Web Standard: File Links, Formats, and PDF Guidelines
On This Page
All EPA public and internal content pages and web applications are required to follow this standard.
General Guidelines:
- These standards apply to both internet and intranet sites.
- All files, regardless of format, must be scanned for viruses before being posted.
- Only use file formats that adhere to the EPA’s Terms of Service agreements.
- Ensure all documents, especially PDFs, are accessible per Section 508. If accessibility cannot be ensured, provide alternative formats or contact information for assistance.
Standard Web Formats and Proprietary File Formats
- Standard Formats: The primary formats for publishing information online are HTML and PDF.
- Proprietary Formats: Examples include DOCX, XLS, PPT, and ZIP files. These formats should only be used when necessary, such as providing editable forms or software installation files.
- File link: A link to a non-HTML webpage, such as PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and ZIP files. Any link that does not point to an HTML page is considered a file link.
- Use of Proprietary Formats: Proprietary formats should only be used when necessary. If used, include a disclaimer for the required software.
- Option 1: Display a multipurpose box stating: "You may need additional software to view some of the links on this page. See EPA’s Free Viewers and Readers page."
- Option 2: Use an inline disclaimer with each file link: Example: Document Title (DOCX)
- Terms of Service: Only use file types that comply with EPA’s Terms of Service agreements, negotiated at the agency or federal level.
Link Format:
- When linking to proprietary formats, use this structure:
<link>Document Title (DOCX)</link>.
- File Extension Indicators: All websites must include file extension indicators for non-HTML links. The file type (e.g., PDF, DOCX) must be displayed next to the link text.
- Example File Link Formats:
- Word Document: My Office 2016 Word Document (docx)
- Exemptions:
- No waivers for file link marking.
- Icons resembling the Font Awesome file icons can be used instead of text, but consistency must be maintained (use either icons or text descriptors, not both).
PDF Specifics:
- PDF: Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), with a
PDF Link Guidelines:
- Linking Format: When linking to PDFs, follow this format:
<link>PDF Title (pdf)</link> (size in KB or MB)
.- Example: Care For Your Air: A Guide to Indoor Air Quality (pdf) (2 MB)
- WebCMS Tools: For websites using EPA’s WebCMS, the system automatically appends the necessary file type and size to PDF links when using the "Add Media" tool in the WYSIWYG editor.
- Internal PDFs: Avoid linking to non-public PDFs. If necessary, mark the link with "(internal link)" to inform users.
Section 508 Accessibility Requirements:
- PDFs must comply with Section 508 accessibility standards. Non-compliant PDFs (e.g., highly technical documents) must include contact information for accessibility support. This may be a phone number, email address, or the contact information of the program office (or a qualified point of contact) responsible for the document.
Browser Behavior for PDFs:
- PDFs should open in the browser by default, without forcing a download. If necessary, follow the appropriate standards for opening PDFs in new windows or tabs.
About this Standard
Original effective date: 02/13/25
Last approved on: 02/13/25
Web Council review by: 02/13/28 (or earlier if deemed necessary by the Web Council)