Maine NPDES Permits
Authorization: The state of Maine has assumed the NPDES program from the federal government. The state issues its permits through the Maine Department of Environmental Protection.
- Draft General Permits
- Final General Permits
- Final 301(h) Waiver from Secondary Treatment Final Denial
- Acadia Aquaculture (EPA NE issued prior to the states assumption of the NPDES program)
- Retired (Terminated) Permits
- No Impact Letter
- Maine Draft Individual Permits
- Maine Final Individual Permits
- EPA NPDES Permit Forms & Attachments for New England
- NPDES Water Permit Program in New England
- NPDES Stormwater Permit Program in New England
- View NPDES Permits for All States
Draft General Permits
- Municipal Separate Storm Water Sewer System Draft General Permit - MER041000 (Modification)
Comment Period: March 18, 2024 - April 18, 2024 - Cooke Aquaculture USA INC. GP - Net Pen Aquaculture Draft General Permit - MEG130000 (Modification) (pdf)
Comment Period: August 17, 2021 - September 17, 2021 - Discharge of Stormwater from Maine Department of Transportation and Maine Turnpike Authority Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems Draft General Permit - MER043000 (pdf)
Comment Period: April 28, 2021 - May 28, 2021 - Antifouling Paint Contaminated Vessel Wash Water Draft General Permit - MEG170000 (pdf)
Comment Period: May 13, 2020 - June 15, 2020 - Application of Piscicides for the Control of Invasive Fishes Draft General Permit - MEG18000 (pdf)
Comment Period: May 13, 2020 - June 15, 2020 - Application of Herbicides for the Control of Invasive Aquatic Plants Draft General Permit - MEG150000 (pdf)
Comment Period: December 30, 2016 - February 1, 2017 - Application of Aquatic Pesticides for the Control of Mosquito-Borne Diseases Draft General Permit - MEG140000 (pdf)
Comment Period: April 15, 2015 - May 15, 2015 - Post Construction Discharge of Stormwater in the Long Creek Watershed Draft General Permit - MEG190000 (pdf)
Comment Period: February 17, 2015 - March 19, 2015 - Waste Snow to Surface Waters Draft General Permit - MEG20000 (pdf)
- Waste Snow to Ground Water Draft General Permit - MEG210000 (pdf)
Final General Permits
Final General Permits Issued by EPA
Final General Permits Issued by the State of Maine
- Municipal Separate Storm Water Sewer System General Permit - MER041000 (Modification) (pdf)
06/26/2024 - Discharge of Stormwater to Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems General Permit - MER043000 (pdf)
08/18/2021 - Antifouling Paint Contaminated Vessel Wash Water General Permit - MEG170000 (pdf)
07/22/2020 - Application of Piscicides for the Control of Invasive Fishes General Pemit - MEG180000 (pdf)
06/17/2020 - Aquatic Pesticides for the Control of Mosquito-Borne Diseases General Permit - MEG140000 (pdf)
07/16/2015 - Discharge of Pesticides General Permit - MEG230000 (pdf)
03/02/2015 - Discharge of Waste Snow to Certain Estuarine or Marine Waters General Permit - MEG210000 [Renewal] (pdf)
06/13/2019 - Discharge of Waste Snow to Ground Waters General Permit - MEG220000 [Renewal] (pdf)
06/13/2019 - Herbicides for the Control of Invasive Aquatic Plants General Permit - MEG150000 [Renewal] (pdf)
04/03/2017 - Multi-Sector General Permit Stormwater Associated with an Industrial Activity - MER050000 (pdf)
04/26/2011 - Net Pen Aquaculture General Permit - MEG130000 (pdf)
04/10/2014 - Post Construction Discharge of Stormwater in the Long Creek Watershed General Permit - MEG190000 (pdf)
City / Town (Receiving Water) | Applicant / Facility Name | Permit Number | Date of Issuance |
Beals (Atlantic Ocean at Eastern Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA, Inc., Net Pen Aquaculture, Sand Cove [Modification 2] (pdf) | MEG130029 | 05/20/2022 |
Beals (Atlantic Ocean at Eastern Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA, Inc., Net Pen Aquaculture, Sand Cove [Modification] (pdf) | MEG130029 | 09/24/2021 |
Beals (Atlantic Ocean at Eastern Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA, Inc., Net Pen Aquaculture, Sand Cove (pdf) | MEG130029 | 06/15/2014 |
Beals (Atlantic Ocean at Eastern Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA, Inc., Net Pen Aquaculture, Spectacle Island [Modification] (pdf) | MEG130030 | 09/24/2021 |
Beals (Atlantic Ocean at Eastern Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA, Inc., Spectacle Island (pdf) | MEG130030 | 06/15/2014 |
Cutler (Atlantic Ocean at Machias Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA, Inc., Net Pen Aquaculture, Cross Island [Modification] (pdf) | MEG130025 | 09/24/2021 |
Cutler (Atlantic Ocean at Machias Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA Inc., Net Pen Aquaculture, Cross Island (pdf) | MEG130025 | 05/30/2014 |
Cutler (Atlantic Ocean at Machias Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA, Inc., Net Pen Aquaculture, Cross Island North [Modification] (pdf) | MEG130027 | 09/24/2021 |
Cutler (Atlantic Ocean at Machias Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA Inc., Net Pen Aquaculture, Cross Island North (pdf) | MEG130027 | 05/30/2014 |
Cutler (Machias Bay) | Cooke Aquaculture USA, Inc., Net Pen Aquaculture, Cutler West [Modification] (pdf) | MEG130017 | 09/24/2021 |
Cutler (Machias Bay) | Cooke Aquaculture USA Inc., Net Pen Aquaculture, Cutler West (pdf) | MEG130017 | 05/30/2014 |
Cutler (Machias Bay) | Phoenix Salmon US, Inc., Cutler West (pdf) | MEG130017 | 12/02/2008 |
Eastport (Atlantic Ocean at Cobscook Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA, Inc., Broad Cove [Modification] (pdf) | MEG130028 | 09/24/2021 |
Eastport (Atlantic Ocean at Cobscook Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA Inc., Broad Cove (pdf) | MEG130028 | 05/30/2014 |
Eastport (Cobscook Bay) | Cooke Aquaculture USA, Inc., Deep Cover [Modification] (pdf) | MEG130018 | 09/24/2021 |
Eastport (Cobscook Bay) | Cooke Aquaculture USA Inc., Deep Cove (pdf) | MEG130018 | 05/30/2014 |
Frenchboro (Atlantic Ocean at Eastern Bluehill Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA, Inc., Black Island [Modification] (pdf) | MEG130026 | 09/24/2021 |
Frenchboro (Atlantic Ocean at Eastern Bluehill Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA Inc., Black Island (pdf) | MEG130026 | 05/30/2014 |
Frenchboro (Atlantic Ocean at Eastern Bluehill Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA, Inc., Black Island South [Modification] (pdf) | MEG130023 | 09/24/2021 |
Frenchboro (Atlantic Ocean at Eastern Bluehill Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA Inc., Black Island South (pdf) | MEG130023 | 05/30/2014 |
Frenchboro (Eastern Blue Hill Bay/Class SB) | Phoenix Salmon US, Inc., Black Island South (pdf) | MEG130023 | 03/22/2011 |
Jonesport (Atlantic Ocean Eastern Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA, Inc., Calf Island (EASTW CALF) [Modification] (pdf) | MEG130032 | 09/24/2021 |
Jonesport (Atlantic Ocean Eastern Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA Inc., Calf Island (EASTW CALF) (pdf) | MEG130032 | 04/11/2016 |
Lubec (Cobscook Bay) | Cooke Aquaculture USA Inc., Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture (pdf) | MEG130022 | 02/10/2012 |
Lubec (Atlantic Ocean at Cobscook Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA, Inc., South Bay [Modification] (pdf) | MEG130020 | 09/24/2021 |
Lubec (Atlantic Ocean at Cobscook Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA Inc., South Bay (pdf) | MEG130020 | 05/30/2014 |
Machiasport (Atlantic Ocean at Machias Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA, Inc., Starboard Island [Modification] (pdf) | MEG130001 | 09/24/2021 |
Machiasport (Atlantic Ocean at Machias Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA Inc., Starboard Island (pdf) | MEG130001 | 06/15/2014 |
Machiasport (Atlantic Ocean at Machias Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA Inc., Starboard Island (pdf) | MEG130001 | 02/10/2012 |
Machiasport (Machias Bay) | Cooke Aquaculture USA Inc., Stone Island (pdf) | MEG130002 | 02/10/2012 |
Machiasport (Machias Bay) | Atlantic Salmon of ME, LLC, Starboard Island (pdf) | MEG130001 | 12/02/2008 |
Machiasport (Machias Bay) | Atlantic Salmon of ME, LLC, Stone Island (pdf) | MEG130002 | 12/02/2008 |
Newcastle (Certain Estuarine or Marine Waters) | Town of Newcastle General Permit for the Discharge of Waste Snow to Certain Estuarine or Marine Waters pdf) | MEG210013 | 01/30/2025 |
Perry (Cobscook Bay) | Cooke Aquaculture USA Inc., Birch Point (pdf) | MEG130031 | 03/03/2015 |
Swans Island (Atlantic Ocean at Toothacher Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA, Inc., Scrag Island [Modification] (pdf) | MEG130024 | 09/24/2021 |
Swans Island (Atlantic Ocean at Toothacher Bay/Class SB) | Cooke Aquaculture USA Inc., Scrag Island (pdf) | MEG130024 | 05/30/2014 |
Swans Island (Harbor Island Gut) | Phoenix Salmon, US, Inc., Scrag Island (pdf) | MEG130024 | 05/31/2011 |
Kittery (See permit) | Kittery, Town of (pdf) | MEG140002 | 04/25/2016 |
York (See permit) | York, Town of (pdf) | MEG140003 | 04/25/2016 |
York (All Freshwater Wetlands in York, ME) | York, Town of (pdf) | MEG140003 | 09/27/2010 |
Belgrade (Salmon Lake) | ME DEP – Invasive Aquatic Species Program (pdf) | MEG150003 | 07/30/2009 |
Belgrade and Rome and Smithfield (Great Pond/Great Meadow Stream) | Aquatic Herbicides for the Control of Invasive Aquatic Plants for Great Pond/Great Meadow Stream (pdf) | MEG150009 | 05/25/2022 |
Big Lake (Big Lake) | Aquatic Herbicides for the Control of Invasive Aquatic Plants for Big Lake (pdf) | MEG150012 | 07/28/2023 |
Limerick (Pickerel Pond) | Invasive Aquatic Species Program (pdf) | MEG150005 | 06/26/2012 |
Limerick and Waterboro (Lake Arrow) | Aquatic Herbicides for the Control of Invasive Aquatic Plants for Lake Arrow (pdf) | MEG150011 | 07/14/2023 |
Jefferson, Nobleboro, Newcastle (Damariscotta Lake) | ME DEP Invasive Aquatic Species Program (pdf) | MEG150004 | 05/11/2010 |
Lebanon (Class GPS, AA, A, B&C waters of the state; tributaries to Class GPA waters) | Northeast Pond (pdf) | MEG150006 | 06/26/2018 |
Lebanon (See Permit) | Northeast Pond (pdf) | MEG150006 | 05/12/2017 |
Scarborough (Pleasant Hill Pond) | Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Application of Herbicides for the Control of Invasive Aquatic Plants Granting of Coverage for Pleasant Hill Pond (pdf) | MEG150002 | 03/05/2009 |
Windham (Collins Pond) | Aquatic Herbicides for the Control of Invasive Aquatic Plants for Collins Pond (pdf) | MEG150010 | 06/23/2023 |
Winthrop and Monmouth (Annabessacook Lake) | Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Aquatic Herbicides for the Control of Invasive Aquatic Plants for Annabessacook Lake (pdf) | MEG150008 | 07/16/2020 |
Brooksville (Atlantic Ocean at Horseshoe Cove/Class SB) | Seal Cove Boatyard, Inc. (pdf) | MEG170006 | 12/15/2014 |
Mount Desert (Atlantic Ocean at Northeast Harbor/Class SB) | Morris Yachts, Inc. (pdf) | MEG170003 | 04/16/2015 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Long Creek Post Construction Storm Water GP - 400 Maine Mall Road - Transfer from Sears Holding Management Company to Dick’s Sporting Goods Inc. (pdf) |
MEG190009 | 05/08/2024 |
South Portland (Atlantic Ocean at Casco Bay/Class SB) | Port Harbor Marine, Inc. (pdf) | MEG170008 | 12/15/2014 |
Trenton (Atlantic Ocean at Bass Harbor/Class SB) | Morris Yachts, Inc. (pdf) | MEG170002 | 04/16/2015 |
Augusta | Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, Round Pond (pdf) | MEG180007 | 07/24/2015 |
Greenville | Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, Big Wadleigh Pond (pdf) | MEG180003 | 06/11/2012 |
Piscataquis County (Brook Trout) | Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, Thissell Pond (pdf) | MEG180004 | 07/09/2013 |
Sumner (Abbotts Pond) | Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, Abbotts Pond (pdf) | MEG180005 | 07/09/2013 |
Woodstock (Little Concord Pond) | Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, Little Concord Pond (pdf) | MEG180002 | 07/05/2011 |
Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Long Creek Post Construction Storm Water for GOV Portland LLC, 207 Gannet Drive (pdf) |
MEG190144 |
08/17/2022 |
Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Long Creek Post Construction Storm Water for Tom Watson Co LLC 984 Spring Street Residential Development (pdf) | MEG190146 | 04/14/2023 |
Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Long Creek Post Construction Storm Water for CPSP LLC 0 Gorham Road (pdf) | MEG190147 | 02/21/2024 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Long Creek Post Construction Storm Water GP – Transfer from CPSP LLC to Portland Live LLC (pdf) | MEG190148 | 12/03/2024 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Long Creek Post Construction Storm Water for CSPS LLC 333 Clark's Pond Parkway (pdf) | MEG190148 | 02/21/2024 |
Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Long Creek Post Construction Storm Water for CPSP LLC 200 Gorham Road Minor Revision (pdf) | MEG190149 | 03/01/2024 |
Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Long Creek Post Construction Storm Water for CPSP LLC 200 Gorham Road (pdf) | MEG190149 | 02/21/2024 |
Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Long Creek Post Construction Storm Water for Cornerbrook LLC 343 Gorham Road (pdf) | MEG190150 | 02/21/2024 |
Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Toddle Inn Westbrook Real Estate LLC (pdf) | MEG190090 | 01/31/2018 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | 303 Maine Mall Road (Amended) (pdf) | MEG190101 | 02/04/2019 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | 303 & 291 Maine Mall Road, TRU 2005 REI, LLC (pdf) | MEG190101 | 12/19/2018 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | 35 Foden Road, LLC (pdf) | MEG190065 | 09/05/2018 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Beddy Bye LLC (transferred from formerly OpRock Portland 303 Fee LLC) (pdf) | MEG190061 | 03/01/2017 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | CarMax Auto Superstores, Inc. (pdf) | MEG190129 | 01/27/2016 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Cortland Associates, LP, 696 Westbrook Street (pdf) | MEG190115 | 02/15/2019 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | J.B. Brown & Sons (255 Gannet Drive) (pdf) | MEG190131 | 05/10/2016 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | J.B. Brown & Sons (65 Gannet Drive) (pdf) | MEG190132 | 05/10/2016 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | JFB & GWB Donald Dean Drive LLC (formerly Blues Brothers LLC) (pdf) | MEG190058 | 11/16/2017 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Long Creek Post Construction Storm Water for 75 Darling Preble Street LLC, 75 Darling Ave (pdf) | MEG190143 | 08/17/2022 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Long Creek Post Construction Storm Water for PGP S. Portland LLC 290 Macy's The Maine Mall Maine Mall Road Lot 4C (pdf) | MEG190141 | 01/27/2022 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Long Creek Post Construction Storm Water for PGP S. Portland LLC Macy's The Maine Mall 290 Maine Mall Road Lot 4D (pdf) | MEG190142 | 01/27/2022 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Long Creek Post Construction Storm Water for Transfer of 341 Park LLC to Atlantic Place Commerce Center LLC (pdf) | MEG190120 | 03/11/2022 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Long Creek Post Construction Storm Water for Transfer of 35 Foden Road, LLC to 35 Foden Road Condominium Association Inc (pdf) | MEG190065 | 01/27/2022 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Long Creek Post Construction Storm Water for Transfer of 53 Darling LLC to 53 Darling Avenue LLC (pdf) | MEG190116 | 03/01/2022 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Long Creek Post Construction Storm Water for Transfer of 176 Gannett Drive in from INS Realty LLC to GOVOLS Properties (pdf) | MEG190030 | 03/28/2022 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Lullaby LLC (transferred from formerly OpRock Portland 200 Fee LLC) (pdf) | MEG190062 | 03/01/2017 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Miller River Development, LLC (pdf) | MEG190121 | 09/05/2018 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | New Gen Hotels Group LLC – Comfort Inn (pdf) | MEG190130 | 03/28/2016 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Olympia Equity Investors XII/Millroc Hospitality Partners LLC Transfer to SoPo Developers, LLC (pdf) | MEG190104 | 12/03/2021 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Port Resources (pdf) | MEG190111 | 09/20/2018 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Target Corporation (pdf) | MEG190002 | 09/27/2018 |
South Portland (Long Creek Watershed) | Treehouse, LLC (pdf) | MEG190138 | 09/05/2018 |
Westbrook (Long Creek Watershed) | 5 Karen Drive Associates, LLC (pdf) | MEG190060 | 02/22/2019 |
Westbrook (Long Creek Watershed) | Thomas Drive LLC (Transfer) (pdf) | MEG190105 | 10/17/2016 |
Westbrook (Long Creek Watershed) | Colonel Westbrook Associates GP (Minor Revision) (pdf) | MEG190105 | 09/06/2016 |
Westbrook (Long Creek Watershed) | Colonel Westbrook Associates JFB NOI Transfer to GWB Cony LLC, 860 Spring Street (pdf) | MEG190107 | 08/24/2021 |
Westbrook (Long Creek Watershed) | Colonel Westbrook Associates JFB and GWB Thomas Drive Development, LLC (pdf) | MEG190135 | 09/07/2016 |
Westbrook (Long Creek Watershed) | Long Creek Post Construction Storm Water GP – Transfer from Spiller Drive LLC to Oldcastle Building Envelope, Inc. d/b/a SIGCO (pdf) | MEG190136 | 12/03/2024 |
Westbrook (Long Creek Watershed) | Lake Creek Properties, LLC. - Sigco Inc (pdf) | MEG190136 | 01/13/2017 |
Westbrook (Long Creek Watershed) | Lanco Properties LLC (pdf) | MEG190126 | 08/17/2015 |
South Portland, Westbrook (Long Creek Watershed) | Long Creek Post Construction Storm Water GP - Ward Hill Realty Associates LLC 179 Ward Hill LLC (Transfer from NECG Mallside BH LLC) (pdf) | MEG190137 | 11/29/2021 |
Westbrook (Long Creek Watershed) | NECG Mallside BH LLC - Mallside Plaza (pdf) | MEG190137 | 07/25/2017 |
Westbrook (Long Creek Watershed) | Westbrook, City of (pdf) | MEG190140 | 10/02/2018 |
Bar Harbor (Waters of the State of Maine) | Bar Harbor Snow Dump, Town of [Renewal] (pdf) | MEG210008 | 08/15/2019 |
Bar Harbor (Waters of the State of Maine) | Bar Harbor Snow Dump, Town of (pdf) | MEG210008 | 12/02/2016 |
Bath (Class SB/SC Waters of the State of Maine) | Bath Snow Dump, City of [Renewal] (pdf) | MEG210006 | 10/03/2019 |
Bath (Class SB/SC Waters of the State of Maine) | Bath Snow Dump, City of (pdf) | MEG210006 | 02/22/2016 |
Boothbay Harbor (Boothbay Harbor, Class SB) | Boothbay Harbor Snow Discharge, Town of [Renewal] (pdf) | MEG210007 | 10/17/2022 |
Boothbay Harbor (Waters of the State of Maine) | Boothbay Harbor Snow Dump, Town of (pdf) | MEG210007 | 11/21/2016 |
Camden (Camden Harbor Class SB) | Camden Snow Dump, Town of [Renewal] (pdf) | MEG210005 | 08/15/2019 |
Camden (Camden Harbor/Class SB) | Camden Snow Dump, Town of (pdf) | MEG210005 | 01/25/2016 |
Damariscotta (Waters of the State of Maine) | Damariscotta, Town of (pdf) | MEG210012 | 10/16/2017 |
Rockland (Waters of the State of Maine) | Rockland Snow Dump, City of [Renewal] (pdf) | MEG210009 | 08/15/2019 |
Rockland (Waters of the State of Maine) | Rockland Snow Dump, City of (pdf) | MEG210009 | 12/13/2016 |
Rockport (Waters of the State of Maine) | Rockport Snow Dump, Town of (pdf) | MEG210010 | 12/13/2016 |
Sanford | Sanford Waste Snow, City of [Renewal] (pdf) | MEG210003 | 08/15/2019 |
Sanford | Sanford Waste Snow, City of (pdf) | MEG210003 | 12/17/2014 |
Vinalhaven (Atlantic Ocean at Carver's Cove/Class SB) | Vinalhaven, Town of (pdf) | MEG210004 | 05/21/2015 |
Bath (Ground Water) | Bath Iron Works Corp (pdf) | MEG220002 | 12/18/2015 |
Dixfield (Ground Water) | Dixfield Snow Dump, Town of [Renewal] (pdf) | MEG220001 | 10/29/2019 |
Dixfield | Dixfield, Town of (pdf) | MEG220001 | 11/04/2014 |
Fort Kent (Maine Surface Waters) | Forestry Irving Woodlands LLC Discharge of Pesticides (pdf) | MEG230002 | 07/21/2016 |
State of Maine (Maine Surface Waters) | Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (pdf) | MEG230001 | 08/03/2015 |
Auburn (Stormwaters) | Auburn Aggregates, LLC - Christian Hill Quarry (pdf) | MER05C221 | 09/06/2016 |
Auburn (Stormwaters) | RJF Morin Brick, LLC (pdf) | MER05C219 | 08/11/2016 |
Augusta (Stormwaters) | Kenway Corporation (pdf) | MER05C226 | 10/12/2016 |
Bangor (Stormwaters) | Bangor Waste Water Treatment Plant (pdf) | MER05C204 | 02/22/2016 |
Bangor (Stormwaters) | Rockland Station Grounds (pdf) | MER05C201 | 01/06/2016 |
Bethel (Stormwaters) | Gaudreau's Repair (pdf) | MER05B724 | 10/21/2016 |
Bingham (Stormwaters) | Morgan Lumber Company (pdf) | MER05C213 | 05/11/2016 |
Caribou (Stormwaters) | Merlin One LLC - Caribou Generating Station (pdf) | MER05C207 | 04/11/2016 |
Carrabassett Valley (Stormwaters) | Sugarloaf Regional Airport (pdf) | MER05C223 | 09/07/2016 |
Clinton (Stormwaters) | Chaffee Transport LLC (pdf) | MER05C208 | 04/11/2016 |
Dover-Foxcroft (Stormwaters) | Chaffee Transport, LLC (pdf) | MER05C205 | 03/07/2016 |
Ellsworth (Stormwaters) | R.F. Jordan and Sons Construction, Inc., 85 Water Street (pdf) | MER05C224 | 09/14/2016 |
Fairfield (Storm Water) | Discharge of Storm Water Associated with an Industrial Activity for BDS Waste Disposal, Inc. (pdf) | MER05C291 | 03/28/2022 |
Georgetown (Stormwaters) | Derecktor Maine, LLC dba Robinhood Marina (pdf) | MER05C206 | 03/15/2016 |
Houlton (Stormwaters) | Maine Equipment Connection (pdf) | MER05C214 | 05/25/2016 |
Lincoln (Stormwaters) | Wesley's Garage (pdf) | MER05C215 | 06/21/2016 |
Millinocket (Stormwaters) | Lee's Concrete Inc. (pdf) | MER05C217 | 07/06/2016 |
Mt. Desert (Stormwaters) | Morris Yachts, LLC (pdf) | MER05C212 | 05/10/2016 |
Naples (Stormwaters) | MLM Acquisitions, LLC - Moose Landing Marina (pdf) | MER05C228 | 11/16/2016 |
North Anson (Stormwaters) | Dirigo Timberlands (pdf) | MER05C211 | 04/29/2016 |
Old Orchard Beach (Stormwaters) | South Thomaston Used Auto Parts (pdf) | MER05C229 | 11/21/2016 |
Searsport (Stormwaters) | Owen J Folsom Inc. (pdf) | MER05C227 | 11/08/2016 |
South Portland (Stormwaters) | Global Companies LLC - Bulk Fuel Terminal (pdf) | MER05C202 | 02/03/2016 |
South Portland (Stormwaters) | MAC Jets, LLC – General Aviation Facility (pdf) | MER05C216 | 07/06/2016 |
St. Albans (Stormwaters) | Sebasticook Lumber LLC (pdf) | MER05C222 | 09/06/2016 |
Topsham (Stormwaters) | Precast Concrete Products of Maine (pdf) | MER05C203 | 02/22/2016 |
Trenton (Stormwaters) | Morris Yachts LLC (pdf) | MER05C210 | 04/26/2016 |
Waterville (Stormwaters) | Somerset Paper & Pulp Mill (pdf) | MER05C200 | 12/04/2015 |
West Enfield (Stormwaters) | Covanta Maine LLC (pdf) | MER05C209 | 04/25/2016 |
Winslow (Stormwaters) | MidState Machine (pdf) | MER05C218 | 07/19/2016 |
Winthrop (Cobbosseecontee/Cobbossee Lake) | Cobbosseecontee/Cobbossee Lake (pdf) | MEG150007 | 07/15/2019 |
Yarmouth (Stormwaters) | YBY Acquisitions, LLC, Yarmouth Boat Yard (pdf) | MER05B972 | 11/16/2016 |
Final NPDES Permit Issued to Acadia Aquaculture
EPA NE issued a final permit to Acadia Aquaculture Inc. on February 21, 2002 for the regulation of discharges from a proposed Atlantic salmon growing net pen facility in Blue Hill Bay, Maine. Links to the Final Permit and the Response to Comments are provided below. Information on viewing the administrative record and receiving hard copies of the permit may be obtained from the contact listed below.
Contact: Eric Nelson ([email protected])
- Final NPDES Permit Issued February 21, 2002 to Acadia Aquaculture Inc. (pdf)
- Response to Comments - February 21, 2002 on the Proposed Issuance of and NPDES permit to Acadia Aquaculture Inc. (pdf)
Retired (Terminated) Permits
City / Town (Receiving Water) | Applicant / Facility Name | Permit Number | Date of Issuance |
Augusta (Maine Surface or Groundwaters) | Department of Marine Resources - Cutler Net Pen Site (pdf) | ME0002828 | 07/27/2023 |
Belfast (Tidewaters of Belfast, Passagassawakeag River/Class SB) | Penobscot McCrum, LLC (pdf) | ME0023043 | 08/01/2023 |
Bowdoinham (West Branch of the Cathance River/Class B) | RSU 75 Bowdoinham Community School OBD (pdf) | ME0102776 | 09/27/2022 |
Caribou (Aroostook River/Class B) | Merlin One LLC (pdf) | ME0000361 | 11/05/2019 |
Columbia Falls (Richardson Brook) | Downeast Salmon Federation (pdf) | ME0002747 | 07/27/2023 |
Fort Fairfield (Aroostook River/Class C) | ReEnergy Black River LLC (pdf) | ME0023329 | 03/17/2020 |
Franklin (Georges Pond/Class GPA) | George's Pond (pdf) | ME0002810 | 09/20/2021 |
Frenchville (St. John River/Class B) | Mountain Springs Trout Farm (pdf) | ME0110451 | 03/05/2019 |
Fryeburg | Maine Pure (pdf) | MEU508254 | 07/27/2017 |
Gouldsboro (Frenchman's Bay) | Great Bay Aquaculture of Maine, LLC (Stave Island) (pdf) | ME0037303 | 03/11/2014 |
Gouldsboro (Prospect Harbor/Class SB) | Maine Fair Trade Lobster [Rescinding Request to Terminate Permit - Canceling Termination] (pdf) | ME0000710 | 09/24/2021 |
Gouldsboro (Prospect Harbor/Class SB) | Maine Fair Trade Lobster (pdf) | ME0000710 | 09/20/2021 |
Gray (Groundwater/Class GW-A) | Pineland Farms Diary Company (pdf) | MEU508262 | 11/29/2018 |
Hermon (Groundwater/Class GW-A) | Hermon Car Wash (pdf) | MEU508234 | 02/04/2020 |
Hermon (Groundwater/Class GW-A) | Hermon MHP LLC (pdf) | MEU507690 | 10/18/2022 |
Jay (Sevenmile Stream/Class B) | North Jay Wastewater Treatment Facility (pdf) | ME0101061 | 11/10/2020 |
Livermore Falls (Androscoggin River/Class C) | Otis Hydro Station (pdf) | ME0036714 | 12/12/2018 |
Lubec (Lubec Narrows/Class SB) | ISF Trading Company, Inc. (pdf) | ME0110281 | 09/04/2013 |
Newport (Groundwater/Class GW-A) | RSU #19 Nokomis Regional High School (pdf) | MEU507162 | 02/04/2020 |
Old Town (Penobscot River) | Great Works Hydro Project (pdf) | ME0036651 | 01/15/2014 |
Orono (Stillwater River/Class B) | University of Maine (pdf) | ME0002798 | 04/26/2024 |
Orono (Stillwater River) | University of Maine (pdf) | ME0090662 | 11/17/2016 |
Oxford | MGA Cast Stone, Inc. (pdf) | MEU508258 | 12/20/2016 |
Parsonsfield (Long Pond) | Long Pond Association (pdf) | ME0002836 | 05/01/2024 |
Portland (Fore River/Class SC) | Fresh Atlantic USA (pdf) | ME0036943 | 08/13/2024 |
Portland (Tidewaters of Portland/Class SC) | IDEALS – Initiative for Digital Engineering and Life Sciences (pdf) | ME0001741 | 08/16/2024 |
Portland (Fore River/Class SC) | ISF Trading Company Hobson's Wharf (pdf) | ME0023957 | 08/04/2022 |
Portland | South Bristol Wharf, LLC (pdf) | ME0023272 | 04/19/2013 |
Presque Isle (Presque Isle Stream/Class B) | Presque Isle Utilities District (pdf) | ME0102679 | 06/21/2016 |
Saint Agatha (St. John River) | Saint Agatha WPCF, Town of (pdf) | ME0100609 | 09/13/2013 |
Saint George | Port Clyde Fresh Catch Inc. (pdf) | ME0037281 | 05/18/2016 |
Sanford (Mousam River/Class C) | Roehm America LLC - formerly Evonik Cyro (pdf) | ME0022267 | 12/14/2021 |
Scarborough (Tidewaters of Scarborough (Jones Creek)/Class SB) | Bayley's Quality Seafood (pdf) | ME0110221 | 05/08/2024 |
Shapleigh | Waterways Inc. (pdf) | MEU508129 | 12/13/2017 |
Sorrento (Frenchman's Bay) | Great Bay Aquaculture of Maine, LLC (Preble Island) (pdf) | ME0036960 | 03/11/2014 |
Vassalboro (Vassalboro (Outlet Stream/Class B)) | Vassalboro Sanitary District POTW - Cemetery Street Facility (pdf) | ME0102661 | 02/19/2021 |
Vassalboro (Vassalboro (Outlet Stream/Class B)) | Vassalboro Sanitary District POTW - East Facility (pdf) | ME0100692 | 02/19/2021 |
Vassalboro (Vassalboro (Outlet Stream/Class B)) | Vassalboro Sanitary District POTW - North Main Pump Station (pdf) | ME0102652 | 02/11/2020 |
Veazie (Penobscot River) | Veazie Hydro Project (pdf) | ME0001686 | 01/15/2014 |
No Impact Letter
City / Town (Receiving Water) | Applicant / Facility Name | Permit Number | Date of Issuance |
Bremen | Muscongus Bay Aquaculture (pdf) | N/A | 05/12/2016 |
Walpole | Mook Sea Farm (pdf) | N/A | 05/12/2016 |
Please note that stormwater permit information is available at our NPDES Stormwater Permit Program in New England page.