Journal Articles and Book Chapters by NCEE Staff
Each year, EPA’s economists publish journal articles and book chapters on topics relevant to environmental economics. Listed below are selected journal articles and book chapters authored by staff from EPA’s National Center for Environmental Economics (NCEE). In the citations below, names in bold denote authors who were on staff in NCEE at the time of publication. Contact information for current EPA staff is available in the Staff Directory.
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- "The Energy-Efficiency Gap." H. Klemick and A. Wolverton, in The Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource, and Environmental Economics, 2nd Edition, Ed. T. Lundgren, M. Bostian, S. Managi, Elsevier Academic Press, 2024.
“The Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases and Its Use in U.S. Federal Policy.” E. Kopits, W. Davis, C. Griffiths, A. Marten, A. McGartland, B. Parthum, D. Smith, and E. Spink, in The Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource, and Environmental Economics, 2nd Edition, Ed. T. Lundgren, M. Bostian, S. Managi, Elsevier Academic Press, 2024.
Consumer Demand and the Economy-wide Costs of Regulation: Modeling Households with Empirically Estimated Flexible Functional Forms. E. Shojaeddini, A. Schreiber, A. Wolverton, and A. Marten. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. May 2024. Vol. 125: 102972
"Cost-effectiveness of erosion mitigation to meet water clarity targets in the Manawatū-Whanganui region of New Zealand," M. Polyakov, P. Walsh, A. Daigneault, S. Vale, C. Phillips, H. Smith, Journal of Environmental Management, Vol 359 2024.
"Electric Vehicle Usage, Pollution Damages, and the Electricity Price Elasticity of Driving." C. Nehiba, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 124, March 2024, 102915.
"Factors Influencing Customer Participation in a Program to Replace Lead Pipes for Drinking Water." H. Klemick, A. Wolverton, B. Parthum, K. Epstein, S. Kutzing, and S. Armstrong. Environmental and Resource Economics. Vol 87: p. 791-832, Feb. 2024.
"How Effective Are Secondary Interventions at Improving Health Outcomes in Children Exposed to Lead in Early Childhood?" L. Bui, R. Shadbegian, H. Klemick, D. Guignet, R. Margolit, and A. Hoang. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy. Vol. 18, Summer 2024.
"The Social Costs of Hydrofluorocarbons and the Large Climate Benefits from their Expedited Phasedown." T. Tan, L. Rennels, B. Parthum, Nature Climate Change, 14, January 2024, pp. 55–60.
"Valuing a Reduction in the Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease: A Large-Scale Multi-Country Stated Preference Approach." C. Dockins, D. Dussaux, C. Griffiths, S. Offmann and N. Simon. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, September 2024, pp. 1 - 21.
- "Academic Mobility in U.S. Public Schools: Evidence from Nearly 3 Million Students." W. Austin, D. Figlio, D. Goldhaber, E, Hanushek, T. Kilbride, L. Jin, O. Umut, S. Rivkin, T.R. Sass, K. Strunk. Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 228, December 2023, 105016.
- "Advancing the Estimation of Future Climate Impacts within the United States." C. Hartin, E. E. McDuffie, K. Noiva, M. Sarofim, B. Parthum, J. Martinich, S. Barr, J. Neumann, J. Willwerth, A. Fawcett, Earth System Dynamics, 14(5) 1015-1037.
- "The Effect of Traffic Cameras on Police Effort: Evidence from India." E. Conover, D. Kraynak, P Singh, Journal of Development Economics, 160(1), 102953.
- "The Effects of Contemporaneous Air Pollution on COVID-19 Morbidity and Mortality." W. Austin, S. Carattini, J. Gomez-Mahecha, MG Pesko. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 119, 102815.
- “Environmental Regulation and Labor Demand – What Does the Evidence Tell Us?” W. Gray, R. Shadbegian, and A. Wolverton. Annual Review of Resource Economics, 15, 177-197.
- "Eliciting policy-relevant stated preference values for water quality: An application to New Zealand." Walsh, PJ, Guignet, D., and Booth, P. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 52(2).
- “Exposure to formaldehyde and asthma outcomes: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and economic assessment.” J. Lam, E. Koustas, P. Sutton, A. M. Padula, M. D. Cabana, H. Vesterinen, C. Griffiths, M. Dickie, N. Daniels, E. Whitaker, T. J. Woodruff. PLoS One, 16(3), p.e0248258.
- "Highways and Pedestrian Deaths in US Neighborhoods." C. Nehiba, J. Tyndall, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 102, 103938.
- "Measuring the social benefits of water quality improvements to support regulatory objectives: Progress and future directions." C. C Moore, J. Corona, C. Griffiths, M. T. Heberling, J. A. Hewitt, D. A. Keiser, C. L. Kling, D. M. Massey, M. Papenfus, D. J. Phaneuf, D .J. Smith, C. A. Vossler, W. Wheeler. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(18).
- "A Review of Retrospective Cost Analyses." A. Fraas, E. Kopits, A. Wolverton, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 17(1) 22-42.
- "Trade-offs between indigenous forest and exotic production forest in New Zealand." Walsh, PJ, Soliman, T, and Daigneault, A. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 52(2)
"Economic Impacts of Ocean Acidification: A Meta-Analysis." C. Moore, J. Fuller, Marine Resource Economics, 37(2), 201-209.
“Cardiovascular Mortality and Leaded Aviation Fuel: Evidence from Piston-Engine Air Traffic in North Carolina.” H. Klemick, D. Guignet, L.T. Bui, R. Shadbegian, and C. Milani. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(10), 5941.
"Comparing Pollution Where You Live and Play: A Hedonic Analysis of Enterococcus in the Long Island Sound." M. Kung, D. Guignet, and P. Walsh. Marine Resource Economics, 37(1): 65-89.
- “Comprehensive Evidence Implies Higher Social Cost of Carbon.” K. Rennert, F. Errickson, B. Prest, L. Rennels, R. Newell, W. Pizer, C. Kingdon, J. Wingenroth, R. Cooke, Bryan Parthum, D. Smith, K. Cromar, D. Diaz, F. Moore, U. Müller, R. Plevin, A. Raftery, H. Ševčíková, H. Sheets, J. Stock, T. Tan, M. Watson, T. Wong, and D. Anthoff. Nature. 610:687–692.
"Does Short-term Airborne Lead Exposure During Pregnancy Affect Birth Outcomes? Quasi-experimental Evidence from NASCAR’s Deleading Policy.” L.T. Bui, R. Shadbegian, A. Marquez, H. Klemick, and D. Guignet. Environment International 166, 107354.
"Economic Valuation for Coastal Water Infrastructure Planning: Analysis of the Housing Market and Nutrient Pollution in Suffolk County, NY." M. Nepf, A. Dvarskas, and P. J. Walsh. Marine Resource Economics 37(4)
“A Market for Snow: Modeling Winter Recreation Patterns Under Current and Future Climate.” B. Parthum, and P. Christensen. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 113:102637.
"The Relationship Between Childhood Blood Lead Levels Below 5 μg/dL and Childhood Intelligence Quotient (IQ): Protocol for a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.” D. Axelrad, E. Coffman, E. Kirrane, and H. Klemick. Environment International 169, 107475.
- "Soil moisture and expectations regarding future climate: evidence from panel data." P. Stahlmann-Brown and P. Walsh. Climatic Change 171(1): 1-20.
- "Correcting Heterogeneous Externalities; Evidence from Local Fuel Taxes." C. Nehiba, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. 9 (3), 495-529.
- "Harmonized Nitrogen and Phosphorus Concentrations in the Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Basin from 1980 to 2018." E. Krasovich, P. Lau, J. Tseng, J. Longmate, K. Bell, S. Hsiang. Scientific Data 9(1).
"Behavioural approaches and conservation messages with New Zealand’s threatened kiwi." P. Walsh. Global Ecology and Conservation 28(2021): e01694.
“Economic and environmental impacts of a proposed ‘Carbon adder’ on New York’s energy market.” G. Akɪn-Olçum, C. Böhringer, T. Rutherford, and A. Schreiber. Climate Policy, 21:6, 823-842.
- “Editorial: Quality Science for Quality Decisions: Protecting the Scientific Integrity of Benefit-Cost Analysis.” Al McGartland. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 15(2).
- “Exposure to formaldehyde and asthma outcomes: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and economic assessment.” J. Lam, E. Koustas, P. Sutton, A. M. Padula, M. D. Cabana, H. Vesterinen, C. Griffiths, M. Dickie, N. Daniels, E. Whitaker, T. J. Woodruff. PLoS One, 16(3), p.e0248258.
- “How Did Air Quality Standards Affect Employment and Generation at U.S. Power Plants? The Importance of Stringency, Geography, and Timing.” G. Sheriff, A. Ferris, and R. Shadbegian. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
"Trade-offs between environmental and economic factors in conversion from exotic pine production to natural regeneration on erosion prone land." S. Lambie, S. Awatere, A. Daigneault, M. Kirschbaum, M. Marden, T. Soliman, R. Spiekermann, P. Walsh. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, Vol. 51, 1-19.
- "Overlooked Benefits of Nutrient Reductions in the Mississippi River Basin." B. Parthum, and A. W. Ando. Land Economics, 96 (4), 589-607
- "Quantifying National-Scale Changes in Agricultural Land Exposure to Fluvial Flooding." H. Craig, R. Paulik, U. Djanibekov, P. Walsh, A. Wild, and B. Popovich. Sustainability 13(22): 1-16.
- “The effect of large-scale anti-contagion policies on the COVID-19 pandemic.” S. Hsiang, D. Allen, S. Annan-Phan, Kendon Bell, I. Bolliger, T. Chong, H. Druckenmiller, L. Yue Huang, A. Hultgren, E. Krasovich, P. Lau, J. Lee, E. Rolf, J. Tseng, and T. Wu) Nature 584.7820: 262-267.
- “An Integrated Assessment Model for Valuing Water Quality Changes in the United States.” C. Griffiths, J. Corona, T. Doley, W. Wheeler, M. Massey, C. Moore, S. Muela, B. Rashleigh, S. D. Whitlock, J. Hewitt), Land Economics 96 (4), pp. 478-492, 2020.
- “Superfund Cleanups and Children’s Lead Exposure.” H. Klemick, H. Mason, and K. Sullivan. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 100 (March 2020, 102289).
“Overlooked Benefits of Nutrient Reductions in the Mississippi River Basin.” B. Parthum, and A. Ando. Land Economics 96 (4) 589-607.
“Sowing Uncertainty: What We Do and Don’t Know about the Planting of Pesticide-Treated Seed.” D. Smith, C. Hitaj, A. Code, S. Wechsler, P. D Esker, M. R Douglas, BioScience, 70 (5), pp. 390-403.
“Valuing Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Control in Public Forests: Scope Effects with Attribute Nonattendance.” Chris Moore, Christopher Giguere and John C Whitehead. Land Economics, 96 (1), pp. 25-42.
- "Willingness-to-volunteer and stability of preferences between cities: Estimating the benefits of stormwater management." Ando, A. W., C. Londoño-Cadavid, N. R. Netusil, and B. Parthum. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 99: 102274.
- “Adaptation, Sea Level Rise, and Property Prices in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.” P. Walsh, C.Griffiths, D. Guignet, and H. Klemick. Land Economics, 95(1): 19-34.
“Discrimination in ambient air pollution monitoring?” C. Grainger and A. Schreiber. AEA Papers and Proceedings, 109: 277-82.
“Distributional impacts of energy-heat cross-subsidization.” C. Grainger, A. Schreiber, and F. Zhang. Energy Policy, 125: 65-81.
- "Early childhood lead exposure and the persistence of educational consequences into adolescence." R. Shadbegian, D. Guignet, H. Klemick, L. Bui. Environmental Research 178, (November 2019, 108643).
- “Exploring the General Equilibrium Costs of Sector-Specific Environmental Regulations." Richard Garbaccio, Alex Marten, and Ann Wolverton. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 6(6): 879-918.
- “How Do Data Centers Make Energy Efficient Investment Decisions? Qualitative Evidence from Focus Groups and Interviews." Heather Klemick, Elizabeth Kopits, and Ann Wolverton. Energy Efficiency 12(5): 1359-1377
- “Pesticides and Pollinators: A Socioecological Synthesis.” Douglas B Sponsler, Christina M Grozinger, Claudia Hitaj, Maj Rundlöf, Cristina Botías, Aimee Code, Eric V Lonsdorf, Andony P Melathopoulos, David Smith, Sainath Suryanarayanan, Wayne E Thogmartin, Neal M Williams, Minghua Zhang, Margaret R Douglas), Science of the Total Environment, 662, pp. 1012-1027.
- “Policy Brief: What’s in a Name? A Search for Alternatives to ‘VSL’.” Chris Dockins, Nathalie Simon, Kelly Maguire, Steven Newbold, Alan Krupnick, and Laura Taylor. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 13(1), pp. 155-161.
- "Preterm Birth and Economic Benefits of Reduced Maternal Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter.” Jina J. Kim, Daniel A. Axelrad, and Chris Dockins. Environmental Research, 2019 March, 170:178-186.
- “Retrospective Evaluation of the Costs of Complying with Light-Duty Vehicle Surface Coating Requirements.” Ann Wolverton, Ann Ferris, and Nathalie Simon. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 10(1): 39-64.
- "School bus emissions, student health and academic performance." Wes Austin, Dan Kreisman and Garth Heutel. Economics of Education Review, 70, pp. 109-126, 2019.
- “Tools for Open Source, Subnational CGE Modeling with an Illustrative Analysis of Carbon Leakage” Thomas Rutherford and Andrew Schreiber. Journal of Global Economic Analysis, 4(2):1-66.
- "Willingness-to-volunteer and stability of preferences between cities: Estimating the benefits of stormwater management." Bryan Parthum, Amy Ando, Catalina Londoño Cadavid, and Noelwah R. Netusil), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 203, pp. 375-382. DOI:
- “Additionality in US Agricultural Conservation Programs.” R. Claassen, E. N. Duquette and D. Smith. Land Economics, 94(1), pp. 19-35.
- “Assessment of Stream Restoration for Reduction of Sediment in a Large Agricultural Watershed.” C. F. Lenhart, A. Lewandowski, P. Belmont, L. Gunderson, J. L. Nieber and D. Smith. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 144(7).
- "Benefit Transfer Challenges: Perspectives from U.S. Practitioners." Environmental and Resource Economics, 69(3): 467-481
- "Beyond the RfD: broad application of a probabilistic approach to improve chemical dose-response assessment for non-cancer effects." W. A. Chiu, D. A. Axelrad, C. Dalaijamts, C. Dockins, K. Shao, A. J. Shapiro, and G. Paoli in Environmental Health Perspectives,June 2018, 26(6):06700
- “Contamination and Incomplete Information: Bounding Implicit Prices using High-Profile Leaks.” D. Guignet, R. Jenkins, M. Ranson, and P. Walsh. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.
- "Defining the Baseline.” C. Griffiths and C. Dockins in Teaching Benefit-Cost Analysis: Tools of the Trade. Scott Farrow (Editor). Edward Elgar.
- “Has Resistance Taken Root in US Corn Fields? Demand for Insect Control.” D. Smith and S. Wechsler. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 100(4), pp.1136-1150
- "Improving Water Clarity in an Iconic Estuary: An Internal Meta-analysis of Property Value Impacts around the Chesapeake Bay." H. Klemick, C. Griffiths, D. Guignet and P. Walsh in Environmental and Resource Economics, 69, 265-292.
- “Preterm Birth and Economic Benefits of Reduced Maternal Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter.” C. Dockins, J. Kim and D. Axelrad), Environmental Research, 170, pp.178-186, 2018.
- "Using structural restrictions to achieve theoretical consistency in benefit transfers."
- "Valuing Ecological Improvements in the Chesapeake Bay and the Importance of Ancillary Benefits." C. Moore, D.Guignet, K. Maguire, N. Simon, and C. Dockins in Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 9(1), 1-26.
- “Willingness to Produce Perennial Bioenergy Crops: A Contingent Supply Approach.” D. Smith, D. Current, C. Schulman, K. W. Easter), Biomass and Bioenergy, 117, pp.161-172.
- "Benefits of the fire mitigation ecosystem service in the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, Virginia, USA." Bryan Parthum, Emily Pindilli, and Dianna Hogan. Journal of Environmental Management, 203: 375-382.
- “Estimating the health benefits of environmental regulations.” Al McGartland, Richard Revesz, Daniel A Axelrad, Chris Dockins, Patrice Sutton, Tracey J Woodruff in Science, 04 Aug 2017: 457-458.
- “Framework for Human Health Risk Assessment to Inform Decision Making.” R Schoeny, K Gallagher, J Fitzpatrick, K Deener, Chris Dockins, M Firestone, W Jordan, M McDonough, D Murphy, M Olsen and K Raffaele in International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, 20 (1/2/3), pp.3 -20, 2017.
- “The Impacts of Environmental Regulation on the U.S. Economy.” Ann Ferris, Richard Garbaccio, Alex Marten, and Ann Wolverton in Oxford Encyclopedia of Environmental Economics. Kahn, J, Ed. Oxford University Press
- "The Implicit Price of Aquatic Grasses.” Dennis Guignet, Charles Griffiths, Heather Klemick and Patrick Walsh in Marine Resource Economics, 32(1).
- “Modeling the Property Price Impact of Water Quality in 14 Chesapeake Bay Counties." Patrick Walsh, Charles Griffiths, Dennis Guignet, and Heather Klemick in Ecological Economics 135: 103-113.
- "Potential Barriers to Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings: The Case of Supermarket Refrigeration.” Heather Klemick, Elizabeth Kopits, and Ann Wolverton in Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis 2017, 8(1): 115-145.
- "Welfare analysis in a two-stage inverse demand model: an application to harvest changes in the Chesapeake Bay." Chris Moore and Charles Griffiths in Empirical Economics: 1-26.
- "Impacts of Climate Change and Ocean Acidification on Coral Reef Fisheries: An Integrated Ecological-Economic Model." Ann Speers, Elena Besedin, James Palardy and Chris Moore in Ecological Economics, 128, pp. 33-43, August 2016.
- "Impacts of Ground Water Contamination on Property Values: Agricultural Run-off and Private Wells.” Dennis Guignet, Patrick J. Walsh, and Rachel Northcutt. Agricultural Resource Economics Review, 45(2), 293-318.
- “Policy Analysis: Valuation of Ecosystem Services in the Southern Appalachian Mountains." H. Spencer Banzhaf, Dallas Burtraw, Susie Chung Criscimagna, Bernard Crosby, David A. Evans, Alan Krupnick and Juha Siikamaki in Environmental Science and Technology, 50(6), pp. 2830-2836, February 2016.
- "Welfare Estimates of Avoided Ocean Acidification in the U.S. Mollusk Market." Chris Moore in Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 40, no. 1 (2015): 50-62
- "Benefit Transfer for Water Quality Regulatory Rulemaking in the United States." William Wheeler in Benefit Transfer of Environmental and Resource Values, Robert J. Johnston, John Rolfe, Randall S. Rosenberger, and Roy Brouwer, Eds., 101-115.
- "Corrigendum to: Incremental CH4 and N2O Mitigation Benefits Consistent with the US Government’s SC-CO2 Estimates." Alex Marten, Elizabeth Kopits, Charles Griffiths, Stephen Newbold and Ann Wolverton in Climate Policy, 15(5), pp. 678-679, 2015.
- "Heavy-Duty Trucking and the Energy Efficiency Paradox: Evidence from Focus Groups and Interviews." Elizabeth Kopits, Heather Klemick, Ann Wolverton and Keith Sargent. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 2015., 17: 154-166.
- "Impacts of Ethanol Policy on Corn Prices: A Review and Meta-Analysis of Recent Evidence." N. Condon, Heather Klemick, and Ann Wolverton in Food Policy. 2015, 51: 63-73.
- "Lessons from risk assessment, economics, and risk management at EPA." Chris Dockins and William Wheeler in Benefit–Cost Analyses for Security Policies: Does Increased Safety Have to Reduce Efficiency? Carol Mansfield and V. Kerry Smith (editors). Edward Elgar.
- “Welfare Estimates of Avoided Ocean Acidification in the U.S. Mollusk Market,” Chris Moore in Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 40(1), pp. 50-62, January 2015.
- "Are Energy Efficiency Standards Justified?” Ian W.H. Parry, David A. Evans, and Wallace E. Oates. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 67(2), pp.104–125, March 2014.
- "The Effect of Environmental Regulation on Power Sector Employment: Phase I of the Title IV SO2 Trading Program." Ann Ferris, Ron Shadbegian and Ann Wolverton in Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. 1(4), 2014, 521-553
- "Ex Ante and Ex Post Cost Estimates of the Cluster Rule and MACT II Rule." Cynthia Morgan, Carl Pasurka and Ron Shadbegian in Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis: 5, 2014, 195-224.
- Further comment on "A rapid assessment model for understanding the social cost of carbon." Steve Newbold, Charles W. Griffiths, Chris Moore, Ann Wolverton, Elizabeth Kopits in Climate Change Economics 5(2):1450005. 2014.
- "Incorporating "Catastrophic" Climate Change into Policy Analysis." Elizabeth Kopits, Alex Marten and Ann Wolverton, Climate Policy, 14(5) pp. 637-664, 2014.
- "Incremental CH4 and N2O Mitigation Benefits Consistent with the US Government’s SC-CO2 Estimates." Alex Marten, Elizabeth Kopits, Charles Griffiths, Steve Newbold and Ann Wolverton, Climate Policy, 15(2), pp. 272-298, May 2014.
- "National primary drinking water regulation for arsenic: A retrospective assessment of costs." Cynthia Morgan and Nathalie Simon in Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis: 5, 2014, 259-284.
- "A Research Agenda for Improving the Treatment of Employment Impacts in Regulatory Impact Analysis." Ann E. Ferris and Al McGartland, Chapter 9 (pp. 170-189), in Cary Coglianese, Adam Finkel & Chris Carrigan (eds.), Does Regulation Kill Jobs?, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. 2014.
- "Retrospective evaluation of costs associated with methyl bromide critical use exemptions for open field strawberries in California." Ann Wolverton in Journal of Benefit Cost Analysis 5 (2), 2014.
- "Retrospective Cost Analysis of EPA Regulations: A Case Study Approach." Elizabeth Kopits, Al McGartland, Cynthia Morgan, Carl Pasurka, Ron Shadbegian, Nathalie B. Simon, David Simpson and Ann Wolverton in Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 5(2), (2014), 173-193.
- "A Retrospective Assessment of the Costs of EPA’s 1998 Locomotive Emission Standards." Elizabeth Kopits in Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis 5(2): 285-314, 2014.
- "The Role of Scenario Uncertainty in Estimating the Benefits of Carbon Mitigation." Alex Marten in Climate Change Economics, 2014.
- "The value of information for integrated assessment models of climate change." Steve Newbold and Alex Marten in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 68:111-123.
- "The Energy-Efficiency Gap," Ann Wolverton and Heather Klemick in The Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource, and Environmental Economics. Ed. J. Shogren, Elsevier Academic Press.
- "Developing a Social Cost of Carbon for U.S. Regulatory Analysis: A Methodology and Interpretation." Michael Greenstone, Elizabeth Kopits, and Ann Wolverton in Review of Environmental Economics and Policy. 2013: 23-46.
- "Improving the assessment and valuation of climate change impacts for policy and regulatory analysis." Elizabeth Kopits, Alex L. Marten & Robert E. Kopp & Kate C. Shouse & Charles W. Griffiths & Elke L. Hodson & Bryan K. Mignone & Chris Moore & Steve C. Newbold & Stephanie Waldhoff & Ann Wolverton in Climatic Change 117: 433-438, 2013.
- "Incorporating “Catastrophic” Climate Change” into Policy Analysis." Elizabeth Kopits, Alex Marten, and Ann Wolverton in Climate Policy. 2013.
- "A Rapid Assessment Model for Understanding the Social Cost of Carbon." Steve Newbold, Charles W. Griffiths, Chris Moore, Elizabeth Kopits, and Ann Wolverton in Climate Change Economics. 2013.
- "Spatial Hedonic Valuation of a Multi-use Urban Wetland in Southern California." Frey, Elaine, Marissa B. Palin, Patrick Walsh, and Christine R. Whitcraft in Agricultural and Resource Economics Review.
- "Temporal Resolution and DICE, Nature Climate Change." Alex Marten, Steve Newbold in Nature Climate Change. 3:526-527.
- "Towards improved socio-economic assessments of ocean acidification’s impacts." Nathalie Hilmi, Denis Allemand, Sam Dupont, Alain Safa, Gunnar Haraldsson, Paulo ALD Nunes, Chris Moore, et al. in Marine biology 160, no. 8 (2013): 1773-1787.
- "Water Quality Indices and Benefit-Cost Analysis." Patrick Walsh and William Wheeler in Journal of Benefit Cost Analysis 4(1) 81-105.
- "Estimating the Social Cost of Non-CO2 GHG Emissions: Methane and Nitrous Oxide." Alex Marten and Steve Newbold in Energy Policy 51:957-972.
- "Improving the assessment and valuation of climate change impacts for policy and regulatory analysis." Alex Marten, Kopp RE, Shouse KC, Charles W. Griffiths, Hodson EL, Elizabeth Kopits, Mignone BK, Chris Moore, Steve Newbold, Waldhoff S, and Ann Wolverton in Climatic Change. 2012. DOI 10.1007/s10584-012-0608-0.
- "Lot Size, Zoning, and Suburban Housing Density." Elizabeth Kopits, Virginia McConnell, and Daniel Miles in Housing Policy Debate, 22(2), 2012.
- "The Social Cost of Carbon: Valuing Carbon Reductions in Policy Analysis." Ann Wolverton, Elizabeth Kopits, Charles W. Griffiths, Alex Marten, Chris Moore, and Steve Newbold in A Guide for Policymakers, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C.
- "U.S. Emergency Response and Removal: Superfund's Overlooked Cleanup Program." Robin Jenkins, Elizabeth Kopits, Heather Klemick, and Alex Marten. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 6(2).
- "U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Valuation of Surface Water Quality Improvements." Charles W. Griffiths, Heather Klemick, Matt Massey, Chris Moore, Steve Newbold, David Simpson, Patrick Walsh, and William Wheeler. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy. Vol 6 (1):130-146, 2012.
- "Using Ecosystem Services to Inform Decisions on U.S. Air Quality Standards." Anne Rea, Christine Davis, Brian Heninger, David A. Evans and George Van Houtven in Environmental Science & Technology. 2012.
- "A Bayesian Bioeconometric Model of Invasive Species Control: The Case of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid." Chris Moore in Environmental and Resource Economics 50.1 (2011): 1-26.
- "An attribute-based approach to contingent valuation of forest protection programs." Chris Moore in Journal of Forest Economics 17.1 (2011): 35-52.
- "Challenges in Measuring the Benefits and Costs of Land Cleanup." Robin Jenkins, Heather Klemick, Elizabeth Kopits, and Kevin Haninger in Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Newsletter. 31(2): 31-36, 2011.
- "Constraints or Cooperation? Determinants of Secondary Forest Cover Under Shifting Cultivation." Heather Klemick in Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. 40(3): 471–487, 2011.
- "Development of an Ambient Air Quality Index.” David A. Evans, Richard Scheffe, Jeffry Arnold, Christine Davis, et al. in EM. 16-22, 2011.
- "Evaluating the Consumer Response to Fuel Economy: A Review of the Literature." Gloria Helfand and Ann Wolverton in International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics. 5(2), 2011.
- "Estimating the Benefits of Reducing Hazardous Air Pollutants: Summary of 2009 Workshop and Future Considerations." MR Gwinn, J. Craig, Daniel Axelrad, R. Cook, Chris Dockins, et al. in Environmental Health Perspectives. 119(1):125-130, Jan. 2011.
- "An options based bioeconomic model for biological and chemical control of invasive species." Alex Marten and Chris Moore in Ecological Economics 70.11 (2011): 2050-2061.
- "Shifting Cultivation, Forest Fallow, and Externalities in Ecosystem Services: Evidence from the Eastern Amazon." Heather Klemick in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 61(1): 95-106, 2011.
- "Transient Temperature Response Modeling in IAMs: The Effects of Over Simplification on the SCC." Alex Marten in Economics, 2011.
- "An Options Based Bioeconomic Model for Biological and Chemical Control of Invasive Species." Alex Marten and Chris Moore in Ecological Economics, 2011.
- "The Evolving SO2 Allowance Market Title IV, CAIR, and Beyond." David A. Evans and Karen Palmer in Issues of the Day: 100 Commentaries on Climate, Energy, the Environment, Transportation and Public Health Policy. Resources for the Future Press, 2010.
- "Location Decisions of U.S. Polluting Plants: Theory, Empirical Evidence, and Consequences" Ron Shadbegian and Ann Wolverton in International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics. 4, 1- 49, 2010.
- "Recreation demand estimation and valuation in spatially connected systems." Steve Newbold and Matt Massey in Resource and Energy Economics. 32:222-240, 2010.
- "The Clean Air Mercury Rule." David A. Evans in Reforming Regulatory Impact Analysis. Ed. W. Harrington, L. Heinzerling, and R.D. Morgenstern. 2009.
- "Defining Access to Health Care: Evidence on the Importance of Quality and Distance in Rural Tanzania." Heather Klemick, Kenneth Leonard and Melkiory Massatu in American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 91 (2): 347-358, 2009.
- "Diving Demand for Large Ship Artificial Reefs." Matt Massey, Ash Morgan and William Huth in Marine Resource Economics 24:43-59.
- "Effects of Socio-Economic and Input-Related Factors on Polluting Plants' Location Decisions." Ann Wolverton in Berkeley Electronic Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, Advances. 2009.
- "Evaluating the Effectiveness of EPA Voluntary Programs: An Examination of the Strategic Goals Program for Metal Finishers." Charles W. Griffiths, Keith Brouhle and Ann Wolverton in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 57(2): 166-18.
- "The Evolution of Solid and Hazardous Waste Regulation in the United States." Robin Jenkins, Elizabeth Kopits and David Simpson in Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 3(1): 104-120, 2009.
- "Tradable Rights to Emit Air Pollution." David A. Evans and Dallas Burtraw in Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 53(1):59-84, 2009. Also available as Resources for the Future Discussion Paper 08-08.
- "Big Yards or Green Space?" Elizabeth Kopits, Virginia McConnell and Margaret Walls in Regulation. Vol. 31, No. 3, 2008.
- "Cancer Premiums and Latency Effects: A Risk Tradeoff Approach for Valuing Reductions in Fatal Cancer Risks." Chris Dockins, G Van Houtven and M Sullivan in Journal of Risk and Uncertainty. 36(2), 2008.
- "Making Markets for Development Rights Work: What Determines Demand?" Elizabeth Kopits, Virginia McConnell and Margaret Walls in Land Economics. 84(1), 2008.
- "Modeling the Effects of Changes in New Source Review on National SO2 and NOX Emissions from Electricity-Generating Units." David A. Evans, B.F. Hobbs, C.N. Oren and K. Palmer in Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 42(2): 347-353, 2008.
- "Pesticide Use and Fish Harvesting in Vietnamese Rice Agroecosystems." Heather Klemick and E. Lichtenberg in American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 90(1): 1-14, 2008.
- "Redesign of the 2005 Pollution Abatement Costs and Expenditure Survey." Michael P. Gallaher, Cynthia Morgan, and Ron Shadbegian in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement. 33, 309-360, 2008.
- "Valuing Benefits from Ecosystem Improvements using Stated Preference Methods: An Example from Reducing Acidification in the Adirondacks Park." David A. Evans, H.S. Banzhaf, D. Burtraw, A.J. Krupnick and J. Siikamaki in Saving Biological Diversity: Balancing Protection of Endangered Species and Ecosystems. Ed. R.A. Askins, G.D. Dreyer, G.R. Visgilio, and D.M. Whitelaw. 2008.
- "Water Quality Trading in the United States: Trading Programs and One-time Offset Agreements." Cynthia Morgan and Ann Wolverton in Water Policy. 10(1): 73-93, 2008.
- "Why Have Traffic Fatalities Declined in Industrialized Countries? Implications for Pedestrians and Vehicle Occupants." Elizabeth Kopits and Maureen Cropper in Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 42(1): 129-154, 2008.
- "A Comparison of the Monetized Impact of IQ Decrements from Mercury Emissions." Charles W. Griffiths, Al McGartland and Maggie Miller in Environmental Health Perspectives 115(6): 841-847, 2007.
- "Benefits and Costs from Sulfur Dioxide Trading: A Distributional Analysis." Ron Shadbegian, Wayne Gray and Cynthia Morgan in Acid in the Environment: Lessons Learned and Future Prospects. Ed. Gerald Visgilio and Diana Whitelaw. 2007.
- "Organizing and Integrating the Valuation Process." G. Biddinger, Brian Heninger, C. Joy, C.L. Kling, D. Reagan and T.S. Schmidt in Valuation of Ecological Resources: Integration of Ecology and Socioeconomics in Environmental Decision Making. CRC Press, 2007.
- "The Tradeoff Between Private Lots and Public Open Space in Subdivisions at the Urban-Rural Fringe." Elizabeth Kopits, Virginia McConnell and Margaret Walls in American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 89: 1191-7, 2007.
- "Valuing the Ecological Benefits from the Clean Air Act and 1990 Amendments." Brian Heninger in Valuation of Ecological Resources: Integration of Ecology and Socioeconomics in Environmental Decision Making. CRC Press, 2007.
- "Where's the Sky's Limit? Lessons from Chicago's Cap and Trade Program.” David A. Evans and J.A. Kruger in Environment. 49(2):18-32, 2007.
- "The Benefits and Costs of Informal Sector Pollution Control: Mexican Brick Kilns." A. Blackman, J-S Shih, David A. Evans, M. Batz, Steve Newbold, and J. Cook in Small Firms and the Environment in Developing Countries: Collective Impacts Collective Action, Environment and Development Economics. 11:603-227, 2006.
- "Clean Water, Ecological Benefits, and Benefits Transfer: A Work in Progress at the U.S. EPA." Charles W. Griffiths and Rich Iovanna in Ecological Economics, 60(20):473-482, 2006.
- "Focus on Babies: Evidence of Parental Attitudes Toward Pesticide Risks." Kelly Maguire, Nicole Owens and Nathalie B. Simon in Journal of Agribusiness. 2(2): 187-195, 2006.
- "A Market Approach to Land Preservation." Elizabeth Kopits, Virginia McConnell and Margaret Walls in The RFF Reader in Environmental and Resource Policy, 2nd Edition. Ed. Wallace Oates, 2006. (Originally published in Resources No. 150, 2003.)
- "Using Markets for Land Preservation: Results of a TDR Program." Elizabeth Kopits, Virginia McConnell and Margaret Walls in Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 49(5): 631-51, 2006.
- "Valuation of Natural Resource Improvements in the Adirondacks." H.S. Banzhaf, D. Burtraw, David A. Evans, and A. Krupnick in Land Economics, 82(3):445-464, 2006.
- "Valuing Water Quality Changes Using a Bioeconomic Model of a Coastal Recreational Fishery." Matt Massey, Steve Newbold and Brad Gentner in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 52:482-500, 2006.
- "Zoning, TDRs and the Density of Development." Elizabeth Kopits, Virginia McConnell and Margaret Walls in Journal of Urban Economics. 59(3): 440-457, 2006.
- "Benefit-Cost Analysis of U.S. Regulations Affecting Surface Water Quality." Charles W. Griffiths and William Wheeler in Cost-Benefit Analysis and Water Resources Management. Ed.Roy Brouwer and David Pearce. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2005.
- "Economics of Pollution Trading for SO2 and NOX." D. Burtraw, David A. Evans, A. Krupnick, K. Palmer, R. Toth in Annual Review of Environment and Resources, Vol. 30, 2005.
- "Farmland Preservation and Density: Can Development Rights Markets Affect Land Use Change?" Elizabeth Kopits, Virginia McConnell, and Margaret Walls in Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 34(2):131-144, 2005.
- "Forever Wild, But Do We Care? How New Yorkers Value Natural Resource Improvement." H.S. Banzhaf, D. Burtraw, David A. Evans, and A. Krupnick in Resources, 158, 2005.
- "Risk Assessment for Benefits Analysis: Framework for Analysis of a Thyroid-Disrupting Chemical." Daniel Axelrad, Karl Baetcke, Chris Dockins, Charles W. Griffiths, et al. in Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 68(11-12):837-55, 2005.
- "Serial Nonparticipation in Repeated Discrete Choice Models." Roger Von Haefen, Matt Massey, and Wiktor Adamowicz in American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 87(4):1060-1075, 2005
- "Traffic Fatalities and Economic Growth." Elizabeth Kopits and Maureen Cropper in Accident Analysis and Prevention. 37(1):169-78, 2005.
- "The Two Part Instrument in a Second Best World." Don Fullerton and Ann Wolverton in Journal of Public Economics, v. 89 (9-10), 2005.
- "The Use of Market-Based Environmental Policies in Latin America." Sarah West and Ann Wolverton in Environmental Issues in Latin America. Ed. A. Romero and S. West. Springer Press, 2005.
- "The Use of Voluntary Approaches for Environmental Policymaking in the U.S." Keith Brouhle, Charles W. Griffiths, and Ann Wolverton in The Handbook of Environmental Voluntary Agreements. Ed. E. Croci. Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2005.
Benefits of the fire mitigation ecosystem service in the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, Virginia, USA. Bryan Parthum, Emily Pindilli, and Dianna Hogan. Journal of Environmental Management, 203: 375-382.