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- Impaired Waters Total results: 1
- Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Total results: 1
- Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Total results: 7
- Clean Air Act (CAA) Total results: 10
- Clean Water Act (CWA) Total results: 50
- FIFRA Total results: 1
- Groundwater Total results: 1
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Total results: 31
- National Priority List Total results: 3
- PCB/TSCA Total results: 5
- Superfund/CERCLA Total results: 23
- Superfund/TSCA Total results: 1
- Underground Injection Control (UIC) Total results: 5
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Underground Injection Control Program Aquifer Exemption Denial for Aethon Energy Operating LLC, Marlin 29-21 WDW, Fremont County, Wyoming
Aquifer Exemption Denial
- Geographic Locations: Rocky Mountains, Wyoming
MOGO-Jody Field 34-1 & 34-2 Disposal Well, Pondera County, Montana, Permit #’s MT52443-12513 & MT52439-12514
UIC Draft Permit Public Notice
- Geographic Locations: Montana, Rocky Mountains
Emergency Permit for the Disposal of a Humpback Whale Carcass - Marblehead, Massachusetts
Emergency Permit for a Marine Carcass Disposal - Marblehead, MA
- Geographic Locations: Massachusetts
ADM Geologic Sequestration Well - Proposed Order SDWA-05-2025-0001
EPA took action to protect underground sources of drinking water by issuing a proposed enforcement order to Archer Daniels Midland Co. for alleged violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act related to the company’s carbon sequestration injection project in
- Geographic Locations: Illinois
(Draft UIC Permit) Regional School District 7 - Haddam-Killingworth Middle School, Killingworth, CT, UI0000405
A public notice of a draft UIC permit for Regional School District 7 - Haddam-Killingworth Middle School, Killingworth, CT, UI0000405.
- Geographic Locations: Connecticut
(Draft UIC Permit) Hillandale Farms Conn, LLC, Franklin, CT, UI0000477
A public notice of a draft UIC permit for Hillandale Farms Conn, LLC, Franklin, CT, UI0000477.
- Geographic Locations: Connecticut
Proposed Settlement of SDWA Administrative Penalty in the Matter of Haili Moe Inc., Lihue, Kauai, HI
Notice of Proposed Settlement of Safe Drinking Water Act Administrative Penalty and Opportunity to Comment in the matter of Haili Moe, Inc., Lihue, HI.
- Comments Due Date:
- Geographic Locations: Southwest, Hawaii
The EPA’s Addition of 96 Waterbody/Pollutant Combinations to the New York 2020-2022 303(d) list
This notice announces the EPA’s decision and provides an opportunity for public comment on its addition of 96 waterbody/pollutant combinations on the New York 2020-2022 List of Impaired Waters.
- Comments Due Date:
EPA Approves Permits for Wabash Carbon Services Underground Injection Wells in Indiana’s Vigo and Vermillion Counties
EPA issued permits that allow Wabash Carbon Services LLC to construct two wells for injection and storage of carbon dioxide underground
- Geographic Locations: United States