Current NPL Updates: New Proposed NPL Sites and New NPL Sites
The National Priorities List (NPL) is updated periodically, as mandated by CERCLA (CERCLA Overview). The EPA publishes the list of NPL sites in the Federal Register. The EPA published a rule in the Federal Register on December 13, 2024, adding one site to the NPL.
- Federal Register Notice of the Current NPL Final Rule 89 FR 100751 (PDF), (6 pp, 241 KB).
The Superfund program publishes documents with each rulemaking adding or proposing sites to the National Priorities List (NPL). Notification and listing of the sites are published in the Federal Register.
Depending on the action being taken by EPA, the Federal Register notice describes either the addition of sites to the NPL (final rule) or the proposal to add sites to the NPL (proposed rule). Notices for both actions provide a list of sites; background information about the NPL process, including information about the Superfund rules; and other site actions. The proposed rule notice also provides information about submitting comments on the sites proposed.
DISCLAIMER: The documentation records and narrative summaries provided on this page are provided for informational purposes only. The official copies of the documentation records, narrative summaries, and State concurrence letters are available at the EPA Headquarters Superfund Docket.
New NPL Sites
The Superfund (About Superfund) program added one site to the NPL in a rulemaking published in the December 13, 2024, Federal Register. A total of 1,341 uncontrolled hazardous waste sites are listed (National Priorities List (NPL) Sites) on the NPL as of this rulemaking. General information about site location, operations, contaminants, and site investigation activities is provided by the NPL Site Narrative at Listing.
Location | Site Name |
Upper Columbia River, Washington |
Upper Columbia River
Proposed NPL Sites
The Superfund (About Superfund) program proposed four sites to the NPL in a rulemaking published in the September 5, 2024, Federal Register (Notice of NPL Proposed Rule 89 FR 72356 (PDF)). A total of 41 uncontrolled hazardous waste sites will be proposed (Proposed National Priorities List (NPL) Sites) to the NPL as of December 13, 2024. General information about site location, operations, contaminants, and site investigation activities is provided by the NPL Site Narrative at Listing. The HRS Documentation Record provides in-depth information about each site that is scored using the HRS. The documents provide the basis for EPA's decision to propose sites to the NPL.
Location | Site Name |
Vernon, California | Exide Technologies – Vernon
Trenton, New Jersey | Historic Potteries
Albuquerque, New Mexico | Carlisle Village Cleaners
Eugene, Oregon | J. H. Baxter
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