Map of Water Quality Assessment Results of the San Juan Watershed
This interactive map displays information on the condition of the San Juan Watershed from EPA's How's My Waterway tool, including outcomes of state assessments of water quality under the Clean Water Act.
The condition assessment and Hydrologic Units layers will only appear when the map is zoomed to a certain scale. Once the layers appear, clicking within a HUC12 boundary will generate a pop-up window with a link to more information in How's My Waterway. Clicking the image will redirect to a new webpage for that watershed.
The pop-up window for the assessment layer displays information on that Assessment Unit and includes a link to a more detailed report from the responsible jurisdiction. Some pop-up windows may contain multiple pages of information (indicated by a small triangle and "1 of 2" text in the upper righthand corner of the pop-up). Click the triangle to navigate through all pages.