HFC Data Hub
The American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act directs EPA to phase down production and consumption of regulated hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in the United States by 85 percent from baseline levels by 2036. This phasedown is consistent with the U.S. schedule under the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol. To promote data transparency and accountability, this page includes information on the following information on HFCs for 2023:
- Production and Calculated Consumption
- Imports into the United States
- Allowance Allocations and Expenditures
- End-of-Year Inventory
- HFC-23 Emissions
- Reclamation
Additional information on HFC production and consumption and HFC allowance activity is also available on the Expanded HFC Data webpage. There is also access to the HFC Data Hub for prior years.
Download all data on the HFC Data Hub from reporting year 2023: 2023 HFC Data (xlsx)
HFC Production and Calculated Consumption
Starting January 1, 2022, the amount of HFC production and consumption allowed in the United States was limited through an allowance allocation program. The figures and table below summarize production and consumption of regulated HFCs based on activity data reported under 40 CFR Part 84. Production is equal to the amount of a regulated substance manufactured from a raw material or feedstock chemical (excluding the amount produced for feedstock) minus destruction. Calculated consumption is equal to production plus imports minus exports.
production = gross production - production for feedstock - destruction
calculated consumption = production + imports - exports
Shown below are the current data reported to EPA as of September 12, 2024. All reported data are certified by the reporting entity to be true, accurate, and complete. EPA continues to review and verify these data and may revise figures shown on this website as appropriate. All values are presented in metric tons or million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO2e or MMTCO2e) using 100-year global warming potentials (GWPs) listed in the 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report.
EPA also sometimes refers to “metric tons of exchange value equivalent” (MTEVe) in charts below. EPA has determined that the exchange values included in subsection (c) of the AIM Act are identical to the GWPs included in IPCC (2007). Therefore, one MMTCO2e is numerically equivalent to one MMTEVe. The EPA is using the measurement MMTCO2e in this document since the public is more familiar with this term than MMTEVe.
HFC Production and Consumption Relative to the Phasedown Limit
The following figures depict the calculated level of HFC production and consumption relative to the AIM Act HFC phasedown schedule.1 Additional historical HFC data going back to 2010 are available on EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) webpage.
Note: Pre-2022 data were collected per requirements under the GHGRP, while data shown in the figure for 2022 and 2023 were reported in accordance with regulations established under the AIM Act. Values represent production.
Note: Pre-2022 data were collected per requirements under the GHGRP for "net supply," while data shown in the figure for 2022 and 2023 were reported in accordance with regulations established under the AIM Act. “Net supply” is near equivalent but not equal to the term "consumption."
HFC Production and Calculated Consumption for 2023
The following table and treemaps depict production and calculated consumption for 2023 aggregated by chemical, using calculations consistent with the AIM Act. HFC-125 was the largest contributor to 2023 total calculated consumption. Find more detail on production and calculated consumption on the Expanded HFC Data webpage.
Chemical | Production (MTCO2e) | Calculated Consumption (MTCO2e) | GWP* |
HFC-125 | 67,033,779.9 | 141,040,637.0 | 3,500 |
HFC-134 | 359,548.6 | 321,650.6 | 1,100 |
HFC-134a | 70,845,742.3 | 64,221,610.2 | 1,430 |
HFC-143a | −47,980.8 | 8,037,684.3 | 4,470 |
HFC-152a | 4,204,231.1 | 4,525,736.5 | 124 |
HFC-227ea | 3,496,417.1 | 1,156,190.1 | 3,220 |
HFC-23 | 91,908.0 | 1,298,914.8 | 14,800 |
HFC-236ea | 10,644.9 | −3,362.3 | 1,370 |
HFC-236cb | 0 | 0 | 1,340 |
HFC-143 | 0 | 0 | 353 |
HFC-245ca | 0 | 0 | 693 |
HFC-152 | 0 | 0 | 53 |
HFC-236fa | 0 | 1,553,638.9 | 9,810 |
HFC-245fa | 2,670,974.8 | 4,162,790.8 | 1,030 |
HFC-32 | 15,158,281.6 | 25,575,227.9 | 675 |
HFC-365mfc | 0 | 351,239.8 | 794 |
HFC-41 | 2,059.8 | 728.2 | 92 |
HFC-43-10mee | 0 | 710,287.0 | 1,640 |
Total | 163,825,607.3 | 252,952,973.8a | NA |
NA = Not Applicable.
Note: Negative values occur when destruction exceeds production.
* All values are calculated using the 100-year GWPs listed in the 2007 IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, which are numerically equal to the exchange values listed in the AIM Act.
a Due to rounding and continued data verification, this value could vary by up to 2% of the 2023 AIM Act consumption limit.
This treemap shows the proportion of calculated AIM Act production across HFCs in metric tons carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO₂e) for 2023. Negative values are not shown. To expand the graph, click on the menu icon in the top right corner and select "View in full screen."
This treemap shows the proportion of calculated AIM Act consumption across HFCs in metric tons carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO₂e) for 2023. Negative values are not shown. To expand the graph, click on the menu icon in the top right corner and select "View in full screen."
HFC Imports Into the United States for 2023
The following figures summarize the total quantity of imports into the United States in 2023. All bulk HFC imports into the United States are shown, including those for: consumptive use, feedstock use, destruction and application-specific uses.
The map below depicts the amount of regulated HFCs imported into the United States. The majority of this data was compiled from EPA’s HFC and ODS Allowance Tracking (HAWK) system. In a small number of cases, EPA included additional import information derived from U.S. Customs and Border Protection systems in calendar year 2023. The largest points of export were China (54%), India (25%) and the United Arab Emirates (10%). Hover over elements of the map for more information. To expand the graph, click on the menu icon in the top right corner and select "View in full screen."
This map shows 2023 bulk HFC imports by source of export.
Note: In cases where more than ten HFCs or HFC blends were exported from a given source, only the top ten HFCs or HFC blends are shown.
The following stacked column chart depicts the ten U.S. ports of entry where the largest total quantities of bulk HFCs arrived in 2023, broken down by chemical. Hover over elements of the figure for more information. To expand the graph, click on the menu icon in the top right corner and select "View in full screen."
This stacked bar chart shows the top ten US Ports of Entry for each HFC or HFC Blend in metric tons (MT) and metric tons carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO₂e).
The following column chart depicts the total quantities of regulated bulk HFCs imported into the United States in calendar years 2022 and 2023. HFC-125 imports fell, while imports of HFC-152a and HFC-32 rose. Hover over elements of the figure for more information. To expand the graph, click on the menu icon in the top right corner and select "View in full screen."
This bar chart shows imports by HFC for 2022 and 2023 in both metric tons (MT) and metric tons carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO₂e).
HFC Allowances Allocated and Expended
To phase down production and consumption of HFCs in the United States, EPA has established a methodology for allocating HFC production and consumption allowances under the authority of the AIM Act. The figure below shows production and consumption allowances expended for 2023 based on reported data.2 Allowances are presented on an exchange value (EV)-weighted basis. Exchange values for the HFCs are numerically equal to the 100-year GWPs listed in the 2007 IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, thus EV-weighted production and consumption used for the allowance program are the same as CO2 equivalents.
Chart showing the number of HFC production and consumption allowances allocated and expended in 2023. To expand the graph, click on the menu icon in the top right corner and select "View in full screen."
Note: Application-specific allowances are included in the above graphic. "Transfer offsets" refers to allowances retired during the transfer of allowances between entities. The offset is equal to five percent of the total transfer amount. See 40 CFR 84.19(a)(1).
The tables below present the information summarized by the graphic above in greater detail. Consumption and production allowances allocated to each entity for 2023 are shown. The tables also summarize each entity’s unused allowances.3
HFC Production Allowance Activity for 2023
Find more detail on production allowance activity on the Expanded HFC Data webpage.
Entity | Number of Production Allowances Issued (MTEVe) | Unused Allowances (MTEVe) |
Iofina Chemical | 1,758.6 | 459.5 |
IsleChem by Acetoa | 0.0 | 1,000.1 |
Daikin Americaa | 0.0 | 55,794.5 |
Mexichem Fluor DBA Koura | 50,546,575.8 | 18,578,768.2 |
Arkema | 40,873,469.3 | 27,145,925.2 |
Chemours | 75,703,417.3 | 41,340,495.8 |
Honeywell International | 171,747,616.1 | 87,378,417.4 |
Application-specific allowancesb | 5,426,319.9 | 2,770,346.3 |
Total | 344,299,157.0 | 177,271,207.0 |
a In some cases, entities may appear in the table as having unused allowances, even though they were not issued allowances. These entities received allowances via inter-entity transfers.
b See Application-specific Allowance Allocations.
HFC Consumption Allowance Activity for 2023
Find more detail on consumption allowance activity on the Expanded HFC Data webpage.
Entity | Number of Consumption Allowances Issued (MTEVe) | Unused Allowances (MTEVe) |
Daikin America | 3,120,932.2 | 596.9 |
AutoZone Partsa | 2,486,664.3 | −21,764.5 |
AFK & CO.a | 193,335.9 | −941.5 |
A-Gas | 3,209,232.5 | 30,538.2 |
3M Company | 0.0 | −142.4 |
AW Product Sales & Marketing | 194,505.7 | 0.0 |
Altair Partners | 2,918,730.4 | 0.0 |
Certified Refrigerant Services | 200,000.0 | 0.0 |
RTR Suppliers | 198,000.0 | 0.0 |
Wego Chemical Group | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Chemp Technology | 200,000.0 | 4.9 |
Cross World Group | 200,000.0 | 9.3 |
Fireside Holdings Inc (DBA American Refrigerants) | 199,978.5 | 10.0 |
Creative Solution | 200,000.0 | 13.2 |
Reclamation Technologies | 200,000.0 | 13.2 |
Lenz Sales & Distribution | 1,110,319.3 | 14.4 |
EDX Industry | 200,000.0 | 14.5 |
Hungry Bear | 200,000.0 | 15.0 |
TradeQuim | 200,000.0 | 15.4 |
Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling | 16.8 | 16.8 |
Summit Refrigerants | 200,000.0 | 20.9 |
Automart Distributors DBA Refrigerant Plus | 200,000.0 | 51.5 |
Freskoa USA | 200,000.0 | 65.4 |
Refrigerants, Inc. | 26,550.9 | 66.3 |
ACT Commodities | 77.8 | 77.8 |
A.C.S. Reclamation & Recovery | 200,000.0 | 81.1 |
Saalok | 200,000.0 | 81.1 |
Advanced Specialty Gases | 285,314.5 | 126.0 |
Perfect Score Too DBA Perfect Cycle | 37,876.0 | 134.0 |
Nature Gas Import and Export | 819,624.4 | 154.7 |
O23 Energy Plus | 200,000.0 | 181.1 |
Harp USA | 765,574.0 | 225.7 |
Golden Refrigerant | 200,000.0 | 426.5 |
Mondy Global | 318,706.9 | 427.8 |
SDS Refrigerant Services | 200,000.0 | 590.8 |
Iofina Chemical | 1,264.9 | 675.0 |
Lina Trade | 200,000.0 | 705.3 |
USA United Suppliers of America DBA USA Refrigerants | 200,000.0 | 722.2 |
FluoroFusion Specialty Chemicals | 2,552,532.6 | 830.2 |
Artsen | 1,027,571.2 | 954.2 |
IsleChem by Acetob | 0.0 | 1,000.1 |
RGAS LLC | 1,287,918.3 | 1,034.3 |
CC Packaging | 194,000.0 | 1,062.5 |
SynAgile Corporation | 1,125.1 | 1,125.1 |
Weitron | 6,338,344.6 | 1,165.9 |
AllCool Refrigerant Reclaim | 200,000.0 | 1,270.0 |
Waysmos USA | 634,504.6 | 1,317.7 |
ComStar International | 374,063.9 | 1,505.1 |
ICool USA | 3,406,995.9 | 1,601.2 |
AFS Cooling | 200,000.0 | 1,719.3 |
Hudson Technologies | 2,988,057.5 | 3,195.8 |
Solvay Fluorides | 1,102,459.2 | 3,957.8 |
Wesco HMB | 200,000.0 | 4,045.4 |
Electronic Fluorocarbons | 104,289.0 | 4,995.4 |
GlaxoSmithKline | 536,367.9 | 5,916.8 |
KiddeFenwal, LLC | 200,000.0 | 6,800.0 |
Sciarra Laboratories | 8,700.0 | 8,700.0 |
Walmart | 2,280,583.0 | 9,834.5 |
Wilhelmsen Ships Service | 40,392.5 | 10,237.0 |
North American Refrigerants | 200,000.0 | 10,283.8 |
IGas Holdings | 25,944,614.3 | 11,718.0 |
National Refrigerants | 19,806,810.9 | 12,201.4 |
Tyco Fire Products | 200,000.0 | 12,438.6 |
Technical Chemical | 974,140.0 | 16,440.0 |
RMS of Georgia | 1,621,276.8 | 21,275.9 |
Ability Refrigerants | 200,000.0 | 31,918.2 |
Tulstar Products | 734,110.9 | 33,099.1 |
Metalcraft Inc | 161,000.0 | 37,370.0 |
Meraki Group | 200,000.0 | 43,933.7 |
Bluon | 33,459.8 | 46,995.4 |
First Continental International | 769,838.0 | 52,966.9 |
Resonac America, Inc. | 73,466.6 | 73,466.6 |
USSC Acquisition Corp | 131,451.0 | 78,321.0 |
Air Liquide USA | 498,530.3 | 85,327.7 |
American Air Components | 200,000.0 | 159,191.5 |
Advance Auto Parts | 190,699.1 | 190,699.1 |
Linde | 532,503.3 | 215,480.2 |
Chemours | 33,382,686.1 | 365,443.1 |
Honeywell International | 82,497,424.7 | 508,679.3 |
Mexichem Fluor DBA Koura | 25,479,884.3 | 1,269,601.9 |
Arkema | 31,075,488.7 | 6,870,734.0 |
Application-specific allowancesc | 5,426,319.9 | 2,770,346.3 |
Total | 273,498,315.0 | 13,003,426.6 |
a Negative values in the unused allowances column occur when an entity has reported HFC consumption that exceeds the number of allowances available to the entity as of December 31 of that year after factoring in amounts allocated, allowances expended, and transactions throughout the year, such as requests for additional consumption allowances and transfers. Such negative values could result in EPA pursuing administrative consequences under 40 CFR Part 84 and enforcement action.
b In some cases, entities may appear in the table as having unused allowances, even though they were not issued allowances. These entities received allowances via inter-entity transfers.
c See Application-specific Allowance Allocations.
HFC End-of-Year Inventory
The following table and column chart summarize the total quantity of each regulated HFC reported as held in inventory by HFC producers, importers, exporters, fire suppression agent recyclers and reclaimers, as of December 31, 2023.
HFC End-of-Year Inventory for 2023
Chemical | End-of-Year Inventory (MT) | End-of-Year Inventory (MTCO2e) | GWP* |
HFC-125 | 58,000.5 | 207,855,074.1 | 3,500 |
HFC-134 | 561.2 | 617,300.2 | 1,100 |
HFC-134a | 39,468.8 | 56,669,744.9 | 1,430 |
HFC-143 | 0.2 | 68.1 | 353 |
HFC-143a | 17,416.6 | 79,362,841.8 | 4,470 |
HFC-152 | 0.2 | 8.1 | 53 |
HFC-152a | 4,963.2 | 615,441.2 | 124 |
HFC-227ea | 1,179.8 | 3,803,795.1 | 3,220 |
HFC-23 | 285.0 | 4,217,608.8 | 14,800 |
HFC-236cb | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1,340 |
HFC-236ea | 15.1 | 20,659.6 | 1,370 |
HFC-236fa | 341.0 | 3,344,998.5 | 9,810 |
HFC-245ca | 0.0 | 0.0 | 693 |
HFC-245fa | 1,090.2 | 1,122,890.5 | 1,030 |
HFC-32 | 29,273.4 | 20,428,504.4 | 675 |
HFC-365mfc | 0.0 | 0.8 | 794 |
HFC-41 | 11.8 | 1,090.2 | 92 |
HFC-43-10mee | 140.1 | 229,713.0 | 1,640 |
Total | 152,747.1 | 378,289,739.2 | NA |
Note: Totals in the table above sum total reported inventory from 2023 HFC Quarterly Importer Reports, except in cases where the entity submitted HFC Quarterly Reclaimer Reports. If Quarterly Reclaimer Reports were available, EPA used inventory totals from those reports. If an entity neither imported nor reclaimed HFCs, inventory totals were taken from HFC Quarterly Producer Reports.
NA = Not Applicable.
* All values are calculated using the 100-year GWPs listed in the 2007 IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, which are numerically equal to the exchange values listed in the AIM Act.
This bar chart shows the end-of-year inventory by HFC for the years 2022 and 2023 in metric tons (MT) and metric tons carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO₂e). To expand the graph, click on the menu icon in the top right corner and select "View in full screen."
HFC-23 Emissions
The following table summarizes the total quantities of HFC-23 generated and emitted per chemical manufacturing facility. Based on reported data for 2023, the ten chemical manufacturing facilities listed below met the 0.1 percent emissions standard.
HFC-23 Emissions for 2023
Chemical Manufacturing Facility | Location | Total Amount Generated (MT) | Emissions (MT) |
3M Cordova | Cordova, IL | 119.6 | 0.1 |
Arkema | Calvert City, KY | 15.8 | 0.5 |
Chemours Corpus Christi Plant | Ingleside, TX | 61.9 | 1.6 |
Chemours Fayetteville Works | White Oak, NC | 5.9 | 0.0 |
Chemours Louisville Works | Louisville, KY | 369.8 | 30.9 |
Chemours Washington Works | Washington, WV | 23.5 | 10.0 |
Daikin America | Decatur, AL | 18.7 | 0.0 |
Honeywell International Geismar Complex | Geismar, LA | 3.2 | 0.1 |
Daikin America (MDA Manufacturing) | Decatur, AL | 189.4 | 0.0 |
Mexichem Fluor DBA Koura St. Gabriel Site | St. Gabriel, LA | 1.0 | 0.3 |
Note: The 0.1 percent emissions limit for HFC-23 found in 40 CFR 84.27 is calculated by dividing the amount of reported HFC-23 emissions for each facility by the amount of chemical intentionally produced on a facility line. The table shows the amount of HFC-23 emissions reported to EPA, but neither information on the quantity of chemical that was intentionally produced on each facility line nor the calculated percent of HFC emissions per 40 CFR 84.27 is shown in this table.
HFC Reclamation
The following table depicts the reported total quantity of HFC received by reclaiming entities. For more information on reclamation, see Section 608 under the Clean Air Act and subsection (h) of the AIM Act.
HFC Reclamation for 2023
Entity | Quantity of Material Received for Reclamation (MT) |
A-Gas | 1,573.3 |
A.C.S. Reclamation & Recovery | 0.4 |
Advanced Refrigerant Technologies | 90.3 |
Alabama Reclamation Services | 0.1 |
Alfa Cantor | 4.5 |
AllCool Refrigerant Reclaim | 20.1 |
Brady Trane Service | 0.7 |
C&M Enterprise | 3.8 |
Carolina Refrigerants | 29.6 |
Chill-Tek, Inc. | 50.2 |
Chiller Services Refrigerants Recovery Reclamation LLC | 24.9 |
Clean Air Refrigerant Recovery and Reclaiming | 17.3 |
Consolidated Refrigerant Solutions | 22.8 |
Copper State Metals | 3.8 |
Daikin America | 0.0 |
Environmental Recovery Solutions | 5.2 |
Fireside Holdings Inc (DBA American Refrigerants) | 41.9 |
FluoroFusion Specialty Chemicals | 128.9 |
Golden Refrigerant | 309.7 |
Horwitz Inc. | 0.2 |
Hudson Technologies | 808.0 |
InSolution | 0.2 |
J.R.’S Appliance Disposal Inc. | 4.2 |
National Refrigerants | 503.8 |
Newcomb Mechanical | 4.3 |
NoVent Refrigerant Services | 0.0 |
Perfect Score Too DBA Perfect Cycle | 7.9 |
Pierce Refrigerant Management | 0.0 |
Prime Refrigerant Services | 5.2 |
RMS of Georgia | 15.4 |
Reclamation Technologies | 88.8 |
Refrigerant Handling | 173.7 |
Refrigerant Recycling | 5.5 |
Refrigerant Solutions | 15.4 |
Refrigerants, Inc. | 26.4 |
SDS Refrigerant Services | 22.7 |
Summit Refrigerants | 109.9 |
Tradewater Refrigerant Solutions | 16.1 |
Weitron | 6.0 |
Wesco HMB | 0.4 |
1 The HFC phasedown schedule is relative to the production and consumption baselines, which are set out in 40 CFR 84.7.
2 Data are current as of September 12, 2024. All reported data are certified by the reporter to be true, accurate, and complete. EPA continues to review and verify these data and may revise and update these data, as appropriate.
3 Unused allowances are allowances that were available to the entity as of December 31, 2023, but not used. Allowances are valid between January 1 and December 31 of a given year. They cannot be expended, transferred, or conferred after December 31 of the year for which they were issued.