RPS Social Indicator Reference Sheets
Many of the recovery potential indicators from the indicator summaries table have been studied and documented more intensively than others. These Social indicators each have their own indicator reference sheet PDF files that contain a formatted half-page of standardized information (name, definition, relevance to recovery potential, how measured, data sources and developmental status) followed by a multi-page list of excerpts from restoration literature and practice that pertain to the specific indicator. Click on any of the indicators listed below to be connected with its indicator reference sheet in PDF (About PDF) format.
- watershed organizational leadership (pdf)
- watershed collaboration (pdf)
- government agency involvement (pdf)
- large watershed management potential (pdf)
- university proximity (pdf)
- political support (pdf)
- watershed % protected land (pdf)
- applicable regulation (pdf)
- certainty of causal linkages (pdf)
- certainty of restoration practices (pdf)
- TMDL or watershed plan (pdf)
- watershed education level (pdf)
- estimated restoration cost (pdf)
- jurisdictional complexity (pdf)
- landownership complexity (pdf)
- local socio-economic stress (pdf)
- recreational resource (pdf)
- valued ecological attribute (pdf)
- funding eligibility (pdf)
- iconic value of resource (pdf)
- 303(d) schedule priority (pdf)
- human health and safety (pdf)