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- Alan Thornhill, Ph.D.
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Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 results
Refreshing EPA’s Corvallis, Oregon Laboratory Facilities
By the end of our six year renovation project we overhauled and created 26 new labs and 69 new workstations and offices.
- Date:
- By: Alan Thornhill, Ph.D.
Forever Connected: Rivers as a Driving Force for Partnerships
The Mississippi River flows through 10 states and four EPA Regions. Regions 4, 5, 6, and 7 are committed to begin working with the Mississippi River cities to reduce plastic pollution in the main artery in the heart of our country.
- Date:
- By: Gayle Hubert
Protect Your Health from Air Pollution this American Heart Month
February is American Heart Month – a time to bring attention and awareness to how air pollution impacts heart health and what steps that you can take to avoid exposure.
- Date:
- By: André Wade