Webinar - Electric Vehicle Policies and Strategies
This one-hour webinar from February 2021 highlighted strategies that public agencies and utilities are implementing to electrify the transportation sector. It featured the updated AchiEVe Toolkit, a free resource developed by Sierra Club, Plug In America, the Electrification Coalition and Forth Mobility that covers a wide array of policy options and case studies on topics ranging from vehicle purchase to charging infrastructure to battery recycling. Then, the State of North Carolina shared how they are putting the policy pieces together in a comprehensive electric vehicle strategy.
- Introduction – Jessica Daniels and Andrea Denny, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- AchiEVe Toolkit Overview – Sue Gander and Andrew Linhardt, Electrification Coalition; Katherine Stainken, Plug In America; Hieu Le, Sierra Club
- North Carolina’s Electrification Policies – Jeremy Tarr, North Carolina Governor's Office