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Displaying 226 - 240 of 266 results
EPA Region 7 Fines Hawkins Inc. of Camanche, Iowa, for Alleged Hazardous Waste Violations
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Fines Hawkins Inc. of Camanche, Iowa, for Alleged Hazardous Waste Violations
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EPA Pacific Southwest Region Emergency Response Team Earns Prestigious Public Service Award for Maui Wildfires Response
EPA Clean School Bus Team was honored as a finalist for the Science, Technology, and Environment award
EPA News Release: EPA Pacific Southwest Region Emergency Response Team Earns Prestigious Public Service Award for Maui Wildfires Response
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La EPA emite una alerta de acatamiento para abordar la importación ilegal de hidrofluorocarbonos a los Estados Unidos
La EPA aumenta los esfuerzos de aplicación de la ley civil y penal debido a la eliminación global de los HFC, un súper contaminante climático
EPA News Release: La EPA emite una alerta de acatamiento para abordar la importación ilegal de hidrofluorocarbonos a los Estados Unidos
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EPA Announces Settlement with Federal Cartridge Co. in Anoka, Minnesota, for Alleged Clean Air Act Violations
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Settlement with Federal Cartridge Co. in Anoka, Minnesota, for Alleged Clean Air Act Violations
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EPA Issues Enforcement Alert to Address Illegal Import of Hydrofluorocarbons into the United States
EPA increasing civil and criminal enforcement efforts due to the global phasedown of HFCs, a climate super pollutant
EPA News Release: EPA Issues Enforcement Alert to Address Illegal Import of Hydrofluorocarbons into the United States
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $7.5 billion in Available Financing for Water Infrastructure Projects
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $7.5 billion in Available Financing for Water Infrastructure Projects
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $232 Million in Grants to Clean Up Brownfield Sites, Address Legacy Pollution, Advance Environmental Justice, and Spur Economic Revitalization
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $232 Million in Grants to Clean Up Brownfield Sites, Address Legacy Pollution, Advance Environmental Justice, and Spur Economic Revitalization
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Biden-Harris Administration announces grant over $6.6 million to Narragansett Indian Tribe to cut climate pollution and accelerate clean energy transition
Funded by President Biden's Investing in America Agenda, EPA announces 34 selected Tribal and territory applications through the competitive Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces grant over $6.6 million to Narragansett Indian Tribe to cut climate pollution and accelerate clean energy transition
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EPA Announces Over $13M in Grants to Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska to Cut Climate Pollution and Accelerate Clean Energy Transition
Funded by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, EPA announces 34 selected tribal and territory applications through the competitive Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Over $13M in Grants to Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska to Cut Climate Pollution and Accelerate Clean Energy Transition
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La EPA y el Servicio Forestal publican el mapa actualizado de incendios y humo de AirNow
El mapa actualizado se carga más rápidamente, incluye información adicional para ayudar a proteger a las personas del humo de los incendios forestales
EPA News Release: La EPA y el Servicio Forestal publican el mapa actualizado de incendios y humo de AirNow
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EPA begins next phase of cleanup at Bainbridge Island Wyckoff Superfund site
$80 million from Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds next 3 years of work
EPA News Release: EPA begins next phase of cleanup at Bainbridge Island Wyckoff Superfund site
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EPA Finalizes Policy for Meaningful Engagement and Public Participation in Agency Decision-Making Processes
Updated policy helps ensure that EPA staff are meaningfully engaging with the American public on environmental and public health issues
EPA News Release: EPA Finalizes Policy for Meaningful Engagement and Public Participation in Agency Decision-Making Processes
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EPA and Forest Service Release Updated AirNow Fire and Smoke Map
Updated map loads more quickly, includes additional information to help protect people from wildfire smoke
EPA News Release: EPA and Forest Service Release Updated AirNow Fire and Smoke Map
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Biden-Harris Administration announces over $1.5 million grant to Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation to cut climate pollution and accelerate clean energy transition
Funded by President Biden's Investing in America Agenda, EPA announces 34 selected Tribal and territory applications through the competitive Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces over $1.5 million grant to Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation to cut climate pollution and accelerate clean energy transition
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces over $1.3 Million to Fort Independence Indian Community to Cut Climate Pollution, Accelerate Clean Energy Transition
Funded by the Administration’s Investing in America Agenda, the EPA selected 34 Tribal and territory applications through the competitive Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces over $1.3 Million to Fort Independence Indian Community to Cut Climate Pollution, Accelerate Clean Energy Transition
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