NPDES Permit for Grand Coulee Dam in Washington
Below is EPA's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and supporting documents for the U.S Bureau of Reclamation Grand Coulee Dam discharging to the Columbia River in Washington and on the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation.
Permit number: WA0026867
Effective date: December 1, 2023
Modified: December 19, 2024
Permit expires: November 30, 2028
- NPDES Permit, Grand Coulee Dam, #WA0026867 (pdf)
- NPDES Permit Fact Sheet, Grand Coulee Dam, #WA0026867 (pdf)
- Response to Comments on Draft NPDES Permit for Grand Coulee Dam, #WA0026867 (pdf)
- Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation Clean Water Act 401 Certification for NPDES Permits #WA0026891 and #WA0026867 (pdf)
- Washington Dept. of Ecology Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification for NPDES Permit #WA0026867 (pdf)
Related permits: NPDES Permit for Grand Coulee Dam Wastewater Treatment Plant (WA0024163)