The Evidence Act
The Evidence Act
The Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018, also known as the Evidence Act, requires federal agencies to develop evidence to support policymaking. Agencies must annually submit a systematic plan for identifying and addressing policy questions to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Congress.
For more information on the Evidence Act and its implementation across federal agencies please reference Office of Management and Budget Evidence and Evaluation.
What's New
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has published a federal register notice announcing a proposed information collection request (ICR) titled General Performance Reporting for Assistance Programs to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. With this ICR proposal, EPA seeks authorization to collect information to track progress by the Agency’s assistance programs. Collection of this information from award recipients enables EPA to assess and manage its assistance programs, which in turn ensures responsible stewardship of public funds; rigorous evidence-based learning and improvement; and transparent accountability to the American public. The information requested under this ICR will be collected via performance report forms, including work plans, interim reports, and final reports.
EPA has received a few questions about the ICR; please see the General Grants Performance Reporting Information Collection Request (ICR) Response to Stakeholder Questions (pdf)
What Is Evidence?
Evidence is viewed as the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. Evidence can be quantitative or qualitative and may come from a variety of sources including foundational fact finding, performance measurement, policy analysis, and program evaluation. Evidence has varying degrees of credibility, and the strongest evidence comes from a portfolio of high quality, credible sources rather than a single source.
EPA Evidence Act Implementation
Evidence is key in identifying the most effective ways to design and implement environmental programs. Through the preparation of Learning Agendas, Evaluation Plans, Capacity Assessments, and other activities, EPA is strategically planning for evidence building and data management while upholding their commitment to scientific integrity.
Evaluation and Evidence Building Policy
EPA's Evaluation and Evidence-Building Policy (pdf) reflects and includes the standards of evidence building as outlined by Office of Management and Budget and the Presidential Memorandum on Restoring Trust in Government Through Scientific Integrity and Evidence-Based Policymaking. Agencies must annually submit a systematic plan for identifying and addressing policy questions to OMB and Congress.
Learning Agenda
The EPA Learning Agenda (pdf) identifies and sets out the priorities for evidence building, while answering critical questions related to agency programs and policies. Agency leaders work alongside diverse stakeholders to drive data collection and address data access challenges. The Evidence Act requires federal agencies to publish learning agendas as part of their Strategic Plan. EPA's FY 2022 - FY 2026 Strategic Plan includes a learning agenda, as required by the Evidence Act. EPA will publish the agency learning agenda every four years.
Learning Agenda from the FY 2022-2026 Strategic Plan:
Learning agenda results:
- Learning Agenda: Grants Commitments Met (Year 1) (pdf)
- Learning Agenda: Grants Commitments Met (Year 2) (pdf)
- Learning Agenda: Grants Commitments Met (Year 3/Year 4) (pdf)
Capacity Assessment
EPA Capacity Assessment Report (pdf) appraises current evidence building infrastructure (evaluation, research, analysis) and plans for capacity efforts for the future. EPA is committed to strategically conducting this assessment to benefit programs and improve outcomes. The Evidence Act requires agencies to continually assess evidence-building capacity. An updated Capacity Assessment will be published every four years with the EPA Strategic Plan.
Planning and Budgeting
Multi-year strategic plans are formulated to set goals and coordinate planning efforts and form the basis for annual plans which report on accomplishments and performance results. The agency's Strategic Plan, Annual Budget, and Performance Reports can be found on EPA’s Planning, Budget, and Results page.
EPA’s Annual Evaluation Plans and Evaluation in the President's Budget
- FY 2025 Annual Evaluation Plan (pdf)
- FY 2024 Annual Evaluation Plan (pdf)
- EPA FY 2023 CJ: Tab 15 - FY 2023 Annual Evaluation and Other Evidence-Building Activities (pdf)
- FY 2022 CJ Tab 14: Annual Evaluation Plan and Other Evidence-Building Activities (pdf)
Evaluation in EPA’s Annual Performance Report
- FY 2023 Evidence and Evaluations (pdf)
- FY 2022 Evidence and Evaluations (pdf)
- FY 2020 EPA Program Evaluations (pdf)
Evaluation in EPA’s Past Strategic Plan
Open Data
Title II of the Evidence Act requires maintenance of an online federal data catalogue to provide a single point of entry for the public to access agency data. Led by the Agency’s Chief Data Officer, EPA’s Data Governance Body oversees the implementation of open data initiatives which aim to increase the availability of data resources to the public and bolster the agency’s commitment to transparency.
Title III of the Evidence Act advises federal agencies to make data and statistical information public for the purpose of developing evidence. The Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology (FCSM) aims to improve the quality of federal statistics and create a unified framework for transparent reporting of data. EPA’s Statistical Official participates in FCSM’s Working Group to identify best practices for reporting on statistical programs. For more information on statistical standards please visit FCSM Federal Statistical Agencies.
Supporting Evidence-building for Grant Recipients
EPA is offering a funding opportunity for technical assistance providers with program evaluation expertise to help support and enhance the data, reporting, and evidence-building capacity of EPA grant recipients representing small, underserved, and/or tribal communities. Learn more at the PREPARED Cooperative Agreement page.