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- Alaska Total results: 2
- Connecticut Total results: 4
- Louisiana Total results: 1
- Maine Total results: 12
- Massachusetts Total results: 10
- Mid-Atlantic Total results: 1
- Montana Total results: 1
- Nebraska Total results: 1
- New Hampshire Total results: 5
- New Jersey Total results: 1
- New Mexico Total results: 4
- New York Total results: 5
- Oregon Total results: 1
- Pacific Northwest Total results: 3
- Pennsylvania Total results: 2
- Rocky Mountains Total results: 2
- Wyoming Total results: 1
- Clean Water Act (CWA) Total results: 50
- Impaired Waters Total results: 1
- Clean Air Act (CAA) Total results: 10
- FIFRA Total results: 1
- Groundwater Total results: 1
- Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Total results: 1
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Total results: 31
- National Priority List Total results: 3
- PCB/TSCA Total results: 5
- Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Total results: 7
- Superfund/CERCLA Total results: 23
- Superfund/TSCA Total results: 1
- Underground Injection Control (UIC) Total results: 5
Displaying 46 - 51 of 51 results
Clean Water Act Certification for the Grand Loop Road – Norris to Golden Gate, Phase 3 project in Yellowstone National Park
Public notice for a Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification proposed project to rehabilitate the roadway and drainage structures along Grand Loop Road within Yellowstone National Park (YNP) for approximately 1.2 miles south beginning at the Golden Gate.
- Comments Due Date:
- Geographic Locations: Wyoming, Rocky Mountains
Proposed Penalty of $10,000.00 against Shemas Iron Works
EPA Region 3 will issue a proposed civil penalty of $10,000.00 against Shemas Iron Works for violations of CWA regulations found at 40 C.F.R. Part 122, EPA Administered Permit Programs: the NPDES regulations, for Respondents’ Shemas Iron Works facility.
- Comments Due Date:
- Geographic Locations: Pennsylvania, Mid-Atlantic
Proposed Settlement with Alaska Airlines Petersburg Station for Clean Water Act Violations in Alaska
Public notice of EPA's proposed settlement with Alaska Airlines Petersburg Station for violations of the Clean Water Act at its facility located in Petersburg, Alaska.
- Comments Due Date:
- Geographic Locations: Alaska, Pacific Northwest
(Draft Permit) North Attleborough Wastewater Treatment Facility (North Attleborough - MA0101036) and Co-Permittee (Town of Plainville - MAC011036), North Attleborough, MA
A public notice of a draft NPDES permit for North Attleborough Wastewater Treatment Facility (North Attleborough - MA0101036) and Co-Permittee (Town of Plainville - MAC011036), North Attleborough, MA.
- Comments Due Date:
- Geographic Locations: Massachusetts
(Draft Permit) Attleboro Water Pollution Control Facility, Attleboro, MA, MA0100595
A public notice of a draft NPDES permit for Attleboro Water Pollution Control Facility, Attleboro, MA, MA0100595.
- Comments Due Date:
- Geographic Locations: Massachusetts
Circle T Feedlot Inc. Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation, Walthill, Nebraska (Within Exterior Boundaries of Omaha Tribe of Nebraska Reservation)
1) Proposed Wastewater (NPDES) Permit No. NE0134481; and 2) Proposed Certification of Compliance with Section 401 of Clean Water Act
- Comments Due Date:
- Geographic Locations: Nebraska