Label Review Training: Module 3: Special Issues, Page 4
Section 1: What are precautionary statements?
Key Points
- Precautionary statements are designed to provide pesticide users with information regarding the toxicity, irritation, and sensitization hazards associated with the use of a pesticide, as well as treatment instructions and information to reduce exposure potential.
- The hazards to humans and domestic animals statement provides precautionary language advising of potential hazards to humans and domestic animals.
- The environmental hazards statement provides the precautionary language advising of the potential hazards to the environment from transport, use, storage, or spill of a product.
- The physical and chemical hazards statement addresses flammability, explosive potential, and precautions.
- The first aid statement provides information to the pesticide user concerning appropriate first aid for the various routes of exposure in case of accidental exposure.
Progress Check
- List the following precautionary statements in the order they should appear in the precautionary statements section of the label: environmental hazards statement, physical and chemical hazards statement, hazards to humans and domestic animals statement.
- How should hazards to humans and domestic animals statements be organized?
- What might environmental hazards affect?
- What do physical and chemical hazards statements address?
- What three things do first aid statements include?
Hazards to humans and domestic animals statement, environmental hazards statement, physical and chemical hazards statement.
So that the most severe routes of exposure are listed first.
Water, soil, air, beneficial insects, plants, and wildlife.
Flammability, explosive potential, and precautions.
Instructions for the user, instructions for the physician, and a telephone number to call for emergency information.
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