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- Chip Gurkin
- John Foster
- Maureen Gwinn
- Alan Thornhill, Ph.D.
- Amanda Sutton
- André Wade
- Bitta Momeni
- Calvin Yahn
- Cameron Hodges
- Carlton Waterhouse
- Carmen Torrent
- Charles Lee
- Christine Gonnelli
- Cindy Newberg
- Clayton Batko
- Courtney Johnson
- Danelle Lobdell
- David Cash
- Dr. Sala N. Senkayi
- Dr. Tonya Nichols
- Elina Bravve
- ELN Green Team
- Evonne Marzouk
- Frederick Thompson
- Gayle Hubert
- Giovanna Olivares-McLaughlin
- Grace Robiou
- Hilary Clark
- Hunter Pates
- Jake Krauss
- Janet McCabe
- Jason Sacks
- Jeanne Briskin
- Jenna Hartley
- Jennie Romer
- John Goodin
- John V. Thomas
- Jorianne Jernberg
- KC Becker
- Lauren Duffy
- Lauryn Joyner
- Marcia Anderson, PhD
- Marianne Engelman-Lado
- Michael Regan
- Missy Haniewicz
- Radhika Fox
- Rhina Lara
- Rosemary Enobakhare
- Sara Eaves
- Sarah Coefield
- Scott Mansfield
- Shayna Sellars
- Steph Bertaina
- Sukayna Al-Aaraji
- William Wheeler
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results
Activating the Building Blocks of Sustainability
One thing I’ve learned through my work with local communities is that they love celebrating what makes them unique. I love learning what they are most proud of and helping them turn their greatest assets into actions that matter for their community.
- Date:
- By: Chip Gurkin
For Local Communities, the Sky is the Limit
Local Foods, Local Places' community-driven approach unleashes local creative minds to envision innovative paths to overcome the complex legacies of social and environmental problems and inequities.
- Date:
- By: John Foster
Participatory Science: Supporting Inclusive Public Engagement in Science at EPA
We believe that providing communities equitable access to participate in and lead scientific projects is key to our shared vision of public engagement in science.
- Date:
- By: Maureen Gwinn
Why Representation Matters for Girls and Women in STEM
As we celebrate International Day of Women and Girls in Science, I’m happy to see that things have come a long way since Marie Curie first began her research. I’m also pleased to see that women are being recognized for their contributions in the sciences.
- Date:
- By: Maureen Gwinn