What are the anticipated uses of risk management plans?
What are some of the anticipated uses for the Risk Management Plans (RMPs)?
RMPs will be used by many different audiences in many different ways. Industry and trade associations will use RMPs to understand common industry practice and identify practices that could be utilized to reduce risks at facilities. The public will use RMPs to understand the chemical hazards in their community and learn what is being done to prevent accidents. RMPs can also serve as the catalyst to improve dialogue between the community and its facilities on accident prevention. Implementing agencies will use RMPs to manage their risk management programs. Local planners, including Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs), will combine RMP information with the information they already receive under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) to improve their planning and preparedness activities. The RMP will add to the EPCRA data by providing information on hazards, accident history and prevention practices. Additionally, government law enforcement and security officials use RMP information to assist them in identifying high-priority or critical infrastructure facilities.