An Evaluation of Options for Micro-Targeting Acquisition of Cropping Rights to Reduce Nonpoint Source Water Pollution (1990)
Paper Number: EE-0202
Document Date: 07/01/1990
Author(s): Easter, K. William; Kozloff, Keith; Graham-Tomassi, Theodore; Moore, Ian; Taff, Steven; Wang, Yingmin
Subject Area(s): Economic Analysis, Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Nonpoint Source Pollution
Keywords: Economic Analysis, Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Nonpoint Source Pollution
In this study, micro-targeting is defined as differentiating among individual land parcels in a watershed for program implementation. This study examined several related questions: 1) To what extent can the cost effectiveness of programs be improved by micro-targeting for nonpoint source pollution (NPSP) reduction within a watershed? 2) To what extent is it worth obtaining additional information about heterogeneous biophysical and economic characteristics of fields to implement such a targeted program? 3) Given limited resources, how should agencies allocate efforts between collecting information and program implementation? and 4) Which variables characterizing watershed NPSP response provide the most useful information for determining improvements in cost effectiveness and under what circumstances do they make improvements?
This report is part of the Environmental Economics Research Inventory.