Scientific and Technological Achievement Award (STAA) 2017-2018
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2017-2018 STAA Awards
On this page:
- 2017 Level II Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards
- 2017 Level II Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards
- 2017 Level III Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards
- 2017 Honorable Mention Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards
There were no submissions for 2018.
EPA announces the winners of the 2017 Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards, an agency-wide program that recognizes the outstanding scientific work of EPA employees who publish their technical work in peer-reviewed literature.
2017 Level I Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards
Level I awards are for those who have accomplished an exceptionally high-quality research or technological effort. The awards recognize the creation or general revision of scientific or technological principle or procedure, or a highly significant improvement in the value of a device, activity, program, or service to the public. Awarded research is of national significance or has high impact on a broad area of science/technology. The research has far reaching consequences and is recognizable as a major scientific/technological achievement within its discipline or field of study.
Publication Title | Authors | Lab/Office/Center |
Understanding the fate and transport of human adenovirus in environmental matrices. |
Richard Zepp |
Using retrospective case studies to better understand the relationship between non-traditional oil and gas development and drinking water resources |
Richard Wilkin Susan Mravik |
Demonstrating the effects of air pollution on individuals with prior cardiac complications |
Robert Devlin |
2017 Level II Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards
Level II awards are for those who have accomplished a notably excellent research or technological effort that has qualities and values similar to, but to a lesser degree, than those described under Level I. Awarded research has timely consequences and contributes as an important scientific/technological achievement within its discipline or field of study.
Publication Title | Authors | Lab/Office/Center |
Reviewing the need for, use of, and demands on modeling to support ‘robust’ decision frameworks around resiliency |
Christopher Weaver Robert Lempert Casey Brown John Hall David Revell Daniel Sarewitz |
Demonstrating the utility of the Seqapass tool for addressing 21st century challenges in species extrapolation |
Carlie LaLone |
Researching the role of neuroendocrine stress axes activation in systemic and pulmonary health effects of air pollutants |
Urmila Kodavanti |
Investigating the role of reservoirs in removing excess reactive Nitrogen |
Jake Beaulieu |
2017 Level III Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards
Level III awards are for those who have accomplished an unusually notable research or technological effort. The awards are for a substantial revision or modification of a scientific/technological principle or procedure, or an important improvement to the value of a device, activity, program, or service to the public. Awarded research relates to a mission or organizational component of the EPA, or significantly affects a relevant area of science/technology.
Publication Title | Authors | Lab/Office/Institution |
Creating a scientifically sound method of quantifying water-damage and mold growth in homes |
Stephen Vesper |
Measuring the effects of nutrients on aquatic ecosystems at the large scale |
John Stoddard |
Simulating the downstream effects of geographically isolated wetlands on downstream waters |
Heather Golden |
Helping inform decisions impacting the places we live, learn, work and play through EnviroAtlas |
Anne Neale |
Simulating extreme weather for environmental impact studies using regional meteorological modeling techniques |
Tanya Spero |
Improving the understanding of how eutrophication and hypoxia affect the functioning of marine benthic communities |
Stephen Hale |
Evaluating naturally occurring asbestos toxicity to inform risk assessment of contaminated sites |
Stephen Gavett |
Designing a quantitative framework that estimates a water treatment plant's economic incentive to protect its source water |
Matthew Heberling |
Developing and refining methods to estimate the economic costs and benefits of greenhouse gas mitigation policies |
Alex Marten |
OA |
Applying biological effects prediction, surveillance, and monitoring approaches to complex mixture assessments |
Daniel Villeneuve |
Advancing assessment of oil spill impacts with integrated laboratory studies, field surveys, and spatially explicit modeling |
Jill Awkerman |
Using novel zebrafish toxicity assays to evaluate a predictive model of developmental vascular toxicity Toxicology. |
Tamara Tal |
Measuring the employment effects of regulations |
Ann Ferris |
OA |
Analyzing retrospective cost of EPA regulations |
Elizabeth Kopits |
OA |
Measuring sustainability through ecosystem service-based valuation of coastal restoration projects |
Richard Fulford |
Improving hazard concentration estimates for ecological risk assessments of threatened and endangered species |
Sandy Raimondo |
Filling an analytic gap in benefit-cost analysis of methane and nitrous oxide emission reductions |
Alex Martin |
OA |
Measuring the impact of light exposure on transformations and aggregation of emerging chemicals |
Richard Zepp |
2017 Honorable Mention Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards
Honorable Mention awards acknowledge research efforts that are noteworthy but do not warrant a Level I, II or III award. Honorable Mention applies to research that: (1) may not quite reach the level described for a Level III award; (2) show a promising area of research that the Subcommittee wants to encourage; or (3) show an area of research that the Subcommittees feels is too preliminary to warrant an award recommendation at this time.
Publication Title | Authors | Lab/Office/Center |
Evaluation of cyanobacteria cell count detection derived from MERIS imagery across the eastern USA. Published in Remote Sensing of Environment. |
Ross Lunetta |
Mutagenicity and Pollutant Emission Factors of Solid-Fuel Cookstoves: Comparison with Other Combustion Sources. Published in Environmental Health Perspectives. |
David DeMarini |
(1) Evaluation of the Efficacy of Methyl Bromide in the Decontamination of Building and Interior Materials Contamination. Published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology. (2) Whole-Building Decontamination of Bacillus Anthracis Sterne Spores by Methyl Bromide Fumigation. Published in Journal of Applied Microbiology. |
Joe Wood |
Expanding the Test Set: Chemicals with Potential to Disrupt Mammalian Brain Development. Published in Neurotoxicology and Teratology. |
William Mundy |
(1) Counting Legionella Cells Within Single Amoeba Host Cells. Published in Applied and Environmental Microbiologist. (2) Enhanced Survival but Not Amplification of Francisella spp. in the Presence of Free-Living Amoebae. Published in Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica. (3) Legionellae in Engineered Systems and Use of Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment to Predict Exposure. Published in Water Research. |
Helen Buse |
(1) Dietary Supplementation with Olive Oil or Fish Oil and Vascular Effects of Concentrated Ambient Particulate Matter. Published in Environmental Health Perspectives. (2) Dietary and Pharmacological Intervention to Mitigate the Health Effects of Air Pollution Toxicity. Published in Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects. |
Haiyan Tong |
(1) SOA Formation from the Atmospheric Oxidation of 2-Methyl-3-buten-2-ol and its Implication for PM2.5. Published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. (2) The Formation of SOA and chemical Tracer compounds from the Photooxidation of Naphthalene and its Methyl Analogs in the Presence and Absence of Nitrogen Oxides. Published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. (3) Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from the Oxidation of a Series of Sesquiterpenes: a-Cedrene, b-Caryophyllene, a-Humulene, and a-Farnesene with O3, OH, and NO3 radicals. Published in Environmental Chemistry |
Tadeusz Kleindienst |
(1) Preferential Colonization and Release of Legionella Pneumonphila from Mature Drinking Water Biofilms Grown on Copper. Published in International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. (2) Impact of Drinking Water Conditions and Copper Materials on Downstream Biofilm Microbial Communities and Legionella Pneumophila Colonization. Published in Journal of Applied Microbiology. |
Jingrang Lu |
Isomers/Enantiomers of Perfluorocarboxylic Acids: Method Development and Detection in Environmental Samples. Published in Chemosphere. |
John Washington |
Welfare Estimates of Avoided Ocean Acidification in the U.S. Mollusk Market. Published in Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. |
Chris Moore |
OA |
Eco-Directed Sustainable Prescribing: Feasibility for Reducing Water Contamination by Drugs. Published in Science of the Total Environment. |
Christian Daughton |
Inactivation of Burkholderia Pseudomallei on Environmental Surfaces Using Spray-Applied, Common Liquid Disinfectant. Published in Letters in Applied Microbiology. |
Michael Worth Calfee |
Probing Photosensitization by Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes. Published in Environmental Science & Technology. |
Richard Zepp |
Temporal Changes in Biological Responses and Uncertainty in Assessing Risks of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals. Published in Toxicological Sciences. |
Gerald Ankley |
(1) Sediment Bioaccumulation Test with Lumbriculus Variegatus: Effects of Feeding. Published in Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. (2) Sediment Bioaccumulation Test with Lumbriculus Variegatus: Effects of Organism Loading. Published in Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. |
Lawrence Burkhard |
(1) Chloride Released from Three Permeable Pavement Surfaces After Winter Salt Application. Published in Journal of the American Water Resources Association. (2) Evaluation of Surface Infiltration Testing Procedures in Permeable Pavement Systems. Published in Journal of Environmental Engineering. (3) Assessment of Clogging Dynamics in Permeable Pavement Systems with Time Domain Reflectometers. Published in Journal of Environmental Engineering. |
Michael Borst |
(1) Sustainable Pathway to Furanics from Biomass via Heterogeneous Organo-Catalysis Green Chemistry (2) Sustainable Strategy Utilizing Biomass: Visible Light-Mediated Synthesis of g-Valerolactone. Published in ChemCatChem. (3) Visible Light Mediated Upgrading of Biomass to Biofuel. Published in Green Chemistry. |
Rajender Varma |
A Near-Road Modeling System for Community-Scale Assessments of Traffic-Related Air Pollution in the United States. Published in Environmental Modeling and Software. |
Timothy Barzyk |
Key to Acronyms used in the above Tables | |
NCEA | ORD National Center for Environmental Assessment |
NERL | ORD National Exposure Research Laboratory |
NHEERL | ORD National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory |
NHSRC | ORD National Homeland Security Research Center |
NRMRL | ORD National Risk Management Research Laboratory |
OA | Office of the Administrator |