Regulatory Impact Analyses for Air Pollution Regulations
As required under Executive Orders 12866 and 13563, EPA develops Regulatory Impact Analyses (RIAs) to support the development of national air pollution regulations. RIAs contain descriptions of the potential social benefits and social costs of a regulation, including those that cannot be quantified in monetary terms and a determination of the potential net benefits of the rule including an evaluation of the effects that are not monetarily quantified. Typically, an RIA is structured similarly to an EIA, except that a benefits analysis of the rule is included along with an estimation of the net benefits. RIA documents are listed below, organized by:
- Sector or Source Category Regulations
- Air Pollution Transport Regulations
- New Source Review (NSR) Permitting Actions
- Visibility Regulations
- National Ambient Air Quality Standards
- Other RIAs
- Guidance Relevant to Preparing RIAs
Please note there are several RIAs that don't meet compliance with section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act; these can be made available upon request.
Sector or Source Category Regulations
Below is a list of RIAs organized by the industry sector or source category sector for which they were developed. The RIAs are available in PDF format and can be downloaded by clicking on the links below.
Crosscutting Rulemaking and Guidance | Date |
Reclassification of Major Sources as Area Sources under Section 112 of the Clean Air Act, Final (349 pp, 4.5 MB) |
09/2020 |
Reclassification of Major Sources as Area Sources under Section 112 of the Clean Air Act, Proposal (305 pp, 4.3 MB) |
05/2019 |
Chemical Manufacturing | Date |
HON/ Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry NESHAP, Final (163 pp, 1.3 MB) |
03/2024 |
HON/ Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry NESHAP, Proposal (155 pp, 1.6 MB) |
03/2023 |
Mercury Cell Chlor Alkali Plants NESHAP, Proposal (116 pp, 1 MB) |
11/2010 |
Synthetic Organic Chemical Industry NESHAP, Final (contact us for a copy of this document) (169 pp, 7.5 MB) |
03/1994 |
Coke Ovens | Date |
By Product Coke Oven Charging, Door Leaks and Topside Leaks NESHAP, Final (contact us for a copy of this document) (167 pp, 8.4 MB) |
11/1992 |
Combustion Turbines | Date |
New Source Performance Standards Review for Stationary Combustion Turbines, Proposal (90 pp, 945 K) |
11/2024 |
Commercial Sterilization | Date |
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Ethylene Oxide Commercial Sterilization and Fumigation Operations, Final (100 pp ,749 KB) |
03/2024 |
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Ethylene Oxide Commercial Sterilization and Fumigation Operations, Proposal (100 pp ,711.6 KB) |
03/2023 |
Gasoline Distribution Industry | Date |
Gasoline Distribution Industry NESHAP and NSPS, Final (179 pp, 2.3 MB) |
01/2024 |
Gasoline Distribution Industry NESHAP and NSPS, Proposal (177 pp, 2.5 MB) |
06/2022 |
Industrial/Commercial/Institutional (ICI) Boilers | Date |
ICI Boilers and Process Heaters NESHAP, Reconsideration Final (83 pp, 881 KB) |
06/2022 |
ICI Boilers and Process Heaters NESHAP, Reconsideration Proposal (56 pp, 572 KB) |
06/2020 |
ICI Boilers and Process Heaters NESHAP, Reconsideration Final (262 pp, 5 MB) |
12/2012 |
ICI Boilers and Process Heaters NESHAP, Reconsideration Proposal (259 pp, 8 MB) |
02/2012 |
ICI Boilers and Process Heaters NESHAP, Final (251 pp, 5 MB) |
02/2011 |
ICI Boilers and Process Heaters NESHAP, Proposal (232 pp, 4 MB) |
04/2010 |
Industrial Boilers and Process Heaters NESHAP, Final (282 pp, 3 MB) |
02/2004 |
Nonmetallic Minerals | Date |
Lime Manufacturing Plants NESHAP, Final (96 pp, 967 K) |
06/2024 |
Lime Manufacturing Plants NESHAP, Supplemental Proposal (81 pp, 929 K) |
01/2024 |
Brick and Structural Clay Products NESHAP, Final (124 pp, 1 MB) |
07/2015 |
Brick and Structural Clay Products NESHAP, Proposal (112 pp, 2 MB) |
07/2014 |
Portland Cement Manufacturing NESHAP and NSPS, Final Amendments (174 pp, 3 MB) |
08/2010 |
Portland Cement Manufacturing NESHAP, Proposal (115 pp, 2 MB) |
04/2009 |
Nonroad Mobile | Date |
Nonroad Diesel Engines, Final (1,568 pp, 17 MB) |
05/2004 |
Petroleum Refineries | Date |
Petroleum Refineries NSPS, Final (121 pp, 1 MB) |
06/2012 |
Petroleum Refineries NSPS, Final (144 pp, 2 MB) |
04/2008 |
Petroleum Refineries NESHAP, Final (contact us for a copy of this document) (224 pp, 10 MB) |
08/1995 |
Primary Metals | Date |
Integrated Iron and Steel Manufacturing Facilities Technology Review NESHAP, Proposal (104 pp, 1.4 MB) |
06/2023 |
Manganese Ferroalloys RTR, Proposal (80 pp, 826 K) |
11/2011 |
Pulp and Paper | Date |
Pulp and Paper NESHAP, Final (contact us for a copy of this document) (499 pp, 1.2 MB) |
10/1997 |
Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines | Date |
Existing Stationary Spark Ignition (SI) RICE NESHAP, Final Reconsideration (158 pp, 3 MB) |
01/2013 |
Existing Stationary Compression Ignition (CI) Engines NESHAP, Final Reconsideration (164 pp, 2 MB) |
01/2013 |
Existing Stationary Compression Ignition (CI) Engines NESHAP, Proposed Reconsideration (167 pp, 3 MB) |
05/2012 |
Existing Stationary Spark Ignition (SI) RICE NESHAP, Proposed Reconsideration (159 pp, 3 MB) |
05/2012 |
Existing Stationary Spark Ignition (SI) RICE NESHAP, Final (185 pp, 3 MB) |
08/2010 |
Existing Stationary Compression Ignition (CI) RICE NESHAP, Final (147 pp, 3 MB) |
02/2010 |
Existing Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines NESHAP, Proposal (136 pp, 2 MB) |
02/2009 |
Stationary Spark Ignition (SI) NSPS and NESHAP, Final (54 pp, 440 K) |
12/2007 |
Stationary Compression Ignition (CI) NSPS, Final (69 pp, 498 K) |
06/2006 |
Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines NESHAP, Final (247 pp, 2 MB) |
02/2004 |
Transportation Manufacturing | Date |
Automobile and Light Duty Vehicle NESHAP, Final (130 pp, 891 K) |
02/2004 |
Wood Heaters | Date |
Supplemental RIA for New Residential Wood Heaters, Hydronic Heaters and Forced-Air Furnaces, Proposal (22 pp, 456 K) |
11/2018 |
Residential Wood Heaters NSPS Revision, Final (203 pp, 3 MB) |
02/2015 |
Residential Wood Heaters NSPS, Proposed Revision (219 pp, 3 MB) |
01/2014 |
Wood Products Manufacturing | Date |
Plywood and Composite Wood Products NESHAP, Final (179 pp, 2 MB) |
02/2004 |
Air Pollution Transport Regulations
Below is a list of RIAs for Air Pollution Transport regulations. The RIAs are available in PDF format and can be downloaded by clicking on the links below.
New Source Review (NSR) Permitting Actions
Below is a list of RIAs for New Source Review (NSR) Permitting actions. The RIAs are available in PDF format and can be downloaded by clicking on the links below.
NSR Permitting | Date |
GHG Tailoring Rule, Final (230 pp, 2 MB) |
05/2010 |
GHG Tailoring Rule, Proposal (157 pp, 2 MB) |
09/2009 |
Operating Permits Rule, Final (contact us for a copy of this document) (50 pp, 2.0 MB) |
06/1992 |
Visibility Regulations
Below is a list of RIAs for Visibility regulations. The RIAs are available in PDF format and can be downloaded by clicking on the links below.
Visibility Rules | Date |
Visibility Rule and BART for Regional Haze, Final (469 pp, 5 MB) |
06/2005 |
Regional Haze Rule, Final (contact us for a copy of this document) (269 pp, 901 K) |
04/1999 |
National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS)
Below is a list of RIAs for National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). As it does with all major rules, EPA conducts benefits and costs analyses of each proposed or revised NAAQS. These regulatory impact analyses are designed to inform the public and state, local, and tribal governments about the potential costs and benefits of implementing these important air quality standards. NAAQS RIAs are not a part of the standard setting process. The NAAQS RIAs are available in PDF format and can be downloaded by clicking on the links below.
NAAQS - Ozone | Date |
Revisions to the NAAQS for Ozone, Final (480 pp, 11 MB) |
09/2015 |
Revisions to the NAAQS for Ozone, Proposal (575 pp, 15 MB) |
11/2014 |
Revisions to the NAAQS for Ozone, Supplemental Analysis, Reconsideration, Proposal (89 pp, 2 MB) |
11/2009 |
Ozone NAAQS, Final (558 pp, 13 MB) |
03/2008 |
Ozone NAAQS, Proposal (364 pp, 5 MB) |
07/2007 |
Ozone and Particulate Matter NAAQS, Final (contact us for a copy of this document) (741 pp, 4.8 MB) |
07/1997 |
Ozone NAAQS, Proposal (contact us for a copy of this document) (450 pp, 27 MB) |
12/1996 |
NAAQS - Particulate Matter | Date |
Particulate Matter NAAQS, Final Reconsideration (445 pp, 20 MB) |
01/2024 |
Particulate Matter NAAQS, Proposed Reconsideration (467 pp, 24 MB) |
12/2022 |
Particulate Matter NAAQS, Final (474 pp, 11 MB) |
12/2012 |
Particulate Matter NAAQS, Proposal (522 pp, 7 MB) |
06/2012 |
Particulate Matter NAAQS, Final (733 pp, 13 MB) |
10/2006 |
Ozone and Particulate Matter NAAQS, Final (contact us for a copy of this document) (741 pp, 4.8 MB) |
07/1997 |
Particulate Matter NAAQS, Proposal (contact us for a copy of this document) (366 pp, 15 MB) |
12/1996 |
NAAQS - Nitrogen Dioxide | Date |
Nitrogen Dioxide NAAQS, Final (155 pp, 3 MB) |
01/2010 |
Nitrogen Dioxide NAAQS, Proposal (244 pp, 6 MB) |
07/2009 |
NAAQS - Sulfur Dioxide | Date |
Sulfur Dioxide NAAQS, Final (189 pp, 5 MB) |
06/2010 |
Sulfur Dioxide NAAQS, Proposal (168 pp, 4 MB) |
11/2009 |
NAAQS - Lead | Date |
Lead NAAQS, Final (177 pp, 2 MB) |
10/2008 |
Lead NAAQS, Proposal (168 pp, 2 MB) |
06/2008 |
Other RIAs
AERR Revisions | Date |
Revisions to the Air Emissions Reporting Requirements, Proposal (169 pp, 1.8 MB) |
07/2023 |
Guidance Relevant to Preparing RIAs
Economic Guidance Used Throughout EPA |
EPA Guidelines for Preparing Economic Analyses |
Regulatory Flexibility Act/Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Act |