BenMAP-CE Applications: Articles and Presentations
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Analysts have used the BenMAP model to answer a variety of policy questions. Below we link to the abstracts of several recent articles in which the authors used BenMAP to estimate air pollution-related health impacts and monetized benefits.
Local- and regional-scale analyses
- Cohan, Boylan, Marmur and Khan (2007). An Integrated Framework for Multipollutant Air Quality Management and Its Application in Georgia.
- Hubbell et al. (2009). Methodological considerations in developing local-scale health impact assessments: balancing national, regional and local data
- Wesson, Fann, Morris, Fox and Hubbell (2010). A multi-pollutant, risk-based approach to air quality management: Case study for Detroit.
- Fann et al. (2011). Maximizing Health Benefits and Minimizing Inequality: Incorporating Local-Scale Data in the Design and Evaluation of Air Quality Policies.
- Kheirbek, Wheeler, Walters, Kaas and Matte (2013). PM2.5 and ozone health impacts and disparities in New York City: sensitivity to spatial and temporal resolution.
- Nowak, Hirabayashi, Bodine and Hoehn (2013). Modeled PM2.5 removal by trees in ten U.S. cities and associated health effects.
Analyses performed outside of the U.S.
- Bae and Park (2009). Health benefits of improving air quality in the rapidly aging Korean society.
- He, Lei, Pan, Zhang, Zhang and Chen (2010). Co-benefits from energy policies in China.
- Boldo et al. (2011). Health Impact Assessment of a Reduction in Ambient PM2.5 Levels in Spain.
- Chae and Park (2011). Quantifying costs and benefits of integrated environmental strategies of air quality management and greenhouse gas reduction in the Seoul Metropolitan Area.
- Sonawane, Patil and Sthi (2012). Health benefit modelling and optimization of vehicular pollution control strategies.
- Nawahda (2013). Reductions of PM2.5 Air Concentrations and Possible Effects on Premature Mortality in Japan.
- Boldo et al. (2014). Air Quality Modeling and Mortality Impact of Fine Particles Reduction Policies in Spain.
Health impacts of monitored changes in air quality
- Hubbell et al. (2005). Health-Related Benefits of Attaining the 8-Hr Ozone Standard.
- Fann and Risley (2011). The Public Health Context for PM2.5 and Ozone Air Quality Trends.
- Berman et al. (2012). Health Benefits from Large-Scale Ozone Reduction in the United States.
Health burden of recent and/or future modeled air quality
- Fann et al. (2011). Estimating the National Public Health Burden Associated with PM2.5 and Ozone.
- Fann, Fulcher and Baker (2013). The Recent and Future Health Burden of Air Pollution Apportioned Across U.S. Sectors.
- Punger and West (2013). The effect of grid resolution on estimates of the burden of ozone and fine particulate matter on premature mortality in the USA.
- Thompson, Saari and Selin (2013). Air quality resolution for health impacts assessment: influence of regional characteristics.
Transportation-related health impacts
- Winebrake, Corbett, Green, Lauer and Eyring (2009). Mitigating the Health Impacts of Pollution from Oceangoing Shipping: An Assessment of Low-Sulfur Fuel Mandates.
- Grabow et al. (2012). Air Quality and Exercise-Related Health Benefits from Reduced Car Travel in the Midwestern United States.
- von Stackelberg, Buonocore, Bhave and Schwartz (2013). Public health impacts of secondary particulate formation from aromatic hydrocarbons in gasoline.
Reduced-form benefits assessments
- Fann et al. (2009). The influence of location, source, and emission type in estimates of the human health benefits of reducing a ton of air pollution.
- Fann, Baker and Fulcher (2012). Characterizing the PM2.5-Related Health Benefits of Emission Reductions for 17 Industrial, Area and Mobile Emission Sectors Across the U.S.
- Machol and Rizk (2013). Economic value of U.S. fossil fuel electricity health impacts.
Climate assessments
- Hill, Polasky, Nelson, Tilman, Huo, Ludig, Neumann, Zheng and Bonta (2008). Climate change and health costs of air emissions from biofuels and gasoline.
- Tagaris, Liao, DeLucia, Deck, Amar and Russell (2009). Potential Impact of Climate Change on Air Pollution-Related Human Health Effects.
- Tagaris, Liao, DeLucia, Deck, Amar and Russell (2010). Sensitivity of Air Pollution-Induced Premature Mortality to Precursor Emissions under the Influence of Climate Change.
- Voorhees et al. (2011). Climate change-related temperature impacts on warm season heat mortality: A proof-of-concept methodology using BenMAP.
- Post, Grambsch, Weaver, Morefield, Huang, Leung, Nolte, Adams, Liang, Zhu and Mahoney (2012). Variation in Estimated Ozone-Related Health Impacts of Climate Change due to Modeling Choices and Assumptions.
Presentations and Webinars
The briefings linked below contain additional background information on the model.
Santiago Webinar (English) (zip) Santiago Webinar (Spanish audio beginning at 7:45) (zip)
- Presenters from the U.S. EPA, Chilean Ministry of Environment, and Industrial Economics, Inc. (IEc) present research on the benefits and costs of air quality management in Santiago, Chile. Topics include air quality management strategies; retrospective benefit-cost analysis for evaluating policy outcomes post hoc; air pollution benefits analysis using the BenMAP-CE software; and the estimated impacts of Chile’s air pollution regulations.
- Sara Torbatian from the Tehran Air Pollution Forecasting System presenting “Estimating the health burden associated with exposure to ambient PM2.5 levels, a case study in Tehran”
- Neal Fann from the U.S. EPA demonstrating BenMAP-CE version 1.4 (begins at minute 40)
- Jina Kim, an ORISE Fellow at the U.S. EPA, presenting “Preterm Birth and Potential Economic Benefits of Reduced Maternal Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter”
- Neal Fann from the U.S. EPA presenting “Estimated Changes in Life Expectancy and Adult Mortality Resulting from Declining PM2.5 Exposures: 1980-2010”
- Elizabeth Chan from the U.S. EPA discussing the BenMAP Discussion Forum (begins at minute 30)
- Ali Kamal from the U.S. EPA providing a tutorial on how to use command line to run BenMAP-CE (begins at minute 33, Example command line materials referenced in the webinar (zip) )
- Juan Castillo from the Clean Air Institute presenting "Using BenMAP in LAC Region: The Clean Air Institute experience deploying EPA tools and techniques to support data-driven decision making processes in LAC"
- Rebecca Saari from the University of Waterloo presenting "Health impacts of ozone reductions by household income"
- Benjamin Jones from the University of New Mexico presenting "Wildfire smoke health costs: A methods case study for a southwestern U.S. 'mega-fire'" (begins at minute 29)
- Introduction to the BenMAP Discussion Forum (begins at minute 61)
- Dr. Yeora Chae presenting "Quantify costs and benefits of integrated environmental strategies of air quality management and greenhouse gas reduction in the Seoul metropolitan area"
- Dr. David Nowak presenting "The use of BenMAP-CE to estimate tree and forest effects on air quality and human health in the U.S." (begins at minute 22)
- Dr. Thomas Luben presenting "Understanding and interpreting epidemiologic results from the peer-reviewed literature for use in BenMAP-CE analysis" (begins at minute 47)
- Anthony Oliver, Ph.D. from the South Coast Air Quality Management District presenting "Estimating public health benefits of the 2016 Air Quality Management Plan for the South Coast"
- Juan Castillo from The Clean Air Institute presenting "Assessing health impacts for the Air Quality Management Plan of the Aburra's Valley metropolitan area in Medellin, Colombia" (begins at minute 26)
- Henry Roman from Industrial Economics, Inc. presenting "Changes in BenMAP-CE version 1.3" (begins at minute 48)
- Jonathan Buonocore, Ph.D. from Harvard University presenting "U.S. power plant carbon standards and clean air and health co-benefits"
- Henry Roman from Industrial Economics, Inc. presenting "Using BenMAP to assess changes in asthma emergency department visits due to climate-related pollen impacts" (begins at minute 28)
- Stefani Penn from Industrial Economics, Inc. presenting "Common troubleshooting problems: What to do when you get 0 incidence results" (begins at minute 62)
- Estimating Morbidity and Mortality Attributable to Air Pollution in New York City (pdf)
- Estimating health impacts at the urban scale (pdf)
- Using EPAs Environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program for Global Health Impacts Analysis (pdf)
- BenMAP Presentation to EPA Science Advisory Board (pdf)
- BenMAP Presentation to United Nations (pdf)