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Displaying 91 - 105 of 200 results
EPA announces $50 million grant to King County to cut climate pollution, improve air quality, and advance environmental justice
EPA News Release: EPA announces $50 million grant to King County to cut climate pollution, improve air quality, and advance environmental justice
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $49 Million for the City of New Orleans to Develop Community-Driven Solutions to Cut Climate Pollution Across Louisiana
Funded by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, EPA announces selected applications through competitive Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program to tackle climate change, improve air quality, and advance environmental justice
As part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced the City of New Orleans will receive $49,975,589 from the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant.
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EPA and Partners Celebrate $1M Through Investing in America Agenda for Northern New Mexico Brownfields Programs
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and New Mexico elected officials celebrated $1 million in Brownfields grants to Santa Fe Community College (SFCC) and the City of Raton from President Biden’s Investing in America agenda.
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North Carolina and three other Atlantic states to benefit from $421,238,074 Biden-Harris Administration investment for community-driven solutions to cut climate pollution
Funded by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, EPA announces selected applications through competitive Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program to tackle climate change, improve air quality, and advance environmental justice
EPA News Release: North Carolina and three other Atlantic states to benefit from $421,238,074 Biden-Harris Administration investment for community-driven solutions to cut climate pollution
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $47 Million for the City of Austin to Develop Community-Driven Solutions to Cut Climate Pollution Across Texas
Funded by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, EPA announces selected applications through competitive Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program to tackle climate change, improve air quality, and advance environmental justice
As part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced the City of Austin will receive $47,854,062 from the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant to implement community-driven solutions.
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Virginia DEQ Selection as Part of Coalitions to Receive Grants for Community-Driven Solutions to Cut Climate Pollution
Funded by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, EPA announces selected applications through competitive Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program to tackle climate change, improve air quality, and advance environmental justice
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Virginia DEQ Selection as Part of Coalitions to Receive Grants for Community-Driven Solutions to Cut Climate Pollution
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EPA announces $38 million to cut climate pollution, improve air quality, and advance environmental justice in Alaska
EPA News Release: EPA announces $38 million to cut climate pollution, improve air quality, and advance environmental justice in Alaska
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Delaware to benefit from $248 million grant for community-driven solutions to cut climate pollution
Department of Transportation is part of a coalition selected by the EPA to receive portion of a Climate Pollution Reduction Grant to tackle climate change, improve air quality, and advance environmental justice
EPA News Release: Delaware to benefit from $248 million grant for community-driven solutions to cut climate pollution
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EPA announces nearly $200 million to cut climate pollution and advance environmental justice in Oregon
EPA News Release: EPA announces nearly $200 million to cut climate pollution and advance environmental justice in Oregon
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EPA Announces More Than $430 Million to Illinois for Community-Driven Solutions to Cut Climate Pollution
Funded by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, EPA announces selected applications through competitive Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program to tackle climate change, improve air quality, and advance environmental justice
EPA News Release: EPA Announces More Than $430 Million to Illinois for Community-Driven Solutions to Cut Climate Pollution
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EPA Announces $3 Million for Community-Driven Solutions to Cut Climate Pollution Across the Hudson Valley in New York
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $3 Million for Community-Driven Solutions to Cut Climate Pollution Across the Hudson Valley in New York
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Connecticut to benefit from over $700 million in grants for community-driven solutions to cut climate pollution across New England
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection and the City of New Haven selected by the EPA to receive Climate Pollution Reduction Grants to tackle climate change, improve air quality, and advance environmental justice
EPA News Release: Connecticut to benefit from over $700 million in grants for community-driven solutions to cut climate pollution across New England
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Massachusetts to benefit from a $450 million grant for community-driven solutions to cut climate pollution across New England
Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources is part of a coalition selected by the EPA to receive a $450 million Climate Pollution Reduction Grant to tackle climate change, improve air quality, and advance environmental justice
EPA News Release: Massachusetts to benefit from a $450 million grant for community-driven solutions to cut climate pollution across New England
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New Hampshire to benefit from a $450 million grant for community-driven solutions to cut climate pollution across New England
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services is part of a coalition selected by the EPA to receive a $450 million Climate Pollution Reduction Grant to tackle climate change, improve air quality, and advance environmental justice
EPA News Release: New Hampshire to benefit from a $450 million grant for community-driven solutions to cut climate pollution across New England
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La Administración Biden-Harris anuncia $4.3 mil millones en subvenciones para soluciones impulsadas por la comunidad para reducir la contaminación climática en Estados Unidos
Gracias al programa Invertir en Estados Unidos del presidente Biden, la EPA anuncia 25 solicitudes seleccionadas a través del competitivo programa de Subvenciones para la Reducción de la Contaminación Climática para abordar el cambio climático
Comunicado de prensa de la EPA: La Administración Biden-Harris anuncia $4.3 mil millones en subvenciones para soluciones impulsadas por la comunidad para reducir la contaminación climática en todos los Estados Unidos
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