Agriculture Success Stories
EPA is committed to promoting success stories and strong partnerships with the agriculture community to assist in fulfilling our mission of protecting human health and the environment.
AgSTAR Stories from the Farm
Stories from the Farm provides a first-hand account of the operations, lessons learned, benefits and challenges associated with anaerobic digestion projects on livestock farms in the United States. Learn more about AgSTAR Stories from the Farm.
Farmer Heroes Manage Nutrients on Farm
Feather and Sacramento Rivers Diazinon Reduction Watershed Improvement Project
Giacomazzi Dairy, San Francisco Bay Delta
Nonpoint Source Success Stories (Clean Water Act, Section 319)
The Nonpoint Source Success Stories feature nonpoint source-impaired waterbodies where restoration efforts have led to documented water quality improvements.
Hypoxia Task Force Success Stories
From Minnesota and Wisconsin to Louisiana and Mississippi, individual Hypoxia Task Force states and federal agencies, as well as their partners, have undertaken a variety of successful projects and programs to reduce nutrient loads. Their goal is to improve water quality in the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River Basin (MARB) and reduce the size of the Gulf of America hypoxic zone. Read the Hypoxia Task Force Success Stories.