Fiscal Year 2013 Pollution Prevention Grant Summaries
Each year EPA gives matching funds to state agencies, federally-recognized tribes and colleges and universities that are instrumentalities of a state to support P2 activities across all environmental media — air, water and land. The grants are dependent on Congressional appropriation and the quality of proposals received.
This page provides summaries, which EPA issued in February 2014, on how states plan to spend the matching grants and/or cooperative agreements EPA awarded in fiscal year 2013 under the Pollution Prevention Grant Program. The summaries include the applicant's name, the federal dollar amount (for the first year, in cases of multiple year grants) and a brief description of the project.
The summaries are intended to both inform the public and P2 practitioners on how EPA grant money is being spent and to facilitate information exchange among the states' P2 programs to spread ideas.
In fiscal year 2013, EPA had approximately $4.1 million to fund P2 grant activities to help develop and sustain state and tribal P2 program activities and pioneer new P2 approaches.
- Region 1 (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT)
- Region 2 (NJ, NY, PR, VI)
- Region 3 (DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV)
- Region 4 (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN)
- Region 5 (IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI)
- Region 6 (AR, LA, NM, OK, TX)
- Region 7 (IA, KS, MO, NE)
- Region 8 (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY)
- Region 9 (AZ, CA, HI, NV, AS, GU)
- Region 10 (AK, ID, OR, WA)
Region 1 (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT)
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Conservation
EPA grant: $80,000
The grantee will provide P2 and compliance assistance to the health care industry (including nursing homes); provide Pit Stops P2 Training for state agency inspectors of vehicle repair stations (including state agencies with repair facilities); publish the P2 View newsletter and Your Environmental Connection electronic newsletter; provide training to the Connecticut green lodging and green tourism industry; and convene a statewide green team for the purpose of promoting P2 and sustainability in purchasing, operations and resource use to state agencies.
Massachusetts Office of Technical Assistance
EPA grant: $60,000
The grantee will revise and update a guidance document on P2, enlist best management practices and improved compliance for auto-care shops; and conduct an outreach effort for targeted communities to revive interest in reducing waste at the source and understanding links between improving business efficiency and environmental performance.
New Hampshire
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES)
EPA grant: $86,000
The grantee will provide P2 assistance and training to small businesses that generate hazardous waste. The training will strengthen the business communities understanding of environmental compliance and broaden awareness of using P2 to reduce hazardous waste. The grantee will also work with the state government to launch energy efficiency efforts.
University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center
EPA grant: $68,000
The grantee will enable municipal officials, owners of businesses, design engineers and contractors to achieve quantified P2 reductions associated with non-structural best management practices such as regulations and ordinances governing future development and redevelopment activities. The grantee will also develop a green business award program to communicate results to businesses and commercial development or redevelopment entities by recognizing their compliance to achieve higher stormwater P2 standards.
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
Funding Amount: $80,000
The grantee will: 1) provide technical and administrative support to Vermont’s Business Environmental Partnership (a technical assistance and business recognition program) and to the Vermont Governor’s Awards Program for Environmental Excellence; and 2) provide outreach and assistance to colleges, high schools and middle schools on safe laboratory chemical management.
Region 2 (NJ, NY, PR, VI)
New Jersey
New Jersey Institute of Technology
EPA grant: $180,000
The grantee will provide P2 outreach to manufacturing businesses in Newark, NJ. In partnership with the Ironbound Community Corporation, the grantee will visit small businesses to study their manufacturing processes and provide recommendations for modifying process procedures using greener technology. The recommendations will aim to reduce pollution and reduce operation expenses.
Rutgers University, New Jersey Small Business Development Centers
EPA grant: $106,269
The grantee in partnership with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDP) and Sustainable Jersey will provide outreach to small and medium-sized businesses on ways to reduce hazardous material releases, energy and water use and increase sustainability practices. Also, in partnership with NJDP and Sustainable Jersey, the grantee will develop a "New Jersey Sustainability Business Registry" which will provide a reputable means of recognition and distinction for companies that achieve high levels of environmental performance.
New York
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
EPA grant: $75,000
The grantee will provide P2 outreach to reduce the risk of toxic exposures associated with climate change impacts on industrial waterfront communities in New York City. The grantee will also focus its P2 outreach efforts on the South Bronx section of New York; conduct 60 P2 assessments at industrial facilities; and provide on-site technical assistance to two local companies.
Region 3 (DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, WV)
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
EPA grant: $179,987
The grantee will: 1) provide technical assistance to businesses to reduce pollution, with a special emphasis placed on methanol and solvent waste generators; and 2) educate engineers on P2 and Economy, Energy and Environment techniques.
Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
EPA grant: $80,000
The grantee will make enhancements to the Virginia Environmental Excellence Program and Economy, Energy and Environment initiative to improve data management activities; will host a statewide conference; and encourage Green Suppliers Network activities.
Wytheville Community College, Manufacturing Technology Center
EPA grant: $38,000
The grantee will conduct environmental assessments; workshops; and conduct Economy, Energy and Environment projects.
West Virginia
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
EPA grant: $75,013
The grantee will encourage and enhance existing sustainable communities; promote sustainable school efforts; support itravelgreen and Economy, Energy and Environment activities; and encourage stakeholder capacity building.
Region 4 (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN)
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
EPA grant: $53,000
The grantee will support Florida’s effort to: improve resource conservation; implement P2 techniques; and increase operating efficiencies through direct technical assistance provided by Florida's Retired Engineers Technical Assistance Program. The grantee will focus on working with waterfront facilities and implementing a water conservation technical assistance program.
University of Florida – Center for Training, Research and Education for Environmental Occupations
EPA grant: $39,974
The grantee will assist a local community become a green destination. The grantee will accomplish this by offering training to participating properties; provide resources and outreach materials; determine a property’s greenhouse gas emissions rating; encourage reductions in energy, water and hazardous materials; encourage business efficiency; and establish an environmental management system framework to implement and measure sustainable practices and operations.
Kentucky Division of Compliance Assistance & Kentucky Pollution Prevention Control
EPA grant: $95,000
The grantee will collaborate with stakeholders to develop and deliver technical assistance and education on reducing toxics use, lowering greenhouse gas emissions, reducing resource and water usage and promoting P2 integration into energy efficiency and waste reduction operations to support sustainability efforts and improve business competitiveness through the Economy, Energy and Environment initiative and Kentucky Excel Program.
Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
EPA grant: $80,402
The grantee will: 1) provide technical assistance and source reduction training to industries, with a focus on automotive suppliers; 2) manage an environmental leadership program; 3) provide energy efficiency workshops for commercial businesses; and 4) provide on-site Economy, Energy and Environment assistance to Mississippi manufacturers.
North Carolina
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Division of Environmental Assistance and Outreach
EPA grant: $78,000
The grantee will continue to implement North Carolina's Environmental Stewardship Initiative, which encourages North Carolina facilities to go beyond compliance and continue to improve their environmental performance through annual pollution reduction goals, annual public reporting on progress towards those goals and implement an environmental management system. The grantee will also provide member facilities with one-on-one technical and environmental management system training, Lean and Green training and provide mentoring services to program members.
Tennessee Department of Conservation
EPA grant: $70,000
The grantee will provide on-site technical assistance, workshops, mentoring opportunities to support Tennessee businesses to achieve P2 results and business efficiencies. The grantee will also continue to recognize environmental leaders through the Tennessee Green Star Partnership Program.
Region 5 (IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI)
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
EPA grant: $109,000
The grantee will: 1) identify and implement water and energy reduction measures at facilities statewide; 2) conduct site assessments; and 3) offer technical assistance to help companies establish baselines and goals to implement P2 efforts.
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
EPA grant: $106,233
The grantee will provide technical assistance, tools and training to assist manufacturers in using P2 techniques. Assistance will be coordinated the Michigan Industrial Assessment Center to identify energy efficiency opportunities and with Michigan’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program to identify process efficiencies.
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
EPA grant: $138,612
The grantee will conduct an Economy, Energy and Environment pilot focusing on the fiber-reinforced plastics sector.
University of Toledo
EPA grant: $97,155
The grantee will provide technical assistance and training for small to medium-sized Ohio manufacturers on P2 techniques. The project will also support P2 planning and implementation statewide through the Ohio Statewide Environmental Network to improve awareness of environmental and economic concepts and methods.
Region 6 (AR, LA, NM, OK, TX)
Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality
EPA grant: $12,500
The grantee will provide technical assistance to businesses that lack the expertise to implement source reduction measures and support other businesses upon request and partner with Arkansas Manufacturing Solutions on the “Putting Green to Work” lunch series. In addition, grant funding will support a P2 coordinator who will: 1) provide technical assistance to businesses; 2) deliver a two day environmental training taught by the Zero Waste Network; 3) evaluate Arkansas' Environmental Stewardship Award applications; and 4) participate in public outreach, trainings and relevant meetings.
Southeastern Louisiana University
EPA grant: $23,000
The grantee will: 1) target southern Louisiana facilities through recruitment, surveys and technical support training; 2) organize toxic use reduction planning materials for businesses; 3) encourage identified industries to use non-toxic chemicals and more efficient facility equipment; and 4) sponsor and facilitate training events to teach local dry cleaners source reduction principles and techniques.
New Mexico
New Mexico Environment Department
EPA grant: $31,000
The grantee will:; 1) provide technical assistance to businesses; 2) conduct waste management assessments; 3) provide P2 training and on-site technical assistance; 4) continue on-going activities under the Green Zia Environmental Leadership Program; 5) work with the construction industry; and 6) work with the Las Cruces Public School District to develop and implement a district-wide environmental management system.
Regents of New Mexico State University /Institute for Energy and the Environment
EPA grant: $50,000
The grantee will enhance its Institute for Energy & the Environment program by engaging in multimedia P2 activities with local businesses, industries and communities. These efforts will entail: 1) encouraging Economy, Energy and Environment initiatives statewide; 2) conducting P2 site visits; 3) facilitating workshops; 4) developing environmental management system protocols for businesses and industries; and 5) conducting Lean and Green training.
University of Texas at Arlington, Manufacturing Assistance Center
EPA grant: $93,000
The grantee will use technical assistance and training to promote source reduction through the use of Economy, Energy and Environment (E3) initiative and provide P2 techniques to partners in Region 6. Activities include: 1) providing on-site technical assistance (including chemical alternative assessments); 2) conducting six E3 management systems site assessments along with providing a chemical alternatives assessment; 3) providing E3 trainings and outreach supporting the entertainment sports sector; 4) work more closely with E3 partner agencies to strengthen coordination efforts; 5) update and enhance university training modules; and 6) strengthen P2 measurement work in coordination with the Zero Waste Network.
Region 7 (IA, KS, MO, NE)
Curators of the University of Missouri
EPA grant: $121,649
The grantee will: 1) encourage more colleges and university departments to collaborate and partner with Missouri’s P2 intern program; 2) work to institutionalize P2 into the services and assistance offered through Missouri’s network of business counselors; and 3) promote business efficiency through P2 training and assistance.
University of Nebraska – Lincoln
EPA grant: $38,141
The grantee will provide on-site source reduction technical assistance to agricultural producers (and rural golf courses) that perform a substantial degree of irrigation work. Special focus will be placed on reducing water usage associated with energy use, reducing risk of nitrate groundwater contamination and ensuring public and environmental health.
University of Nebraska – Omaha
EPA grant: $88,009
The grantee will conduct an assessment to measure barriers to Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) within participating organizations. Upon completing its assessment the grantee will design and implement strategies to encourage EPP activities. Strategies will be devised to create a culture of greener purchasing by encouraging organizations to incorporate EPP measures and change organizational behavior practices.
Region 8 (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY)
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
EPA grant: $112,000
The grantee will work to: 1) reduce the release and volatilization of nitrogen compounds and ammonia from agricultural sources on the eastern plains using a P2 approach; 2) provide technical assistance to Colorado’s Environmental Leadership Program members; and 3) partner with the Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division to collaborate on a healthy hospitals initiative to increase the number of facilities that implement environmental management systems.
Montana State University
EPA grant: $108,000
The grantee will promote and increase P2 in agriculture through the expansion and utilization of local food systems. These efforts will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and hazardous waste, increase resource efficiency to reduce water and energy use, and create business efficiencies for economic and environmental benefits. The grantee will also sponsor a recognition program to recognize small-sized businesses and organizations which are voluntarily taking steps to reduce solid and hazardous waste, maximize efficiencies, conserve energy and water, and improve air quality.
Utah Department of Environmental Quality
EPA grant: $102,000
The grantee will: 1) provide on-site technical assistance to the oil and gas industry; 2) promote participation in the Clean Utah Program using P2 technologies and techniques to achieve mandatory environmental improvement; 3) promote participation in the Utah Clean Air initiative to improve air quality throughout the state of Utah; and 4) encourage the use of sustainability tools and resources for businesses to reduce emissions, hazardous materials and conserve natural resources.
Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
EPA grant: $51,000
The grantee will: 1) promote energy savings and hazardous materials use reduction or elimination by the hospitality sector; 2) assist local ranchers and farmers by conducting assessments on well head irrigation pumps to determine energy used/saved for irrigation by implementing mitigation techniques; and 3) implement a pilot project with the Wyoming Motor Vehicle Management Service to track the data from five natural gas vehicles (NGVs) and document the benefits of NGVs compared to similar gasoline fueled vehicles.
Region 9 (AS, AZ, CA, HI, GU, NV)
Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians
EPA grant: $63,207
The grantee will: 1) train over 1,700 tribal business employees on P2 practices and opportunities; 2) assist businesses in implementing cost-effective P2 measures; 3) develop P2 data collection and reporting systems; and 4) share P2 project results with outside partners and stakeholders. Training and technical assistance will focus on P2 strategies that will reduce the use of energy, water, and toxic cleaning chemicals; improve purchasing practices; and decrease greenhouse gas emissions and waste products.
State of Hawaii, Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism
EPA grant: $50,000
The grantee will increase participation in the Hawaii’s Green Business Program and Lead By Example Resource Efficiency Checklist Program by adding 22 new or re-enrolled businesses and agencies statewide. Specifically, the grantee will focus on: green hotels/resorts, green restaurants/food service, and green office/retail programs. Additional areas of focus involve a green grocery store and developing green schools checklists.
University of Nevada, Board of Regents
EPA grant: $180,000
The grantee will support and expand the activities of the Western Sustainability P2 Network (WSPPN) within Region 9. WSPPN will offer training on source reduction techniques via webinars, create new video training modules, and add information resources to the WSPPN website including case studies, best practice materials, and green business checklists.
Region 10 (AK, ID, OR, WA)
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
EPA grant: $93,000
The grantee will: 1) provide technical assistance with emphasis placed on the hospitality and tourism sectors; 2) conduct Economy, Energy and Environment assessments; and 3) conduct a Green Star business certification.
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
EPA grant: $85,000
The grantee will: 1) conduct Economy, Energy and Environment assessments; 2) expand the Clean Air Zone program to include hospitals; and 3) participate in a green chemistry school certification program.
Oregon State University
EPA grant: $91,000
The grantee will participate in an Economy, Energy and Environment consortium to provide assessment services on wood products; and analyze activities at breweries and high tech industries.
Washington Department of Ecology
EPA grant: $105,000
The grantee will conduct two Economy, Energy and Environment alternative assessments and provide green chemistry technical assistance and scoping for a P2 intern program.