Qualifying criterion for qualified oil-filled operational equipment
What is the qualifying criterion for the option for qualified oil-filled operational equipment?
Equipment is eligible if the facility did not discharge from any oil-filled operational equipment (1) more than 1,000 U.S. gallons of oil in a single discharge to navigable waters, or (2) discharge more than 42 U.S. gallons of oil in each of two discharges to navigable waters, within any twelve-month period, in the three years prior to the SPCC Plan certification date, or since becoming subject to 40 CFR part 112 if the facility has been in operation for less than three years. When determining the applicability of this criterion, the gallon amount(s) specified (either 1,000 or 42) refers to the amount of oil that actually reaches navigable waters or adjoining shorelines, not the total amount of oil spilled.
Oil discharges that result from natural disasters, acts of war, or terrorism are not included in the eligibility determination.