EPA Toxicity Spreadsheet Statistical Tool
This NPDES WET Statistical Spreadsheet Tool was developed to analyze valid acute or chronic toxicity test data using EPA statistical approaches. The results generated by the spreadsheet can be used by NPDES permit writers for reasonable potential (RP) evaluations in accordance with EPA’s Technical Support Document Water Quality-based Toxics Control (TSD; EPA/505/2-90/001, March 1991), as well as EPA’s Test of Significant Toxicity Document (TST; EPA 833-R-10-003, June 2010), and for NPDES WET compliance determinations. NPDES permittees and toxicity testing laboratories may also find the spreadsheet useful when analyzing valid toxicity test data.
Disclaimer: Note that neither the EPA nor any of its employees assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information disclosed. Furthermore, the EPA Toxicity Spreadsheet Statistical Tool is supplied “as-is” without guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied, including without limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a specific purpose.
- EPA Toxicity Spreadsheet Statistical Tool (xlsm)
- Factsheet on the EPA Toxicity Spreadsheet Statistical Tool (pdf)
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