder? Facilities that handle both the powdered and solution forms of a particular non-reactive solid EHS will have to consider the quantities…
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Will LEPCs impose significant requirements on small businesses?
Will the local emergency planning committees impose significant requirements on small businesses? Will EPA clarify the information requirements in the emergency planning guidance and in the rulemaking? The Agency's small business analysis does not indicate that emergency planning requirements will cause a significant burden to small facilities. Small facilities are…
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If we believe all GLRI MOPs will be achieved, should we include all of them in the application?
Full Question If we believe, based on our knowledge of the on-the-ground relevant issues and solutions, that there is a possibility that project subrecipients may apply to achieve projected results for every type of GLRI Action Plan III action (i.e. invasive species control, non-point source pollution runoff reduction, habitat restore/enhance/protect…
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Is the grant reimbursement-based or can money be requested up front incrementally?
The cooperative agreement will be funded incrementally and with the award, there will be an initial increment of funding made available. EPA will be looking to the applicants to budget for that. Applicants will estimate funds needed for that first year and will then work with their assigned EPA project…
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Funding amounts are for the entire project period and not annually, correct?
Yes, that is correct. Funding amounts are for the entire 6-year period and not annual amounts.
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Do underserved communities still need to register with and will they have the reporting responsibilities of federal subrecipient?
The recipient and any sub-recipient must comply with the applicable EPA general terms and conditions outlined below. These terms and conditions are in addition to the assurances and certifications. Prior to making subawards, the PR must ensure that each subrecipient has a “Unique Entity Identifier (UEI).” The UEI is required…
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Do all the subrecipient projects need to be known first or does the entity ask for a set amount or then do the RA to the communities for other projects so we don't need to know what the projects are going to be when we submit our application?
Applicants applying to be a principal recipient are applying for a set amount. The Project RFA will be established after the award of the cooperative agreement, so project subawards do not need to be known at time at time of application.
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Can applicants apply directly to EPA?
Applicants, except as noted on page 24 of the RFA, must apply electronically through under this funding opportunity based on the instructions in this announcement.
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