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Displaying 256 - 270 of 368 results
EPA Proposes Former Uranium Mining District on Navajo Nation for Superfund National Priorities List
EPA News Release: EPA Proposes Former Uranium Mining District on Navajo Nation for Superfund National Priorities List
- Release Date:
Biden-Harris Administration Announces $3 Million to Wisconsin to Plan Innovative Projects to Tackle Climate Pollution Across the State
Funds from EPA’s New Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Program were made possible by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $3 Million to Wisconsin to Plan Innovative Projects to Tackle Climate Pollution Across the State
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EPA's Finalization of "Good Neighbor" Plan will reduce transport of harmful air pollution to Connecticut
EPA News Release: EPA's Finalization of "Good Neighbor" Plan will reduce transport of harmful air pollution to Connecticut
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EPA and Colorado release final enforcement and compliance workplan to prioritize heavily polluted communities
EPA News Release: EPA and Colorado release final enforcement and compliance workplan to prioritize heavily polluted communities
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EPA Announces $3 Million For New York to Plan Innovative Climate Projects Across the State
Funds from EPA’s New Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Program were made possible by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $3 Million For New York to Plan Innovative Climate Projects Across the State
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EPA Continues Oversight of Cleanup Operations Performed by TC Energy Near Washington, Kansas
EPA News Release: EPA Continues Oversight of Cleanup Operations Performed by TC Energy Near Washington, Kansas
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EPA Seeks Public Input on Proposed Plan to Address Newly Discovered Contamination at the Matlack Inc. Superfund Site in NJ
EPA News Release: EPA Seeks Public Input on Proposed Plan to Address Newly Discovered Contamination at the Matlack Inc. Superfund Site in NJ
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EPA to Add Oklahoma Superfund Site to the National Priorities List
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is proposing to add the Fansteel Metals Superfund site to the National Priorities List. The NPL is a roster of the nation’s most contaminated sites that threaten human health or the environment.
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EPA Agreement Requires Guanica-Caribe Land Development Corp. to Remove Contaminated Soil From Properties at Ochoa Fertilizer Co. Superfund Site in Puerto Rico
EPA News Release: EPA Agreement Requires Guanica-Caribe Land Development Corp. to Remove Contaminated Soil From Properties at Ochoa Fertilizer Co. Superfund Site in Puerto Rico
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Acuerdo de la EPA exige que Guánica-Caribe Land Development Corp. elimine terrenos contaminados de las propiedades de Superfundo de Ochoa Fertilizer Co. en Puerto Rico
EPA News Release: Acuerdo de la EPA exige que Guánica-Caribe Land Development Corp. elimine terrenos contaminados de las propiedades de Superfundo de Ochoa Fertilizer Co. en Puerto Rico
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EPA Announces $3 Million for Hawaii to Plan Innovative Climate Projects Across the State
Funds from EPA’s new Climate Pollution Reduction Grant program made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $3 Million for Hawaii to Plan Innovative Climate Projects Across the State
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EPA to Add Louisiana Superfund Site to the National Priorities List
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is proposing to add the Louisiana Superfund site Capitol Lakes to the National Priorities List. The NPL is a roster of the nation’s most contaminated sites that threaten human health or the environment.
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EPA and HHS Encourage States to Utilize Federal Resources for Lead Detection and Mitigation in Early Care and Education Settings
EPA News Release: EPA and HHS Encourage States to Utilize Federal Resources for Lead Detection and Mitigation in Early Care and Education Settings
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EPA and DOE Honor 2023 ENERGY STAR® Partners of the Year Award Winners
EPA News Release: EPA and DOE Honor 2023 ENERGY STAR® Partners of the Year Award Winners
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EPA Honors New England Organizations as 2023 ENERGY STAR Partners of the Year
Companies and Organizations in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont
EPA News Release: EPA Honors New England Organizations as 2023 ENERGY STAR Partners of the Year
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