Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Pesticide and Other Packaging
As part of EPA's extensive efforts to address PFAS, the Agency continues to make information available about EPA testing showing PFAS contamination from certain fluorinated containers.
While the Agency continues to investigate and assess potential impacts on health or the environment, the affected pesticide manufacturer has voluntarily stopped shipment of any products in fluorinated high-density polyethylene (HDPE) containers.
Along with keeping close communication with federal entities, states and localities, EPA will post updates on this webpage as the issue evolves. For any stakeholder questions regarding this issue not covered in this FAQ, you are welcome to contact EPA at [email protected]. For any media inquiries, please email [email protected].
- EPA Actions
- PFAS in Pesticides Questions
- Pesticide and Other Packaging Questions
- State-specific Questions
EPA Actions
On July 10, 2024, EPA granted a petition from the Center for Environmental Health, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, Alaska Community Action on Toxics, Clean Cape Fear, Clean Water Action, Delaware Riverkeeper and Merrimack Citizens for Clean Water to address PFAS formed during the fluorination of plastic containers – perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) and perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA). These PFAS have been found in plastic containers used for a variety of household consumer, pesticide, fuel, automotive and other industrial products. By granting this petition, EPA stated that it will promptly commence an appropriate proceeding under TSCA Section 6.
Learn more about EPA granting the petition.
On February 15, 2024, EPA released a new method to detect 32 PFAS directly from the walls of containers made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE). The robust and validated method allows for sensitive detection of PFAS contamination, measuring levels as low as 0.002 parts-per-billion (or 2 parts-per-trillion). This new method will allow industries that use HDPE containers and container manufacturers to test the containers before use, preventing PFAS contamination of products stored in these containers. The method also has wide applicability for other industries, as it can be modified to test for PFAS in additional solid samples such as fabric, packaging paper, and more.
View the method for detecting PFAS in containers here: Quantitative Extraction and Analysis of PFAS from Plastic Container Walls with Cut Coupons (pdf)
In May 2023, the Agency released a summary of laboratory results related to the analysis of ten pesticide products reported to contain PFAS residues. EPA did not find any PFAS in the tested pesticide products, differing from the results of a published study in the Journal of Hazardous Materials. EPA is also releasing the newly developed analytical methodology used in the testing process alongside the summary of its findings. EPA is confident in the results of this newly released method which is specifically targeted to analyze for PFAS in pesticide products formulated with surfactants.
Read the report containing the summary of EPA’s study here (PDF).
Read the new methodology used in this study here (PDF).
In December 2022, the Agency issued a notice announcing the removal of 12 chemicals identified as PFAS from the current list of inert ingredients approved for use in nonfood pesticide products to better protect human health and the environment. These chemicals are no longer used in any registered pesticide product. Given the Agency's concerns with PFAS use and releases, EPA believes it is appropriate to remove these chemicals from the list of approved inert ingredients. Any proposed future use of these chemicals as inert ingredients would need to be supported by data which may include studies to evaluate potential carcinogenicity, adverse reproductive effects, developmental toxicity, genotoxicity as well as data on environmental effects. Read the final notice in docket EPA-HQ-OPP-2022-0542 at
On September 8, 2022, EPA released results from its evaluation on the leaching potential of PFAS from the walls of certain fluorinated HDPE containers into the liquids stored in those containers. Results from this study indicate that PFAS present in the inside walls of the fluorinated HDPE containers can be readily leached into formulated liquid products, with higher total amounts seen for products formulated in organic solvents such as methanol compared with water-based products. For both solvents tested (methanol and water), the study also shows continued gradual leaching of PFAS over time. View the summary memo and results. (pdf)
On March 16, 2022, EPA provided information to manufacturers (including importers), processors, distributors, users, and those that dispose of fluorinated high-density polyethylene (HDPE) containers and similar plastics (i.e., fluorinated polyolefins) about the potential for PFAS to form and migrate from these items. EPA issued an open letter to: (1) raise awareness to industry of this issue in order to help prevent unintended PFAS formation and contamination and (2) outline certain requirements under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) as it relates to PFAS and fluorinated polyolefins. These efforts are in line with EPA’s PFAS Strategic Roadmap, which includes steps to further the science and research to restrict these dangerous chemicals from impacting human health and the environment. View the letter.
On September 29, 2021, EPA released an internally validated method for detecting 28 PFAS compounds in oily matrices. The method is intended to help pesticide manufacturers, state regulators, and other interested stakeholders test pesticide products formulated in oil, petroleum distillates, or mineral oils for PFAS. View Method for the Analysis of PFAS in Oily Matrix (pdf) . Read the update here. EPA used this oily matrix method to analyze three stored samples of mosquito control pesticide products (Permanone 30-30 and PermaSease 30-30) and determined that none of the tested samples contained PFAS at or above the Agency’s method limit of detection. View the Results (pdf) .
On March 5, 2021, EPA released testing data showing PFAS contamination from the fluorinated HDPE containers used to store and transport a mosquito control pesticide product. The Agency also outlined its next steps as it continues working with a variety of stakeholders to collect additional information on this issue. Read EPA's press statement.
PFAS in Pesticides Questions
1. What is the definition of a PFAS compound in the context of pesticides?
Pesticides undergo a rigorous scientific assessment process prior to registration. EPA independently evaluates chemical-specific data to ensure that pesticides can be used safely and without unreasonable adverse effects to the environment when label directions are followed. In response to public interest in PFAS chemicals, the EPA Office of Pesticide Programs previously determined that there were no pesticide active or inert ingredients with structures similar to prominent PFAS such as PFOS, PFOA, and GenX. As further due diligence, we are now working with other offices in EPA (including the Office of Research and Development) to further evaluate structures by applying the latest working definition from our sister office, the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT), which manages the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) program.
OPPT applies the following “working definition” when identifying PFAS on the TSCA Inventory: a structure that contains the unit R-CF2-CF(R')(R''), where R, R', and R'' do not equal "H" and the carbon-carbon bond is saturated (note: branching, heteroatoms, and cyclic structures are included). Under FIFRA Section 6(a)(2), pesticide registrants should report to EPA additional factual information on unreasonable adverse effects, including metabolites, degradates, and impurities (such as PFAS). EPA considers any level of PFAS to be potentially toxicologically significant and may trigger 159.179(b) in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
2. When did EPA first learn of this contamination? What steps have been taken since initial PFAS discovery in the pesticide product?
On September 1, 2020, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) contacted the Massachusetts Reclamation Board, the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources’ (MDAR) Division of Pest Services, and other state agencies claiming that there were unspecified PFAS in a pesticide used for mosquito control. EPA Region 1 was notified that same day.
Since being notified, EPA has worked diligently in conjunction with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) to request samples of the pesticide product and analyze the identified product at different steps of production and manufacturing to determine whether PFAS are present, including issuing an information request to the pesticide registrant on October 5, 2020, seeking information on the affected pesticide’s production, sales and distribution.
In December 2020, rinsates of used and unused fluorinated HDPE containers used to store and transport the pesticide product yielded results supporting that the source of contamination is associated with the fluorinated HDPE containers. EPA has been in close contact with MDAR, the pesticide registrant and the fluorinated HDPE container treatment company to discuss the issue, as well as to obtain the materials needed to test for PFAS in the product and the fluorinated HDPE containers.
On January 13, 2021, to minimize risks to human health and the environment, EPA asked states with existing stock of the mosquito product distributed in fluorinated HDPE containers to discontinue use and hold until its final disposition is determined. The pesticide manufacturer has notified all its customers regarding management of the product, voluntarily stopped shipments of all products in fluorinated HDPE containers and is now using non-fluorinated containers.
On January 14, 2021, EPA issued a TSCA subpoena to the company that fluorinates the containers supplied to the manufacturer of the pesticide in which PFAS was discovered to learn more about the fluorination process used on the HDPE containers.
EPA is aware that many companies are using fluorinated HDPE containers to store and distribute pesticide and other products. EPA is actively working with the Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and industry and trade organizations to raise awareness of this emerging issue and discuss expectations of product stewardship. For example, EPA is coordinating with the Ag Container Recycling Council, the American Chemistry Council, Crop Life America, the Household & Commercial Products Association, and the National Pest Management Association.
3. What is known about these PFAS?
To learn more about EPA’s current understanding of the human health and environmental risks of PFAS, please visit this webpage. To learn more about the concrete steps the Agency is taking to address PFAS and to protect public health, please read EPA’s PFAS Strategic Roadmap.
4. What should pesticide registrants do if they find PFAS in their production lines?
Under FIFRA Section 6(a)(2), pesticide registrants should report to EPA additional factual information on unreasonable adverse effects, including metabolites, degradates, and impurities (such as PFAS). EPA considers any level of PFAS to be potentially toxicologically significant and may trigger 159.179(b) in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Under 40 CFR 159.155(a)(5), 6(a)(2) information about impurities must be received by EPA no later than the 30th calendar day after the registrant first possesses or knows of the information.
In a shared interest to remove PFAS from the environment, if companies find PFAS in their products, they should notify EPA and take action to remove contaminated product. If product packaging is suspected as a source and you are considering replacing the packaging, please consult with EPA on data to be submitted for review prior to distribution of the pesticide product with the alternative packaging.
5. Are there currently any pesticides with inert ingredients that are PFAS chemicals?
EPA has conducted a thorough review of its list of chemical substances that have been approved for use as inert ingredients in pesticide products to determine whether any of these ingredients are PFAS and confirm that they are not currently used in any registered pesticide products.
In December 2022, the Agency issued a notice announcing the removal of 12 chemicals identified as PFAS from the current list of inert ingredients approved for use in nonfood pesticide products to better protect human health and the environment. These chemicals are no longer used in any registered pesticide product. Given the Agency's concerns with PFAS use and releases, EPA believes it is appropriate to remove these chemicals from the list of approved inert ingredients. Any proposed future use of these chemicals as inert ingredients would need to be supported by data which may include studies to evaluate potential carcinogenicity, adverse reproductive effects, developmental toxicity, genotoxicity as well as data on environmental effects. Read the final notice in docket EPA-HQ-OPP-2022-0542 at
6. Can a new inert ingredient that is considered a PFAS be approved for use in pesticide products?
All inert ingredients in pesticide formulations must be reported to EPA as part of the Confidential Statement of Formula. Any proposed use of an inert ingredient that is a PFAS will be reviewed by EPA as part of a new inert ingredient petition. The petition needs to be supported by data which may include studies to evaluate potential carcinogenicity, adverse reproductive effects, developmental toxicity, genotoxicity as well as data on environmental effects.
7. Are there any pesticide active ingredients that are considered PFAS?
Pesticide registration decisions are based on extensive data requirements as outlined in 40 CFR 158, which applies to both active ingredients and the inert materials contained in end use products. EPA continues to evaluate all pesticide active ingredients to determine if any meet the current structural definition of PFAS or are part of other related chemistries that have been identified by stakeholders as being of concern. EPA will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available.
8. What are EPA’s findings regarding Permanone 30-30?
On March 24, 2021, EPA received a letter and data from PEER on Permanone 30-30. EPA analyzed three samples of mosquito control products: two samples of Permanone 30-30 (EPA Reg. No. 432-1235) and one sample of PermaSease 30-30 (EPA Reg. No. 53883-459-86291), for presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The Agency also obtained samples directly from the product line from the pesticide manufacturer. Using the oily matrix method, EPA conducted a series of tests targeting 28 PFAS compounds.
After thoroughly analyzing the samples and conducting an in-depth quality assurance and quality control process, EPA concluded that none of the targeted PFAS compounds were detected in the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) PermaSease 30-30 sample and the two Permanone 30-30 samples, nor in any of the control samples received from the manufacturer, at or above the Agency’s method limit of detection. View the Results (pdf)
Pesticide and Other Packaging Questions
1. Why are HDPE containers fluorinated?
Information EPA currently has on fluorinated HDPE containers indicates that they are treated inside and outside through fluorination, a process that creates a chemical barrier for a pre-produced container to prevent changes in chemical composition. Using fluorous sealed technology improves container stability, and is intended to make containers less permeable, reactive and dissolvable.
2. What PFAS compounds were detected on or in the containers?
On March 5, 2021, EPA released testing data showing presence of the following PFAS compounds in fluorinated HDPE containers used to store and transport a mosquito control pesticide product. Testing was performed by rinsing both the interior and exterior (when appropriate) of the container with methanol and analyzing the rinsates using a method modified from the EPA Method 537.1.
Abbreviated | Full Name |
PFBA | Perfluoro-butanoic acid |
PFPeA | Perfluoro-pentanoic acid |
PFHxA | Perfluoro-hexanoic acid |
PFHpA | Perfluoro-heptanoic acid |
PFOA | Perfluoro-octanoic acid |
PFNA | Perfluoro-nananoic acid |
PFDA | Perfluoro-decanoic acid |
PFUdA | Perfluoro-undecanoic acid |
On September 8, 2022, EPA released results from a study that evaluated the impact of other variables such as the length of time a pesticide product is stored in fluorinated and non-fluorinated polyethylene containers, and different liquids (water and methanol) on the leaching potential of PFAS. The same PFAS listed above were detected. View the summary memo and results. (pdf)
3. In what amounts were PFAS detected?
Results from tested samples of fluorinated and non-fluorinated HDPE containers, both unused and containing a mosquito control pesticide product, showed that the fluorinated containers contained varying levels of PFAS. After completing a robust quality assurance and quality control process, EPA can confirm that it has detected eight different PFAS from the fluorinated HDPE containers, with levels ranging from 20-50 parts per billion in rinsate from the container well. View results.
4. Is it known to what degree long term storage or hot/cold storage conditions might affect the concentration of PFAS leaching?
EPA anticipates the length of time and the conditions under which the product was stored in fluorinated containers could affect the actual concentration of PFAS found in the product itself. EPA conducted a simulated study in the laboratory to determine, under ambient storage conditions, how fast PFAS compounds will leach from container walls into the pesticide products. Based on study results, EPA found that the total amount of PFAS leached into the products would increase over storage time and cause undisclosed levels of PFAS in a pesticide product. View the summary memo and results. (pdf)
5. What consideration, if any, is being given to pesticide container recycling programs in regard to the fluorinated HDPE containers?
EPA has been in contact with the Ag Container Recycling Council. As more information becomes available, EPA will continue to work in collaboration with other federal entities to provide guidance to states and localities that may be affected by PFAS.
6. Should people be concerned about the possibility of being exposed to PFAS from pesticide container contamination? What about other containers?
The PFAS detections in rinsate from the tested containers do not represent PFAS concentrations in the environment or human exposure to PFAS. While EPA is early in its investigation, the Agency will use all available regulatory and non-regulatory tools to determine the scope of this emerging issue and its potential impact on human health and the environment.
7. What containers are being purchased off the open market for additional testing by EPA and are they the same level of fluorination as the initial container rinsate testing? If not, is there a reason similar containers are not being used to perform the leaching studies?
EPA obtained several fluorinated containers from different manufacturers and vendors from the open market. These containers may be fluorinated by various fluorination operators. The lab may not have tested similar containers as those used initially in the rinsate testing because EPA is unable to confirm whether the containers were fluorinated by the same company as the containers that were initially tested.
8. Do the data requirements for containers require information about fluorination to be submitted if containers are fluorinated?
Yes, EPA’s storage and stability/corrosion characteristics data requirements require registrants to provide details on the type of container used to distribute the product commercially, which can include fluorinated HDPE containers.
9. Do existing FIFRA container regulations address the use of fluorinated HDPE containers?
FIFRA pesticide container regulations do not specifically address the fluorination of plastic containers, i.e., the regulations do not require fluorination, nor do they prohibit fluorination of plastic pesticide containers. However, some of the Department of Transportation requirements that are referred to and adopted in the pesticide container regulations may impact a pesticide manufacturer’s decision to fluorinate containers. Discussions with the regulated industry are needed to better understand the impact of certain container requirements on a company’s determination about whether fluorinated containers are needed.
10. Are there TSCA regulations that apply to the fluorination of HDPE containers?
Certain PFAS, including long-chain PFAS as defined in EPA’s 2020 long-chain perfluoroalkyl carboxylate (LCPFAC) Significant New Use Rule (SNUR) (40 CFR § 721.10536), that are found to be present in or on fluorinated polyolefins may be subject to TSCA regulations and enforcement. EPA considers the manufacturing of certain PFAS from the fluorination of polyolefins to be a significant new use under TSCA requiring notice to EPA via a Significant New Use Notice (SNUN) and EPA review of potential risks of this use under TSCA section 5. Learn more about filling a SNUN. LCPFAC chemical substances present in polyolefins due to the fluorination process would be considered byproducts of the manufacturing process because they are produced during the manufacture of the fluorinated polyolefins and do not have a separate commercial intent (40 CFR 720.3(d)). LCPFAC chemical substances that are byproducts of the manufacturing process for fluorinated polyolefins do not meet the requirements of the byproducts exemption at 40 CFR § 721.45(e) and are subject to significant new use notice requirements. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact EPA at [email protected].
State-specific Questions
1. What advice should states and local mosquito control districts follow for making their purchasing decisions now?
States and local mosquito control districts are encouraged to contact their pesticide suppliers if there are questions about potential for PFAS in pesticide products they have purchased or intend to purchase. As the issue evolves, EPA will continue to communicate its findings to the states.
2. What are the alternatives to Anvil 10+10 for mosquito spray, and are the alternative pesticide products stored the same way?
Anvil 10+10 is one of many adulticides registered for use in public health mosquito control programs. Mosquitos pose a significant public health threat and can transmit serious diseases and viruses such as malaria, dengue virus, Zika and West Nile virus, which can lead to disabling and potentially deadly effects (such as encephalitis, meningitis and microcephaly). EPA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) work closely with each other and with other federal, state, and local agencies to protect the public from mosquito-borne diseases. Many approaches are used in an integrated way to manage mosquito populations. View more information on mosquito control methods.
Fluorinated polyethylene and HDPE are used for numerous applications such as food packaging and containers for chemical storage, including pesticides. This is the first time that EPA has been aware of fluorinated HDPE container use as a potential source of PFAS contamination in a pesticide. EPA is using its authorities under FIFRA and TSCA to obtain more information about the potential scope of this contamination and to evaluate whether other regulated products may be affected.
3. What should states and others do with existing stock of Anvil 10+10?
To minimize risks to public health and the environment, EPA asked states with existing stock of the mosquito product distributed in HDPE containers to discontinue use and contact the manufacturer about their product exchange program.
4. Will affected products be placed under Stop Sale/Stop Use by EPA or State Lead Agencies?
EPA will respond to any additional PFAS supply-chain contamination issues on a case-by-case basis. For example, EPA worked with the mosquito product manufacturer to remove contaminated product from the supply chain.
5. Are there continued considerations being given regarding State Lead Agency laboratories providing analytical support? If so, what are they?
EPA is actively communicating with state partners and their laboratories. For state laboratories that are interested in sharing samples, please contact EPA's BEAD lab to discuss laboratory equipment requirements.
For any stakeholder questions regarding this issue not covered in this FAQ, you are welcome to contact EPA at [email protected]. For any media inquiries, please email [email protected].