USMCA Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
The Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) below was created in preparation of the Final PEIS.
- Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (pdf)
- Appendix A: Aquatic Resources Delineation Report (pdf)
- Appendix B: Class III Cultural Resource Inventory (Public Draft) (pdf)
- Appendix C: Database Query Results for Special-Status Species and Sensitive Natural Communities (pdf)
- Appendix D: USFWS Biological Assessment (Draft) (pdf)
- Appendix E: NMFS Biological Assessment and Essential Fish Habitat Assessment (Draft) (pdf)
- Appendix F: Supplemental Data (pdf)
- Appendix G: South Bay Ocean Outfall Plume Transport Modeling (pdf)
- Appendix H: Interpolation of Modeled Beach Impacts (pdf)
- Appendix I: Emissions Calculations (pdf)
- Appendix J: NHPA Section 106 Correspondence (pdf)
- Appendix K: Tribal Outreach Correspondence (pdf)
- Appendix L: Distribution List (pdf)
- Appendix M: Public Scoping Comments Identifying Alternatives, Information, and Analyses (pdf)